Kamala has never changed her hateful hard left support for abortion, she just pretends she has for now in order to get elected

Women may own their own bodies but they do not own the bodies of other individual humans.
The problems with the term “individual” notwithstanding, so what? How does that imply women should not be able to control their own bodies and for example terminate their pregnancies?
Keep your rosaries off their ovaries.

It doesn't matter if she lied. You didn't object to trump telling 40000 porkies.
It's now the norm.
Lying leftists continue falsely accusing Trump and conserevatives of lying because they have learned that lying gets them ahead in life..
The problems with the term “individual” notwithstanding, so what? How does that imply women should not be able to control their own bodies and for example terminate their pregnancies?
The body of a pregnant woman and the body of her unborn baby are not just the body of the woman. There are two bodies and neither body has the right to murder the other just because they are related.