JOe Bidens parade for all to see.

God you are stupid lol
Mooron mark said no one died under Trump
I just made him look stupid... again
Yes you proved me wrong. The fact is that no American serviceman died in Afghanistan under the last year of the Trump administration and the deaths did not begin again unti Biden brushed advisors aside and took control with Kackles, resulting in the deadly botched withdrawal.
He gave them to our ally, the Afghan army, who was fighting the taliban
God you are stupid lol
Like Hillary arming the Muslim Brotherhood after Obama unilaterally declared war against Libya and murdered Gadaffi, resulting in the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi, so Biden and his sidekick armed the terrorists in Afghanistan and then hastily retreated, leaving behind hundreds of Americans and allies and 13 dead American soldiers.
Yes you proved me wrong. The fact is that no American serviceman died in Afghanistan under the last year of the Trump administration and the deaths did not begin again unti Biden brushed advisors aside and took control with Kackles, resulting in the deadly botched withdrawal.
You cherry pick times to compare
Trump was too big of a pssy to do the withdrawal he promised
You support a lying wuss
Like Hillary arming the Muslim Brotherhood after Obama unilaterally declared war against Libya and murdered Gadaffi, resulting in the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi, so Biden and his sidekick armed the terrorists in Afghanistan and then hastily retreated, leaving behind hundreds of Americans and allies and 13 dead American soldiers.
No we armed our ally, the Afghan army
Already explained but you are too stupid to understand simple words duh