Does 2nd Amendment Apply Outside the Home?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2013
Last week, in a 2-1 decision, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a restriction on carrying concealed handguns. The court held that carrying a handgun “outside the home for the lawful purpose of self-defense, though subject to traditional restrictions, constitutes ‘bear[ing] Arms’ within the meaning of the Second Amendment.”

The question of whether the Second Amendment right to bear arms extends to the public is contentious. The 7th Circuit agrees with the 9th Circuit that carrying a gun outside the home is protected by the Constitution, but other courts (the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Circuits) are unsettled on the issue.

Few people, if any, would dare suggest that any of the other Bill of Rights be limited to the privacy of one’s home. This issue should be a no-brainer.

Few people, if any, would dare suggest that any of the other Bill of Rights be limited to the privacy of one’s home.

Does free speech end in the home? No. Do Fourth Amendment privacy rights end in the home? No. So why should the right to bear arms end in the home?

Rights outside the home are sometimes more limited, but they always exist. The right to privacy, for example, is reduced outside the home because of the lowered expectation of privacy. But the Fourth Amendment still applies outside the home.

First Amendment rights to free speech also exist outside the home, albeit in a more limited fashion. For example, the government has a right to impose content-neutral, reasonable time, place and manner restrictions, on expression in public.

The Constitution seeks to balance individual rights with the need for government to ensure public safety. Restrictions on gun ownership and on carrying a firearm are constitutionally permissible. Universal background checks are constitutional and a good idea. Required training and background checks to obtain a concealed carry permit are permissible.

Regulating the carrying of guns in public makes sense, but unreasonably restricting the right to defend oneself with a gun outside the home conflicts with how every other right is applied.

Eugene Volokh, a professor of constitutional law at UCLA, that explained
"California's rules . . . [on concealed carry] . . . are essentially unconstitutional because the rule is: your right to carry a gun is at the mercy of the sheriff." Imagine having a sheriff arbitrarily decide who can exercise their right to free speech or right to privacy. How is this any different?

Proponents of the right to gun ownership in public point to the Second Amendment’s language
“keep and bear arms.” Logically, the right should not only be to “keep” but also to “bear” firearms. The verb “bear” would mean to carry outside the home.

But one does not need to only scrutinize the language of the amendment to understand that all of the Bill of Rights extends beyond the home. The Second Amendment is no exception.

In 2008
and 2010
, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that owning a firearm, for traditionally lawful purposes, is an individual right protected by the Second Amendment , subject to reasonable regulation by the government.

The Supreme Court, however, did not yet decide the issue of whether gun rights extend outside the home. When they do decide this issue, it must be consistent with the fact that the rest of the Bill of Rights extends to the public.
Last week, in a 2-1 decision, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a restriction on carrying concealed handguns. The court held that carrying a handgun “outside the home for the lawful purpose of self-defense, though subject to traditional restrictions, constitutes ‘bear[ing] Arms’ within the meaning of the Second Amendment.”

The question of whether the Second Amendment right to bear arms extends to the public is contentious. The 7th Circuit agrees with the 9th Circuit that carrying a gun outside the home is protected by the Constitution, but other courts (the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Circuits) are unsettled on the issue.

Few people, if any, would dare suggest that any of the other Bill of Rights be limited to the privacy of one’s home. This issue should be a no-brainer.

Few people, if any, would dare suggest that any of the other Bill of Rights be limited to the privacy of one’s home.

Does free speech end in the home? No. Do Fourth Amendment privacy rights end in the home? No. So why should the right to bear arms end in the home?

Rights outside the home are sometimes more limited, but they always exist. The right to privacy, for example, is reduced outside the home because of the lowered expectation of privacy. But the Fourth Amendment still applies outside the home.

First Amendment rights to free speech also exist outside the home, albeit in a more limited fashion. For example, the government has a right to impose content-neutral, reasonable time, place and manner restrictions, on expression in public.

The Constitution seeks to balance individual rights with the need for government to ensure public safety. Restrictions on gun ownership and on carrying a firearm are constitutionally permissible. Universal background checks are constitutional and a good idea. Required training and background checks to obtain a concealed carry permit are permissible.

Regulating the carrying of guns in public makes sense, but unreasonably restricting the right to defend oneself with a gun outside the home conflicts with how every other right is applied.

Eugene Volokh, a professor of constitutional law at UCLA, that explained
"California's rules . . . [on concealed carry] . . . are essentially unconstitutional because the rule is: your right to carry a gun is at the mercy of the sheriff." Imagine having a sheriff arbitrarily decide who can exercise their right to free speech or right to privacy. How is this any different?

Proponents of the right to gun ownership in public point to the Second Amendment’s language
“keep and bear arms.” Logically, the right should not only be to “keep” but also to “bear” firearms. The verb “bear” would mean to carry outside the home.

But one does not need to only scrutinize the language of the amendment to understand that all of the Bill of Rights extends beyond the home. The Second Amendment is no exception.

In 2008
and 2010
, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that owning a firearm, for traditionally lawful purposes, is an individual right protected by the Second Amendment , subject to reasonable regulation by the government.

The Supreme Court, however, did not yet decide the issue of whether gun rights extend outside the home. When they do decide this issue, it must be consistent with the fact that the rest of the Bill of Rights extends to the public.

With regards to your comment about the First Amendment, I must vehemently disagree. No where does it say in the First Amendment that government has the "right to impose content-neutral, reasonable time, place and manner restrictions, on expression in public". Furthermore, government does not have the right to presume that the People will not peaceably assemble ... unless, and until, the absence of peaceful assembly is clear and present. Remember that the Bill of Rights wasn't crafted to "give" We, the People our rights. Our rights are natural, or God-given. It was crafted to LIMIT GOVERNMENT. If the authority isn't granted to government in the Constitution, such authority DOES NOT EXIST.

Our Founders were wise. Not perfect. Wise. They understood human nature. They understood the temptations of government becoming tyrannical. They knew about that slippery slope long before we named it as such.

With regards to the Second Amendment ... no where does the Bill of Rights give government the authority to deem anyone of us a "potential" or "future" threat. No where does it give the government the right to place restrictions on gun ownership, or the right to bear arms. What part of "shall not be infringed" didn't you get? Furthermore, NO COURT has the authority to legislate from the bench. "... subject to reasonable regulation by the government"? What? Au contraire. That roars with infringement! There goes that slippery slope again.
With regards to your comment about the First Amendment, I must vehemently disagree. No where does it say in the First Amendment that government has the "right to impose content-neutral, reasonable time, place and manner restrictions, on expression in public". Furthermore, government does not have the right to presume that the People will not peaceably assemble ... unless, and until, the absence of peaceful assembly is clear and present. Remember that the Bill of Rights wasn't crafted to "give" We, the People our rights. Our rights are natural, or God-given. It was crafted to LIMIT GOVERNMENT. If the authority isn't granted to government in the Constitution, such authority DOES NOT EXIST.

Our Founders were wise. Not perfect. Wise. They understood human nature. They understood the temptations of government becoming tyrannical. They knew about that slippery slope long before we named it as such.

With regards to the Second Amendment ... no where does the Bill of Rights give government the authority to deem anyone of us a "potential" or "future" threat. No where does it give the government the right to place restrictions on gun ownership, or the right to bear arms. What part of "shall not be infringed" didn't you get? Furthermore, NO COURT has the authority to legislate from the bench. "... subject to reasonable regulation by the government"? What? Au contraire. That roars with infringement! There goes that slippery slope again.

Im pretty well lost as to what you just said...Honestly can't even tell if you just said yes or no to the to try again?
Last week, in a 2-1 decision, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a restriction on carrying concealed handguns. The court held that carrying a handgun “outside the home for the lawful purpose of self-defense, though subject to traditional restrictions, constitutes ‘bear[ing] Arms’ within the meaning of the Second Amendment.”

The question of whether the Second Amendment right to bear arms extends to the public is contentious. The 7th Circuit agrees with the 9th Circuit that carrying a gun outside the home is protected by the Constitution, but other courts (the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Circuits) are unsettled on the issue.

Few people, if any, would dare suggest that any of the other Bill of Rights be limited to the privacy of one’s home. This issue should be a no-brainer.

Few people, if any, would dare suggest that any of the other Bill of Rights be limited to the privacy of one’s home.

Does free speech end in the home? No. Do Fourth Amendment privacy rights end in the home? No. So why should the right to bear arms end in the home?

Rights outside the home are sometimes more limited, but they always exist. The right to privacy, for example, is reduced outside the home because of the lowered expectation of privacy. But the Fourth Amendment still applies outside the home.

First Amendment rights to free speech also exist outside the home, albeit in a more limited fashion. For example, the government has a right to impose content-neutral, reasonable time, place and manner restrictions, on expression in public.

The Constitution seeks to balance individual rights with the need for government to ensure public safety. Restrictions on gun ownership and on carrying a firearm are constitutionally permissible. Universal background checks are constitutional and a good idea. Required training and background checks to obtain a concealed carry permit are permissible.

Regulating the carrying of guns in public makes sense, but unreasonably restricting the right to defend oneself with a gun outside the home conflicts with how every other right is applied.

Eugene Volokh, a professor of constitutional law at UCLA, that explained
"California's rules . . . [on concealed carry] . . . are essentially unconstitutional because the rule is: your right to carry a gun is at the mercy of the sheriff." Imagine having a sheriff arbitrarily decide who can exercise their right to free speech or right to privacy. How is this any different?

Proponents of the right to gun ownership in public point to the Second Amendment’s language
“keep and bear arms.” Logically, the right should not only be to “keep” but also to “bear” firearms. The verb “bear” would mean to carry outside the home.

But one does not need to only scrutinize the language of the amendment to understand that all of the Bill of Rights extends beyond the home. The Second Amendment is no exception.

In 2008
and 2010
, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that owning a firearm, for traditionally lawful purposes, is an individual right protected by the Second Amendment , subject to reasonable regulation by the government.

The Supreme Court, however, did not yet decide the issue of whether gun rights extend outside the home. When they do decide this issue, it must be consistent with the fact that the rest of the Bill of Rights extends to the public.
I only answer you to show others how dishonest your posts are

Justice Clarence Thomas : “It is extremely improbable that the Framers understood the Second Amendment to protect little more than carrying a gun from the bedroom to the kitchen.”
go buy a fully auto machine gun...wait what?
Assult weapons ban, countless lawsuits, all stood
Even the DC case, if you actually read , stated that there is a right to regulate...only that this had gone to far
Actually Heller stood on centuries of precedent
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, for example, lauded Professor Joyce Lee Malcolm’s “excellent study” of English gun rights

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