I apologize, I have been to hard on you. It is true that the convoluted mind of the white man is inferior to that of the oriental.
As the evidence proves. After all orientals were first to circumnavigate the world, discovered the Americas, invented movable type, the printing press, mathematics, modern science, the arch, the wheel, invented the steam engine, invented the airplane, invented the radio, the television, the computer, invented concrete, discovered penicillin, developed jet power, invented antibiotics, invented automatic machines to weave cloth, the washing machine, invented modern firearms, invented the automobile, invented the x-ray machine, ultra-sound, CAT scan machine, invented indoor plumbing, invented the light bulb, the transistor, the printed circuit, the computer chip.
Wait! the orientals did none of those things! Just what has the superior mind if the oriental produced? Chop sticks! But, only after watching a chimpanzee take a twig, wet it with saliva and put it in a termite hole to get termites to stick to it. Orientals also "invented" swine sanitation where toilets are not required...they just throw the "night soil" out the back door and the pigs eat it. Verrrrry clever!
Everything modern that the oriental world has, has been adopted from the "white