Kamala: I will lower drug costs by snatching patents from drug companies once I am in charge and I will set drug prices where I think they should be.

Putting rebels against God to death for rebellion was not persecution in the ancient Jewish theocracy.

God gives and takes human lives and if He takes all human lives in a community, nation, or the world then He has a good reason and always does the right thing.
You can't deny the Bible calls for genocide and gay persecution, as much as you pathetically try to justify evil
The Bible does not condone Palestinian genocide nor persecution of Jews and Christians in the world today.
That’s not clear to me at all. But thanks err god that you are here to speak for him. I saw so called Christians with torches chanting “Jews will not replace me.” Should I take your word or theirs? I have read myself from what you insist is the word of god in which he is hateful and vindictive. Should I believe it and you or my own eyes reading what you claim is his writings? I doubt you get the subtle argument in my post but I keep some hope.
no it does not.
Apparently, it applies differently to Jews, because they were bestowed the title of "Chosen People".
The rest of humanity are unchosen.
Of course, Paul claimed that because of Jesus, EVERYBODY is a chosen people and no one needs to whack off the tip of their dicks or avoid cheeseburgers and shrimp. But is that is the case, then why are so many evangelicals claiming that Jews still have special ownership rights to Palisrael even though they have rejected Jesus?

The Jews and the Palestinians both want 100% of the entire expanse of Palisrael. They are both very foolish to believe that they will ever manage to get it.

Both have committed atrocities, neither side is the right side.
The God of the Bible ORDERED the Hebrews to slaughter entire tribes of people.
Plus, also, he drowned all but eight humans and bazillions of animals in a flood.
I see why you think an all-powerful God should be rebuked by you for making mistakes you clearly think were wicked and evil.
The Bible does not LIE, it is simply inaccurate in many details. Were the authors of the Bible deliberately deceitful? At least some of what is in the Gospels seems to be quite inaccurate.

Such as the part when it claims that when Jesus died, there was a THREE HOUR LONG eclipse. That is astronomically impossible, it did not happen. And when dead people pop out of their graves, everyone notices. But of the four Gospels, only one mentions this.

I think that Paul was the most deceitful of the Bible's writers. He seems to have made up a lot of silly stuff about how Jesus was coming very very soon, and insisting on this over and over, after it did not happen.

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