You're failing to grasp the gravity of difference that a unique, separate culture creates. Everything from aesthetics to ethics is different - and just why is it okay for us to impose our own value judgments on them?

I think you are the one who is failing to grasp. None of us are going to deny that waging violent jihad to ensure that no one but allah is worshipped, is seen by Islamic culture as the will of allah and therefore the opposite of evil. They see it as a good thing. A fight against evil.
We just see a worldwide Islamic caliphate, applying the law of the shariah as the only law of the land, as a bad thing regardless of their culture viewing it as the will of allah.
I think you are the one who is failing to grasp. None of us are going to deny that waging violent jihad to ensure that no one but allah is worshipped, is seen by Islamic culture as the will of allah and therefore the opposite of evil. They see it as a good thing. A fight against evil.
We just see a worldwide Islamic caliphate, applying the law of the shariah as the only law of the land, as a bad thing regardless of their culture viewing it as the will of allah.

It's not even "what they do" that you're messing up on, Mark, but the "how" and "why" that drives them. You continue to apply Western values to Islam and as long as you do, you'll be wrong.
And Christianity is ssooooo much better.... right?

"Religious zealotry over the centuries has been directly responsible for countless deaths, imprisonments, needless suffering, torturings, and the oppression of people on grounds of sex, race, colour, sexuality or belief.

A few obvious examples :

So you are operating under the principle that however many wrongs make a right?

By the way, the crusades were a response to islamic aggression.
It's not even "what they do" that you're messing up on, Mark, but the "how" and "why" that drives them. You continue to apply Western values to Islam and as long as you do, you'll be wrong.

Feel free to be specific about ANYTHING you think I am wrong about.
How Is Islam Evil..If You Know Nothing About Islam?

It's not even "what they do" that you're messing up on, Mark, but the "how" and "why" that drives them. You continue to apply Western values to Islam and as long as you do, you'll be wrong.

vyo, your post above is 100% correct, but remember when someone
does not have any knowledge about who they are targeting they
don't give a damn about nobody but themselves, and you see for your
own self how wrong he is.

Personally, Mark (aka JB) is totally confused, due to the fact that he is
starting to think that Iraq is the United States, and that's why the ...
continue to dream about western values in the east.
By him wishful thinking all he's doing is making himself look stupid vyo,
and I have never seen anyone in his condition change their thoughts
or behavior.

Like I said early that the Western World do go around the globe
trying to add how the western world lives, and don't realize that
other places in the world has already established their own ways
of living and worshipping. America is using the same pattern that
England used when the England music invaded America.

In closing, One can see through a comment a poster will submit,
due to the fact (Like my grandfather) used to say a kid should
stay in a kid's place, and learn how to keep his or her mouth shut
when a topic is being talking about. Which means don't try to
out talk anyone when one don't know what they are talking about
themselves. :D Now vyo!! who does that remind you of?

That's why I have him on ignore.
It's not even "what they do" that you're messing up on, Mark, but the "how" and "why" that drives them. You continue to apply Western values to Islam and as long as you do, you'll be wrong.

Nonsense, Ive presented writings and views of Muslims applying Islamic values.
Interesting reading from the court documents from the U.S. v. Holy Land Foundation case.

From one document written by the Muslim Brotherhood.

"On the General Strategic Goal of the Group in North America"
The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a “Civilization-Jihadist” process with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” their miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who choose to slack.
All one need do is look at the daily news to determine that islam is evil. The apologists for islam never cease to amaze me.

But not as evil as the illegal, terrorist, parasite state of Israel, whose minions in the American press cover up all Israel's depredations in Palestine. You apologists for Ersatz Israel never cease to nauseate me.
But not as evil as the illegal, terrorist, parasite state of Israel, whose minions in the American press cover up all Israel's depredations in Palestine. You apologists for Ersatz Israel never cease to nauseate me.

The only thing nauseating around here comes from the rhetoric of hamas and hezbollah - the leaders of which actually believe they can establish a nation for themselves from ACTS OF COWARDICE.

History is CLEAR and has made an IRREVOCABLE JUDGEMENT. These clowns never deigned to even consider the 2 state solution in palestine - an amicable and quite generous settlement proposed by the un general assembly. In their pathetic minds, ANY SOLUTION THAT DOESN'T GIVE THEM PALESTINIAN MANDATE IN IT'S ENTIRETY IS UNACCEPTABLE. And so, they tried to fashion a middle east unto their own image and likeness - in COMPLETE DEFIANCE of the international community and simple common human decency.

And so, what can anyone expect from incompetent and cowardly buffoons other than complete and utter failure - EVERY SINGLE TIME??? Now, they are asking for the very SAME solution proposed by the un - without abandoning this absurd dream of a greater arab palestinian nation. What they cannot achieve on their own, they wish for the entire international community, the same international community they defied, to grant them????

As if INCOMPETENCE isn't nauseating enough, you add COWARDICE to that as well and you have a stink that stretches to high heaven!
Oh, and to answer the thread - 80% of moslems are NOT arabs. And among the arab moslems, only their leaders would consider exploiting their people to their own megalomaniac ends. One must NEVER suppose that the actions of a handful of clowns represents islam in its entirety.
Oh, and to answer the thread - 80% of moslems are NOT arabs. And among the arab moslems, only their leaders would consider exploiting their people to their own megalomaniac ends. One must NEVER suppose that the actions of a handful of clowns represents islam in its entirety.

it's not a handful.
100,000 signed up in Iran to carry out suicide missions.
there are 30 cells in the UK, that's about 5000 operatives and support.
cells in Australia, US, Spain and others number in the tens of thousands.
then there's the millions who riot and burn $hit.
not to mention the 10000 terrorism incidents since 911.
do you think this is just Osama and a dozen turbaned Taliban against us?
Like I said early that the Western World do go around the globe
trying to add how the western world lives, and don't realize that
other places in the world has already established their own ways
of living and worshipping. America is using the same pattern that
England used when the England music invaded America.


bull$hit. that is one of the biggest myths out there. it's propaganda from the enemy.

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