2004-2010 Values-driven GOP Popular Movement won, but its full potential was sabotaged.
Bureaucrats, Hands off from the People for 2012 !
People's candidates (Tea Party and/or other Values' driven, Popular movements) generated Energy and won the 2010 Mid-Term Elections for GOP, but were hindered to realize their full Potential, mainly because of scandalous personal attacks by some abusive opponents, aggravated by a notoriously sly undermining by a few Establishment's Bureaucrats...
Apparently almost the same as those who had previously undermined also the final conclusion of GOP's 2007-2008 Primaries, sabotaging the obviously most Popular and Charismatic GOP Presidential Candidate (who arrived 2nd at the end, after Leading the race for a long time), provoking a catastrophic loss for GOP at the November 2008 US Presidential Elections, against which were, precisely, launched, the Popular Movements of 2009-2010.
After all these Negative and Positive Experiences, those 2004-2010 Values' driven Popular Movements, made mainly out of simple, hard working American People, who succeeded to help Win the 2004 former US President GWBusch's unexpeced but crystal-clear re-election, thanks to an astonishing Mass Move of Voters at the last moment and to the great Surprise of some Bureaucrats who hadn't foreseen, nor understoof what really happened then, (Comp. our own + Friends' relevant 2004 Publications), afterwards strongly supported and brought up to a leading place the only Charismatic GOP 2007-2008 Presidential Candidate in the Primaries who was able to face Obama (f. Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee), and now practically won the 2010 Mid-Term Elections, MUST NOT BE HINDERED AGAIN BY A FEW BUREAUCRATS, OF A TWICE FAILED ESTABLISHMENT, TO FREELY CHOOSE A POPULAR AND ABLE GOP's CANDIDATE FOR THE 2012 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION !
Facts :
In addition to winning a large Majority in the House of Representatives, and most Governors' seats, etc.,
People's preferred candidates (instead of Bureaucrats' appointees) succeeded to win, even at the Senate, at least in the Majority of cases in which they presented their original candidates : 4 or 5 our of 7 or 8, among their Senate Candidates, and had another 2 or 3 notoriously undermined by their own Party's old Establishment : Christine O'Donnel in Delaware, Sharon Angle in Nevada, (and partly Ken Buck in Colorado), so that it's only sly betrayals which hindered them from marking a brillant win with 7 on 7 Senatorial candidates.
They had all been endorsed both by the "Tea Party" movement and by other key players, such as the Values and People-driven "Citizens United" and "Values' voters Summit", organized by "Families Research Council", etc.
All these 3 People's candidates for GOP in the Senate, Angle, O'Donnell and Buck, dared tackle exceptionally "Hard" areas, controlled for a long time by the Highest DP's Leading Politicians : Respectively, the Dems' Senate Majority Leader Reid, and U.S. vice-President Biden, while in Colorado Obama had won in 2008 against McCain with a 10 % large margin...
Nevertheless, they were not only abandoned helpless by most GOP's Bureaucrats, even in front of gross and systematic harassment by Personal Attacks by some Dems, (while their DP's competitors, on the contrary, had full support from DP's Establishement), but they were even .. slyly slandered behind their back by some in their own Party's Establishment, as they both strongly denounced !
They practically abandoned them alone, to defend themselves without any help from the Establishment (while also campaigning on General Issues interesting the Citizens) against scandalously vicious Personal Attacks and Character Assassination constantly launched by some abusive Dems, ... Even by an unprecedented, shameless and systematic Foreign interference by a ridiculous but harassing "Turkish" (sic !) pseudo-"Media" which, during all the electoral campain did nothing else than to unilaterally harass Values' driven Popular Candidates and the GOP, multiplying gross personal slandering attacks..
Only GOP's 2008 US Presidential Candidate (No 2 to the Primaries' Votes), f. Governor Mike Huckabee intervened to defend in public Christine O'Donnell against various sly personal Attacks, including from some GOP Establishment's Bureaucrats, and some help came also from McCain-picked GOP's 2008 US Vice-Presidential Candidate, f. Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, as well as grassroots' Citizens' groups, etc.
However, Christine O'Donnel succeeded to get much More Votes in 2010 than back in 2008 and 2006, steadily raising GOP's score from 4% in 2006, up to 35% on 2008, and more than 40% in 2010, (i.e. + 5% more). Delaware is a State where Dems' votes dramatically Fell from 70% in 2006, down to 64% in 2008 and now only 56% in 2010, i.e. since Christine O'Donnell started to participate for the GOP : If this spectacular Dems' downard drop - and GOP's upward move - continues like this, then, it's obvious that in the next Election GOP's Christine will certainly win !
In fact, it might have succeeded already from 2010, but - "The Party didn't come out to help", during the "6 weeks" of Election campaign, she denounced, (after largely winning the Primaries against an Establishment's appointee).
- "We (People/Citizens) hadn't the Network, that Machine to plugg in", thus, "we had to spend the Time to Build that Net ourselves" and "answer and defend against the Accusations that even (some in) my own Party were launching on" (!). "So, it was too Heavy a lift for one entity".
- Facing her, on the contrary, the Dems had "the White House, the Senatorial Committee, the (DP) National Committee, etc. I.e. "the whole DP Establishment came out"..., she observed.
- Thus, "Karl Rove and the GOP's Big Boys should have come out and defend against those accusations" that Dems were systematically throwing against the Popular candidate, in an intense Personality - Killing, Mediatic Lynch, where even ... Turkish pseudo"Media" repeatedly added gross Insults against the Christians'-backed Conservative new representative(s) !
2004-2010 Values-driven GOP Popular Movement won, but its full potential was sabotaged.
Bureaucrats, Hands off from the People for 2012 !
People's candidates (Tea Party and/or other Values' driven, Popular movements) generated Energy and won the 2010 Mid-Term Elections for GOP, but were hindered to realize their full Potential, mainly because of scandalous personal attacks by some abusive opponents, aggravated by a notoriously sly undermining by a few Establishment's Bureaucrats...
Apparently almost the same as those who had previously undermined also the final conclusion of GOP's 2007-2008 Primaries, sabotaging the obviously most Popular and Charismatic GOP Presidential Candidate (who arrived 2nd at the end, after Leading the race for a long time), provoking a catastrophic loss for GOP at the November 2008 US Presidential Elections, against which were, precisely, launched, the Popular Movements of 2009-2010.
After all these Negative and Positive Experiences, those 2004-2010 Values' driven Popular Movements, made mainly out of simple, hard working American People, who succeeded to help Win the 2004 former US President GWBusch's unexpeced but crystal-clear re-election, thanks to an astonishing Mass Move of Voters at the last moment and to the great Surprise of some Bureaucrats who hadn't foreseen, nor understoof what really happened then, (Comp. our own + Friends' relevant 2004 Publications), afterwards strongly supported and brought up to a leading place the only Charismatic GOP 2007-2008 Presidential Candidate in the Primaries who was able to face Obama (f. Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee), and now practically won the 2010 Mid-Term Elections, MUST NOT BE HINDERED AGAIN BY A FEW BUREAUCRATS, OF A TWICE FAILED ESTABLISHMENT, TO FREELY CHOOSE A POPULAR AND ABLE GOP's CANDIDATE FOR THE 2012 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION !
Facts :
In addition to winning a large Majority in the House of Representatives, and most Governors' seats, etc.,

People's preferred candidates (instead of Bureaucrats' appointees) succeeded to win, even at the Senate, at least in the Majority of cases in which they presented their original candidates : 4 or 5 our of 7 or 8, among their Senate Candidates, and had another 2 or 3 notoriously undermined by their own Party's old Establishment : Christine O'Donnel in Delaware, Sharon Angle in Nevada, (and partly Ken Buck in Colorado), so that it's only sly betrayals which hindered them from marking a brillant win with 7 on 7 Senatorial candidates.
They had all been endorsed both by the "Tea Party" movement and by other key players, such as the Values and People-driven "Citizens United" and "Values' voters Summit", organized by "Families Research Council", etc.
All these 3 People's candidates for GOP in the Senate, Angle, O'Donnell and Buck, dared tackle exceptionally "Hard" areas, controlled for a long time by the Highest DP's Leading Politicians : Respectively, the Dems' Senate Majority Leader Reid, and U.S. vice-President Biden, while in Colorado Obama had won in 2008 against McCain with a 10 % large margin...
Nevertheless, they were not only abandoned helpless by most GOP's Bureaucrats, even in front of gross and systematic harassment by Personal Attacks by some Dems, (while their DP's competitors, on the contrary, had full support from DP's Establishement), but they were even .. slyly slandered behind their back by some in their own Party's Establishment, as they both strongly denounced !
They practically abandoned them alone, to defend themselves without any help from the Establishment (while also campaigning on General Issues interesting the Citizens) against scandalously vicious Personal Attacks and Character Assassination constantly launched by some abusive Dems, ... Even by an unprecedented, shameless and systematic Foreign interference by a ridiculous but harassing "Turkish" (sic !) pseudo-"Media" which, during all the electoral campain did nothing else than to unilaterally harass Values' driven Popular Candidates and the GOP, multiplying gross personal slandering attacks..

Only GOP's 2008 US Presidential Candidate (No 2 to the Primaries' Votes), f. Governor Mike Huckabee intervened to defend in public Christine O'Donnell against various sly personal Attacks, including from some GOP Establishment's Bureaucrats, and some help came also from McCain-picked GOP's 2008 US Vice-Presidential Candidate, f. Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, as well as grassroots' Citizens' groups, etc.
However, Christine O'Donnel succeeded to get much More Votes in 2010 than back in 2008 and 2006, steadily raising GOP's score from 4% in 2006, up to 35% on 2008, and more than 40% in 2010, (i.e. + 5% more). Delaware is a State where Dems' votes dramatically Fell from 70% in 2006, down to 64% in 2008 and now only 56% in 2010, i.e. since Christine O'Donnell started to participate for the GOP : If this spectacular Dems' downard drop - and GOP's upward move - continues like this, then, it's obvious that in the next Election GOP's Christine will certainly win !

In fact, it might have succeeded already from 2010, but - "The Party didn't come out to help", during the "6 weeks" of Election campaign, she denounced, (after largely winning the Primaries against an Establishment's appointee).

- "We (People/Citizens) hadn't the Network, that Machine to plugg in", thus, "we had to spend the Time to Build that Net ourselves" and "answer and defend against the Accusations that even (some in) my own Party were launching on" (!). "So, it was too Heavy a lift for one entity".
- Facing her, on the contrary, the Dems had "the White House, the Senatorial Committee, the (DP) National Committee, etc. I.e. "the whole DP Establishment came out"..., she observed.
- Thus, "Karl Rove and the GOP's Big Boys should have come out and defend against those accusations" that Dems were systematically throwing against the Popular candidate, in an intense Personality - Killing, Mediatic Lynch, where even ... Turkish pseudo"Media" repeatedly added gross Insults against the Christians'-backed Conservative new representative(s) !