Kamala tells Palestinian protestors how she really feels.

Because I don’t support a true non solution candidate and hate our two party system that disenfranchises everyone for the donors?
Because all you do is bitch, bitch, bitch, constantly. It serves no purpose to do his here as no one here has any power to change the political system, even if you don't like it.
Neo-liberalism doesn’t work anymore. It doesn’t matter if you get Taylor Swift involved or whatever the fuck. As of right now democrats are just as bad as republicans in their own way. I want to fix that.
At least Trump understands the concept of doing what his voters want him to.
Trump understands what people fear and hate and he plays to it. They are idiots and usually elect an idiot.

Usually candidates like that win.
90% of people in USA are of very low IQ. Look at the how they revere a god that doesn't exist.
Look how no republicans denounced the j6 fascist takeover. They are idiots.

If you ignore most of your voters pleas to stop a genocide, the crime of all crimes, then that only makes you a weaker candidate.
That's your opinion and has no supporting evidence.
The current war is on of hundreds over there and will never stop while religion is involved.

Israel is a republican cause ultimately. They want republicans to win. Democrats have nothing to gain from them.
That's a feeble excuse. If Trump was elected he would have no choice but to continue to help Israel.

Your political position is skewed towards emotion and sentiment. You mentioned how young people are heading to trump because of the war but the polling doesn't say that.
No one will vote in numbers with a war on the other side of the earth getting a preference. Fuck terrorism. Let him eliminate all of them.
She said if you want Trump to win then just keep protesting against genocide. Ok well fuck you bitch. We’ll let Trump win then. How do you like that? People like you will be the first assholes he comes after if this becomes a dictatorship. We’ll watch the world burn you stupid whore before we stand by in ignorance as you let Israel murder innocent children and start a war with Iran and let our god damn soldiers die for it. Fuck you cunt. Hide behind your dumbass supporters trying to drown out the truth with chants of “Kamala.” We don’t give a fuck if you want to dig your own political grave bitch. You definitely lost my vote as of now.

How stupid are you?

If you actually believe that things would get better for the Palestinians with convicted felon trump as president I have a beautiful piece of ocean beachfront property in Colorado to sell you.

If convicted felon trump becomes president, there will be a real genocide on Palestinians. There won't be one left living if convicted felon trump and netanyahu had their way.

If you honestly care about the Palestinians you would want Harris to be president.

By the way, Biden didn't commit a genocide on the Palestinians. netanayhu is the person who is responsible.

None of it would be happening if Hamas didn't attack Israel on October 7th. It seems to me that fact is lost on you.

No, I don't like what's happening in Gaza but it's not President Biden who is doing it and if you think that convicted felon trump would help the Palestinians in any way, like I posted, I have a beautiful piece of ocean beachfront property in Colorado to sell you.

Convicted felon trump will help netanyahu finish his genocide on the Palestinians. All you are doing is helping netanyahu finish his genocide on the Palestinians.
Trump understands what people fear and hate and he plays to it. They are idiots and usually elect an idiot.

90% of people in USA are of very low IQ. Look at the how they revere a god that doesn't exist.
Look how no republicans denounced the j6 fascist takeover. They are idiots.

That's your opinion and has no supporting evidence.
The current war is on of hundreds over there and will never stop while religion is involved.

That's a feeble excuse. If Trump was elected he would have no choice but to continue to help Israel.

Your political position is skewed towards emotion and sentiment. You mentioned how young people are heading to trump because of the war but the polling doesn't say that.
No one will vote in numbers with a war on the other side of the earth getting a preference. Fuck terrorism. Let him eliminate all of them.
I didn’t say they were heading to Trump. I said they were not voting Democrat. Trump is worse on everything. I would never see him as an alternative. But democrats can lose their right to being an alternative to him in people’s hearts. As of now they’re dead to me and I believe many people with compassion feel the same way. You assume too much as always and you have no humanity. You’re just a wicked racist warmonger. You’re not at all what democrats represent in their best times. You totally seem like someone who belongs on the right wing.
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How stupid are you?

If you actually believe that things would get better for the Palestinians with convicted felon trump as president I have a beautiful piece of ocean beachfront property in Colorado to sell you.

If convicted felon trump becomes president, there will be a real genocide on Palestinians. There won't be one left living if convicted felon trump and netanyahu had their way.

If you honestly care about the Palestinians you would want Harris to be president.

By the way, Biden didn't commit a genocide on the Palestinians. netanayhu is the person who is responsible.

None of it would be happening if Hamas didn't attack Israel on October 7th. It seems to me that fact is lost on you.

No, I don't like what's happening in Gaza but it's not President Biden who is doing it and if you think that convicted felon trump would help the Palestinians in any way, like I posted, I have a beautiful piece of ocean beachfront property in Colorado to sell you.

Convicted felon trump will help netanyahu finish his genocide on the Palestinians. All you are doing is helping netanyahu finish his genocide on the Palestinians.
Another liar like Gabriel. Biden can stop Israel anytime he wants with one phone call. Period. Not voting Kamala is not the same as supporting Trump. You’re propagating a mainstream media talking point. Congratulations, tool. The Palestinians are already dying in mass numbers including in concentration camps where they get raped by the IDF. It doesn’t get any worse than that. We’re already at the worst point for them. So it doesn’t matter to argue Trump would be worse. October 7th doesn’t matter anymore frankly. Anything short of “Israel are modern day Nazis and must be stopped” is an injustice to say.
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Boris owns up to the fact that we’re killing all these people. At least he’s honest about how evil he is. He doesn’t care one bit even if he looked into the eyes of a Palestinian kid who was dying right before him. He lost his soul to nationalism (probably white nationalism even). But the worst people of all are the ones who gaslight. Biden and his cheerleaders. You make me sick.
She will be supporting Israel and will win the election because of it. American Christians do not support Muslim terrorists.

If she could witness the bullshyt you write she would hesitate to treat you like an idiot.
She doesn't have to earn respect from nutters like you. You're a nothing.
From the river to the sea Kackles will be supporting the mass murderers of Jews in spite of whatever she may have said to the contrary in an effort to get dishonestly elected.
From the river to the sea Kackles will be supporting the mass murderers of Jews in spite of whatever she may have said to the contrary in an effort to get dishonestly elected.
She will be supporting Palestinians and Hamas??
Are you off your meds old man?
I didn’t say they were heading to Trump. I said they were not voting Democrat. Trump is worse on everything. I would never see him as an alternative. But democrats can lose their right to being an alternative to him in people’s hearts. As of now they’re dead to me and I believe many people with compassion feel the same way. You assume too much as always and you have no humanity. You’re just a wicked racist warmonger. You’re not at all what democrats represent in their best times. You totally seem like someone who belongs on the right wing.
You belch some sentimental emotional bullshyt and believe it's how USA thinks.
You're still crying over your terrorist buddies. You and Trump are joined at the hip.