I hate the topic of Oil and Iraq, I try not to get in those threads, but I just wanted to say this.
I have listened to interviews with inventors who were trying to make a car that runs on alternative fuel and or less gas. They said they had been shot at from a distance, the places they were working burnt in suspicious fires. They said they felt like it was the big oil companies and or the big automobile companies trying to stop the invention of alternative fuel/cars.
I don’t know if this is what she was talking about but its what I was thinking when I read it.
Conspiracy theorist, con-artist, and alternative fuel cars, are a very common mix. A seeming majority of "alternative fuel car projects" are simply con-artists.
Remember the Fisher Carb? A 60s V-8 can do 100 MPG... by simply putting the Fisher Carb on it? Then after making millions travelling the country showing off his "invention" it mysteriously disappeared (big-whatever stole it) and the dude could never remember how to make another one... shocking!
I was taught that the Carb did exist and was used in autos sold in the 60s, but Big(auto) decided that it was better to sell gas hogs and stopped making the carb. I was told this in a Public High School in the early 90s.
Or for example, Stanley Meyers. Stanley is an Ohio "inventor" who claimed he invented technology to run a dune buggy 1.6 VW engine, on water. He got a group of investors, and even purchased land to build his dune buggies and engines on. He had several patents issued.
He claimed consistently that he was being harassed and threatened by Big(whatever) and amusingly, Iranians.
However when push came to shove, Stanley ran with the money, and never produced anything. The investors demanded his "technology" be reviewed by professionals. After almost a year of him skirting every appointment with a reviewer, the investors went to court and forced a review. As suspected the 'technology' was bunk, and Stanley lost the suit, and was found guilty of "gross and egregious fraud".
That didn't stop conspiracy theorist from claiming the whole thing was Big(whatever) related. Even when Stanley died in '98 while eating at a restaurant, his brother played up to the conspiracy theorist, claiming Stanley was poisoned by Iranians, likely given passes into the US by the government, and funded by Big(whatever) of course. The only problem was the Franklin county coroner found he died of a cerebral aneurysm due to his known high blood pressure.
But the conspiracy theorist are a very dedicated lot that stick to their beliefs until you consistently smack them over the head with the truth. One poor girl where I work, had a job with a company that opened a contract with the Stanley to supply him with parts for his "invention". Of course he never made good on the contract, but she was absolutely convinced he was murdered and it was a huge Big(whatever) suppression. I literally had to bring up the Wiki page and newspaper articles about his fraud, at work, to convince her it was a scam. Thankfully she is wiser now. Wish I could say the same for some here (not you).
When you hear about these alternative fuel car conspiracy theories, and you hear about people claiming (bigwhatever) is stopping them or what have you, take it all with a gain of salt. Most of these are con-artists, using publics distrust of big companies to conceal their scams.
I work for a company active in the alternative fuel, and fuel efficiency market. We have employees currently taking work-study programs at OSU, where they are working on electric cars, hydrogen cars, and flex-fuel cars. GM, specifically is investing thousands every quarter into the OSU automotive technology program. Now why would GM spend millions on trying to get an alternative fuel vehicle if they are so against it? It's crazy conspiracy theory by wacky people, that's all. Don't trust them.