Joe Biden's highest deficit spending in US history

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Don't expect Kackles to deliver us from the disastrous defitis of the Bidenomics years. She has not spoken on issues of deficit spending since she has been crowned by democrats to assume Biden's job he was elected to do, not her. There seems no indication that she understands economics, apart from a willingness to waste obscene amounts of borrowed tax dollars on some of the worst leftist projects imaginable. 8-9-24

Biden Administration Borrowed $5 Billion Per Day in Fiscal Year 2024
dont expect trump to be fiscally responsible either. duh.

One of President Donald Trump’s lesser known but profoundly damaging legacies will be the explosive rise in the national debt that occurred on his watch. The financial burden that he’s inflicted on our government will wreak havoc for decades, saddling our kids and grandkids with debt.

The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office.

both parties love debt. that isn't a deciding factor between them.
dont expect trump to be fiscally responsible either. duh.

One of President Donald Trump’s lesser known but profoundly damaging legacies will be the explosive rise in the national debt that occurred on his watch. The financial burden that he’s inflicted on our government will wreak havoc for decades, saddling our kids and grandkids with debt.

The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office.
Since the democrats gained control of the US budget in the House the national debt has risen to the current debt of $34.82 trillion from $22.72. That was a rise in the debt under democrats of $12.1 trillion in less than 6 years. Because of inflation, the US debt will continue to rise exponentially in the future no matter who occipies the WH. There seems to be no doubt that such increasing rises in the debt will inevitably lead to some sort of collapse of our banking system.
Since the democrats gained control of the US budget in the House the national debt has risen to the current debt of $34.82 trillion from $22.72. That was a rise in the debt under democrats of $12.1 trillion in less than 6 years. Because of inflation, the US debt will continue to rise exponentially in the future no matter who occipies the WH. There seems to be no doubt that such increasing rises in the debt will inevitably lead to some sort of collapse of our banking system.
You switched fr9m potus to the house lol
God you are stupid lol
You might as well admit that Kackles shared in Biden's skyrocketing, debt-ceiling busting, wasteful spending plans.
You might as well admit you started criticizing Harris and Biden and when Trump did the same thing you changed to blaming the house lol
Your desperation is amusing
Biden's trillion + dollar deficit is the highest in history
Let's see you give the figures.
You do not know the figures and won't give them.

If you divide the debt accumulated during each president’s tenure by the number of years they served, Trump oversaw an increase in the debt of almost $2 trillion per year. President Joe Biden has overseen the addition of almost $1.6 trillion per year in his two-and-one-third years in office, which ranks second. In third place is Obama, who presided over the addition of nearly $1.2 trillion a year.
Let's see you give the figures.
You do not know the figures and won't give them.

If you divide the debt accumulated during each president’s tenure by the number of years they served, Trump oversaw an increase in the debt of almost $2 trillion per year. President Joe Biden has overseen the addition of almost $1.6 trillion per year in his two-and-one-third years in office, which ranks second. In third place is Obama, who presided over the addition of nearly $1.2 trillion a year.
Americans with little understanding of national finances often confuse the responsibilities of House members and the President when attempting to assign blame for years of wasteful spending and reckless budgeting that has brought the US to the brink of bankruptcy disaster.
Americans with little understanding of national finances often confuse the responsibilities of House members and the President when attempting to assign blame for years of wasteful spending and reckless budgeting that has brought the US to the brink of bankruptcy disaster.
Ignorant idiots like you switch back and forth from blaming the house to blaming the president when of course spending and deficits require the approval of the house the senate and the president all are involved but you are obviously too stupid to understand that LOL