Is Obama The Reason The Dems Will Lose?

I intended to write something clever and witty, maybe even a little bit funny. But then I realized its well after 10:30 pm and my insomnia medicine doesn't allow for wit or tact.

It's funny that your posts want to claim Democrats have no morals. It's funny because you obviously lean to the right. I would say "it's like the pot calling the kettle black". But that doesn't really fit the situation, does it? It's more like the "anti- woman, anti-minority, anti-poor, anti-helping those in need" calling the "everybody should have a soul, get to eat, have water, have access to healthcare, have a roof over their head, the right to be happily in love, anti-Unabomber, anti-Olympics bomber, anti frat boy raping girls, anti-rich people taking advantage of the system to get richer" democrats immoral. I could have probably made that a little shorter.

Maybe something like,"that's like a frog calling an elephant green and jumpy".
Or "the devil calling God a republican".
The party line is "**** the poor people who want welfare. Support the rich companies that want welfare."...
The kind of people who complain about our tax money going towards giving poor children a chance to eat once in a while, but then finding out they are using so many loopholes that they don't pay taxes anyway.

But Democrats don't have morals???

I suggest we use some of these posts on The democrat's campaign posters. Then everybody will remember why republicans suck.
Part of the reason morality is somewhat sketchy on the left side of the fence is abortion.
Abortion kills but stopping abortions is labelled as a "War on woman".
Isn't abortion really a war on the unborn? Trying to eliminate part of the next generation.
Ads show woman protesting saying "the Republicans want to take away my right to choose."
When you spell out the choice that these woman want to make (kill a human solely because it is only partly developed) it doesn't sound so noble.
And I do like your anagram.
I have a poster of these characters on my wall and I remember the dance "If I only had a brain" every time I pull a bone-headed stunt.
And I'm not a Republican. I have been registered NPA for the past 40 years or so.
It's funny that your posts want to claim Democrats have no morals. It's funny because you obviously lean to the right. I would say "it's like the pot calling the kettle black". But that doesn't really fit the situation, does it? It's more like the "anti- woman, anti-minority, anti-poor, anti-helping those in need" calling the "everybody should have a soul, get to eat, have water, have access to healthcare, have a roof over their head, the right to be happily in love, anti-Unabomber, anti-Olympics bomber, anti frat boy raping girls, anti-rich people taking advantage of the system to get richer" democrats immoral. I could have probably made that a little shorter.

LOL .....

That has to be one of the best liberal bumper sticker slogans I have read.
Part of the reason morality is somewhat sketchy on the left side of the fence is abortion.
Abortion kills but stopping abortions is labelled as a "War on woman".
Isn't abortion really a war on the unborn? Trying to eliminate part of the next generation.
Ads show woman protesting saying "the Republicans want to take away my right to choose."
When you spell out the choice that these woman want to make (kill a human solely because it is only partly developed) it doesn't sound so noble.
And I do like your anagram.
I have a poster of these characters on my wall and I remember the dance "If I only had a brain" every time I pull a bone-headed stunt.
And I'm not a Republican. I have been registered NPA for the past 40 years or so.
Abortion is a very touchy subject and people have a tendency to start off defensive. And I'm as guilty as the next gal ... when I am on the defensive I have a bad tendency to repeat the same old, cliche, overused, scripted BS. I'm going to try my best to be original

This. Posted before I was ready
I'm not a blind minion who has no opinion of her own, and just wants to repeat something someone who's smarter than me said. My beliefs are my beliefs, regardless of which party promotes those beliefs. I believe gun control is stupid and a really boneheaded move. I love guns, and for the life of me, Ive never understood why that particular freedom was the one the liberals wanted to take issue with. So, now to the point I was supposed to be making like 10 lines earlier lol...

My issue with them taking away a woman's right to choose is because they aren't really given very many options. Adoption is an option, sure, but a lot of women don't have a spare 9 months to give.
What if its the product of a violent and horrific rape? Aside for concerns about the baby taking after his daddy, but why should she have to carry something around for 9 months that is nothing but a physical, in your face reminder of the most horrible thing that has ever happened to ber is a lot for anyone of handle. You can't make her do that. What are her other alternatives at that point? Raising a kid that she isn't sure how she'll feel about it? Adoption? Again, a 9 month long daily reminder is too much and will probably have an adverse affect on her life that no one can begin to understand. What if the rapist is her father?

What if a woman is living check to check, but her insurance won't cover birth control? Accidents happen...Condoms break ...I think most people can understand that some things just happen when you are drowning in passion and can't catch your breath.

Everyone of my pregnancies ended a week or so early because I got pre-eclampsia every time. I was lucky. My dads biological mom died from toxima when dad was 2 days old. No one can tell you that you HAVE to risk your life to save your unborn child. It's a choice. Just like women who want a baby so bad they'll happily risk their life... What if the doctor didnt give her a choic, and aborted the fetus anyway. I'm not pro murder or pro death. I'm pro CHOICE. The key word is choice.

I just saw how much I've written. I'm going to stop there... After I say just one more thing... What if she takes the responsibility on of this child, but can't afford to take care of it? A lot of women can not handle seeing their baby being carried off and given to someone else. I wouldn't. I couldn't live with that. These people who don't want abortions to be legal (unless its for one of the interns they're banging), want to deprive us of birth control, and then send the woman who had no choice out in the cold..: the baby is born its not are problem anymore. You can't force a woman to have a child she can't take care and then not help her and that child eat, and have a roof over their heads
Part of the reason morality is somewhat sketchy on the left side of the fence is abortion.
Abortion kills but stopping abortions is labelled as a "War on woman".
Isn't abortion really a war on the unborn? Trying to eliminate part of the next generation.
Ads show woman protesting saying "the Republicans want to take away my right to choose."
When you spell out the choice that these woman want to make (kill a human solely because it is only partly developed) it doesn't sound so noble.
And I do like your anagram.
I have a poster of these characters on my wall and I remember the dance "If I only had a brain" every time I pull a bone-headed stunt.
And I'm not a Republican. I have been registered NPA for the past 40 years or so.

Morality has fallen under the religious political cult of born again evangelism. There is more hatred and division in our nation. Christ never preached that. There are attacks on the poor and their food, housing and education. There are attacks on the LGBT community. Things Christ does not accept as Christian. Baptist preachers molest children and are approved for it because they are "born again" Republican/teabaggin politicians have affairs and are approved of it because they are "born again". These are not the values of a Christian. they are the immorals of a cult making sure the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And we all know Christ was against that.
Part of the reason morality is somewhat sketchy on the left side of the fence is abortion.
Abortion kills but stopping abortions is labelled as a "War on woman".
Isn't abortion really a war on the unborn? Trying to eliminate part of the next generation.
Ads show woman protesting saying "the Republicans want to take away my right to choose."
When you spell out the choice that these woman want to make (kill a human solely because it is only partly developed) it doesn't sound so noble.
And I do like your anagram.
I have a poster of these characters on my wall and I remember the dance "If I only had a brain" every time I pull a bone-headed stunt.
And I'm not a Republican. I have been registered NPA for the past 40 years or so.

What business is it of yours if a woman wants to not have a baby? what commitment are you making to raise the child financially? Educationally? What housing are you giving the woman and what guarantee are you making that this woman will be able to financially give this child everything it needs?

See, the problem with trying to make this a concept of your religion is that the fetus is NOT a child; NOT a baby. A baby doesn't breathe air; a baby doesn't eat tethered to a chord to the woman's womb. A BABY isn't existing INSIDE the womb. A baby is outside the womb, living on its own.

You don't own this woman. You don't own ANYONE. you may NOT decide her future. you are NOT her master.
What business is it of yours if a woman wants to not have a baby? what commitment are you making to raise the child financially? Educationally? What housing are you giving the woman and what guarantee are you making that this woman will be able to financially give this child everything it needs?

See, the problem with trying to make this a concept of your religion is that the fetus is NOT a child; NOT a baby. A baby doesn't breathe air; a baby doesn't eat tethered to a chord to the woman's womb. A BABY isn't existing INSIDE the womb. A baby is outside the womb, living on its own.

You don't own this woman. You don't own ANYONE. you may NOT decide her future. you are NOT her master.

You're way better at this than I am. Love the posts, btw
Whatever happened to personal responsibility? Why should anyone commit to paying for and raising someone else's child, and guaranteeing that child a certain lifestyle because her mother and father were too drunk, or too irresponsible to use birth control? Haven't we been doing just that with the welfare system for over 4 decades now? At what point do we begin to cut the umbilical cord, and let these strong independent women be what they claim to be? I think it's time society stopped lying to women about abortion, and 1,000 other things! We women need to grow up and drop the entitlement mentality. Find a man to commit to fatherhood and all it entails, and THEN become a mother. Stop asking society to right your wrongs! I fought hard for women's rights a long time ago. We won then! We're losing now!
Morality has fallen under the religious political cult of born again evangelism. There is more hatred and division in our nation. Christ never preached that. There are attacks on the poor and their food, housing and education. There are attacks on the LGBT community. Things Christ does not accept as Christian. Baptist preachers molest children and are approved for it because they are "born again" Republican/teabaggin politicians have affairs and are approved of it because they are "born again". These are not the values of a Christian. they are the immorals of a cult making sure the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And we all know Christ was against that.
You have made some startling claims. With what do you back them up? "...Attacks on the poor and their food, etc? Howso? More money has been given to them by the taxpayers than we can imagine. They have been asked to do nothing to earn it.

"There are attacks on the LGBT community. Things Christ does not accept as Christian." What did Jesus say about the LGBT community?

" Baptist preachers molest children and are approved for it because they are "born again" Republican/teabaggin politicians have affairs and are approved of it because they are "born again". These are not the values of a Christian." WHO, WHAT, WHEN and WHERE?? Which Baptist preachers, and WHO approved it?
Which Republicans, etc. and who approved it? When have any people in this country been approved of while doing vile things, because they were "born again?" With such adamant accusations, I am certain you have some solid facts to back them up. No rational person would ever say such disgusting things otherwise.
A whole lot of the blame can be put on the shoulders of us Christians..
Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was. Jesus’ response, recorded in Matthew 22:37-39, was, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your heart, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Here, Jesus is saying what the entire rest of the bible says over and over—and we somehow miss—to do what God wants is to live a life of love

Maybe because it’s second commandment so we think it’s not important, It doesn’t seem like a week goes by that someone doesn’t do something that we Christians get all loud and lathered up about. We’re upset about Christian chicken sandwiches one week, selling cakes to gay people the next, and we can’t help but post arrogant comments on social media when a man who’s a sports and television personality decides he wants to become a woman.

Jesus said they’d know us by our love for one another. …That includes all of the people above, and a whole lot more that you and I might consider worse. So show me your I D .. These days, they know us by our pride, our arrogance and what we are against. The world recognizes a Christian because he’s beating up someone he appears to think he’s better than. That’s our ID..

We have it in our heads that attacking a person head-on is how we’re going to change the world. Even that’s probably me giving us religious people the benefit of the doubt. Those attacking the homosexuals and drunks, the thieves and cross-dressing queens are likely more interested in shaming them than altering their ideology. That’s not love, and 1 John 4:8 says that if you don’t have love, you don’t know God, because that’s who God is.

To be clear, that means that non-loving behavior is not revealing of God’s character. It reveals who we are. It does not draw people to Christ, it confuses them about who God is.

1 Corinthians 5:12 says something really important on this issue. Paul is writing to clear up something he said about not hanging out with unrepentant sinners. He makes clear that he didn’t mean non-Christians. You’d have to pack up a spaceship and leave the planet to do that, he jokes (well, he didn’t mention the whole spaceship thing, but you get the picture). Then he says something important to our conversation: “For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? But those who are outside, God judges.”

If that doesn’t stop us in our hateful judgment of non-Christians, I’m not sure what will.

Jesus hung out with people some of us would frown upon, sharing meals with them so often that he became known as a friend of sinners and a glutton. He was always eating with those darn sinners. At one point, someone calls him out on this and what he says clears up any argument we might have left for attacking people rather than being the New Creation of love that we now are in Christ:

Jesus has just called Matthew (a thieving tax collector) to be his disciple. “Then it happened that as Jesus was reclining at the table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and were dining with Jesus and His disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they said to His disciples, ‘Why is your Teacher eating with the tax collectors and sinners?’ But when Jesus heard this, He said, ‘It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I DESIRE COMPASSION, AND NOT SACRIFICE,’ for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.'” (Matthew 9:11-13)

First thing to note here is that YOU AND I ARE NOT THE PHYSICIANS. I feel like it’s important to say that. It’s Jesus. Secondly, and, oh, so importantly, it’s more important to Jesus (and, so, to us) to love those the self-righteous will judge us for loving than it is to be judged by those suckers.

Love is more important than you acting like you’re keeping yourself clean by sacrificing and staying away from such vile sinners.

Love is, in fact, jumping headlong into relationships with those who just might get you called a name or two. But, hey, Jesus is good company.

Thanks for reading..
Whatever happened to personal responsibility? Why should anyone commit to paying for and raising someone else's child, and guaranteeing that child a certain lifestyle because her mother and father were too drunk, or too irresponsible to use birth control? Haven't we been doing just that with the welfare system for over 4 decades now? At what point do we begin to cut the umbilical cord, and let these strong independent women be what they claim to be? I think it's time society stopped lying to women about abortion, and 1,000 other things! We women need to grow up and drop the entitlement mentality. Find a man to commit to fatherhood and all it entails, and THEN become a mother. Stop asking society to right your wrongs! I fought hard for women's rights a long time ago. We won then! We're losing now!
Ok, I'm confused. If a woman gets pregnant by some d-bag, what do you think she should do, exactly? No abortion, no child support, no help from the government... That "pseudo rant" post is ridiculous. Why not just say, " if a woman gets pregnant, take her and the baby outside and shoot them in the head. It'd be quicker than starving them to death." That entire post makes me nauseous.
Ok, I'm confused. If a woman gets pregnant by some d-bag, what do you think she should do, exactly? No abortion, no child support, no help from the government... That "pseudo rant" post is ridiculous. Why not just say, " if a woman gets pregnant, take her and the baby outside and shoot them in the head. It'd be quicker than starving them to death." That entire post makes me nauseous.
Sorry for making you nauseous. Actually I think you made yourself nauseous, with all that talk about shooting people in the head. LOL I don't remember saying, or implying anything of the sort. How about if people absolutely CANNOT control their sexual urges, they try to use the birth control that has been available...almost free of charge, for a long long time? Is it too much to ask that someone NOT get pregnant in the first place? I am old enough to remember the world BEFORE the pill became wide-spread. There were VERY FEW out-of wedlock pregnancies, in proportion to the number we see now. Why is that? That is because the liberal mindset that took hold back then left out the caveat of personal responsibility. If you're going to have freedom to do whatever you wish with your body, you also have the responsibility to not become a burden to other people, because of your choices. It is naive and immature to expect anyone else to pick up your slack, and pay for your mistakes. Just killing the result of a careless night doesn't seem like a viable solution to me either. And btw, don't sleep with D-bags.
A whole lot of the blame can be put on the shoulders of us Christians..
Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was. Jesus’ response, recorded in Matthew 22:37-39, was, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your heart, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Here, Jesus is saying what the entire rest of the bible says over and over—and we somehow miss—to do what God wants is to live a life of love

Maybe because it’s second commandment so we think it’s not important, It doesn’t seem like a week goes by that someone doesn’t do something that we Christians get all loud and lathered up about. We’re upset about Christian chicken sandwiches one week, selling cakes to gay people the next, and we can’t help but post arrogant comments on social media when a man who’s a sports and television personality decides he wants to become a woman.

Jesus said they’d know us by our love for one another. …That includes all of the people above, and a whole lot more that you and I might consider worse. So show me your I D .. These days, they know us by our pride, our arrogance and what we are against. The world recognizes a Christian because he’s beating up someone he appears to think he’s better than. That’s our ID..

We have it in our heads that attacking a person head-on is how we’re going to change the world. Even that’s probably me giving us religious people the benefit of the doubt. Those attacking the homosexuals and drunks, the thieves and cross-dressing queens are likely more interested in shaming them than altering their ideology. That’s not love, and 1 John 4:8 says that if you don’t have love, you don’t know God, because that’s who God is.

To be clear, that means that non-loving behavior is not revealing of God’s character. It reveals who we are. It does not draw people to Christ, it confuses them about who God is.

1 Corinthians 5:12 says something really important on this issue. Paul is writing to clear up something he said about not hanging out with unrepentant sinners. He makes clear that he didn’t mean non-Christians. You’d have to pack up a spaceship and leave the planet to do that, he jokes (well, he didn’t mention the whole spaceship thing, but you get the picture). Then he says something important to our conversation: “For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? But those who are outside, God judges.”

If that doesn’t stop us in our hateful judgment of non-Christians, I’m not sure what will.

Jesus hung out with people some of us would frown upon, sharing meals with them so often that he became known as a friend of sinners and a glutton. He was always eating with those darn sinners. At one point, someone calls him out on this and what he says clears up any argument we might have left for attacking people rather than being the New Creation of love that we now are in Christ:

Jesus has just called Matthew (a thieving tax collector) to be his disciple. “Then it happened that as Jesus was reclining at the table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and were dining with Jesus and His disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they said to His disciples, ‘Why is your Teacher eating with the tax collectors and sinners?’ But when Jesus heard this, He said, ‘It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I DESIRE COMPASSION, AND NOT SACRIFICE,’ for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.'” (Matthew 9:11-13)

First thing to note here is that YOU AND I ARE NOT THE PHYSICIANS. I feel like it’s important to say that. It’s Jesus. Secondly, and, oh, so importantly, it’s more important to Jesus (and, so, to us) to love those the self-righteous will judge us for loving than it is to be judged by those suckers.

Love is more important than you acting like you’re keeping yourself clean by sacrificing and staying away from such vile sinners.

Love is, in fact, jumping headlong into relationships with those who just might get you called a name or two. But, hey, Jesus is good company.

Thanks for reading..

I appreciate the heart behind your post, but I'm not sure I understand the point of it. Jesus indeed taught love, but He taught an awful lot of other things too, like repentance, and turning away from any sin that has a stronghold in one's life. The two things I don't see in my Bible from Jesus, are "anything goes," and "Do your own thing."

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