Kamala tells Palestinian protestors how she really feels.

Kackles has supportet terrorists of various sects and cults, displaying her hatred for America and Israel.
I assume you'll show the link to this or are you starting another silly rumour like the courts never disproved fraud.

You good at inventing bullshit about your enemies.
I assume you'll show the link to this or are you starting another silly rumour like the courts never disproved fraud.
You good at inventing bullshit about your enemies.
Kackles is on the record supporting Hamas genocidalists from the river to the sea and no democrat has ever proved the 2020 election was without major evidence of massive fraud.
Another liar like Gabriel. Biden can stop Israel anytime he wants with one phone call. Period. Not voting Kamala is not the same as supporting Trump. You’re propagating a mainstream media talking point. Congratulations, tool. The Palestinians are already dying in mass numbers including in concentration camps where they get raped by the IDF. It doesn’t get any worse than that. We’re already at the worst point for them. So it doesn’t matter to argue Trump would be worse. October 7th doesn’t matter anymore frankly. Anything short of “Israel are modern day Nazis and must be stopped” is an injustice to say.

No Biden can't stop that war with just one phone call. Biden has been trying to stop that war for months but netanyahu doesn't want to stop it.

In fact there''s an article on CNN today about the leader of Hamas wants a cease fire but netanyahu doesn't. He is determined to wipe out Palestinians.

You are not dealing with reality if you think that Biden can stop the war with one phone call. What would he say on that call to stop the war and netanyahu will listen? The answer to that is NOTHING.

Hamas started this. What they did was sick. What netanyahu is doing is also sick. He should have hunted those responsible down, captured them then let the Israel justice system do its job but netanyahu doesn't want that. He want's to wipe out all the Palestinians.

Any vote that isn't for Harris is a vote for trump. Your vote for a third party candidate will help trump be elected. If that happens, say goodbye to the Palestinians. They will be wiped off the face of the map and you can have your vote to be a part of what caused it.

You are attacking someone who mostly agrees with you about what is happening to the Palestinians. I thought you might listen but you are way too filled with hate to listen to reason.

Have fun helping netanyhu wipe Palestinians off the face of the map. You are no friend to the Palestinians.
No Biden can't stop that war with just one phone call. Biden has been trying to stop that war for months but netanyahu doesn't want to stop it.

In fact there''s an article on CNN today about the leader of Hamas wants a cease fire but netanyahu doesn't. He is determined to wipe out Palestinians.

You are not dealing with reality if you think that Biden can stop the war with one phone call. What would he say on that call to stop the war and netanyahu will listen? The answer to that is NOTHING.

Hamas started this. What they did was sick. What netanyahu is doing is also sick. He should have hunted those responsible down, captured them then let the Israel justice system do its job but netanyahu doesn't want that. He want's to wipe out all the Palestinians.

Any vote that isn't for Harris is a vote for trump. Your vote for a third party candidate will help trump be elected. If that happens, say goodbye to the Palestinians. They will be wiped off the face of the map and you can have your vote to be a part of what caused it.

You are attacking someone who mostly agrees with you about what is happening to the Palestinians. I thought you might listen but you are way too filled with hate to listen to reason.

Have fun helping netanyhu wipe Palestinians off the face of the map. You are no friend to the Palestinians.
He has not been trying for months. He’s been funding and arming them. He could say we’re cutting off the weapons and money and we’re going to sanction you and that will work if they want to survive. You support a non solution and are propagating to me that I need to be just like you. I’ll always have hostility towards someone like that. Biden has been insulting mine and many others intelligence for more than half a year now gaslighting this shit. He’s taken so much money from Israel that it’s obvious what’s going on here. A vote for Kamala or Biden is a vote for the shitty ineffectual corporate status quo. And while I agree that Trump is tyrannical, he is a symptom of our shitty ass political system. People like Biden or Harris cause him to come about in the first place. If Harris wants my vote she better make it crystal clear that she’s on the protestors side and not the Israeli lobby and go to war with these fuckers (the lobby not the country). This is not an agree to disagree issue what’s happening to the Palestinians. Defending Biden is supporting genocide because his position has completely enabled it. So you’re no friend to Palestinians. I’m the one who actually values their lives and directs my anger about it to who’s all responsible for it which definitely includes genocide fucking Joe.
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And to all you idiot assholes, even if Biden’s phone call didn’t stop Netanyahu he could still try to do it. 🤯 I know right. He could still try to do the right thing. Whoever heard of that? You thought we needed donors permission. And you know what he could do after that??? Maintain the position that he’s against genocide and make sure he’s doing everything he can to ensure that the US isn’t a part of this anymore.
You do not not know what Biden has discussed with Netanyahu. You do not know Netanyahu or the size of his weapons stockpile well enough to say anything that makes sense.
You do not not know what Biden has discussed with Netanyahu. You do not know Netanyahu or the size of his weapons stockpile well enough to say anything that makes sense.
I know what Biden has made public about his opinions on the matter. And it’s all been a bunch of craven gaslighting *********. Not nearly enough condemnation. Just that he’s mad at certain points but still always funding them.
I know that Biden definitely hasn’t done anything to make sure US isn’t part of Israel’s genocide anymore. So that’s my main point for the day that none of you gaslighting neoliberals will be able to refute.
Kackles is on the record supporting Hamas genocidalists from the river to the sea and no democrat has ever proved the 2020 election was without major evidence of massive fraud.
I'll assume you don't have a link and it's basically your dementia kicking in again.
Have a lie down.
You do not not know what Biden has discussed with Netanyahu. You do not know Netanyahu or the size of his weapons stockpile well enough to say anything that makes sense.
Biden, like Obama and Kackles, essentially told Netanyahu to kiss their barbarian river to the sea mass murdering butts.
I refute your inference that people should vote for Trump as the best way to promote an end to a war in the Middle East.
There are just TWO choices, and voting for Trump is the WRONG one.
I refute your inference that people should vote for Trump as the best way to promote an end to a war in the Middle East.
There are just TWO choices, and voting for Trump is the WRONG one.
I’m not voting for Trump, you two party system propagandist. Biden has already made it as bad as it needs to be for these people to justify not voting for him.
People like you (and Hillary) deserve to lose and I’ll be right there if it happens to explain how out of touch you were. I can’t say when anymore because Biden is no longer running. But if you lose it’ll be because Kamala couldn’t win over the progressives because she kept siding with donors and doing shit like this. I’m actually glad that Biden won’t be losing anymore because his age was going to be propagated as the reason. Now Palestine will be a better referendum for the election.