Logan's Run.
I suggest ending time at age 30.
Save a fortune.
Free up employment and housing.
realistically more like 50. would solve all manner of issues with less ill effect on productivity.
Logan's Run.
I suggest ending time at age 30.
Save a fortune.
Free up employment and housing.
realistically more like 50. would solve all manner of issues with less ill effect on productivity.
30 is better.
Pretty much would eliminate most of the costly "chronic" illnesses.
Who wants to look at anyone "over 30"?
Not many.
Smoking would be mandatory.
Really? What about this one? (sorry it came out so big, just learning how to post pics)
View attachment 210
Lets see the right has called him a terrorist a communist, Hitler, said that he plans to killed old and sick people with death panels, still refuses to admit he is a American, Claimed he is a Secret Muslim, Called him Anti American, Americana, Kenyan...attacked him for gas prices going up...and down, Blamed him for Tarp ( who Bush put into action, But you pricks think its him thats divisive...its that you are. Its like listening to Hitler say the Jews are Divisive.
to bad the echo chamber of the right in here will never look in the mirror..How very true.
Obama is the LIAR IN CHIEF
He is the most devisive political official I am aware of and this is blatantly obvious to all but the brain dead.
I guess you must be brain dead to not notice that the GOP with its constant opposition to EVERYTHING (including bills that THEY had sponsored in the past) Obama proposes and their leader's stated priority to "make Obama fail" is the REAL divider element in this governement.
But. . .Keep on your ridiculous illusions. Continue to refuse to face reality. That will certainly resolve this country's problems!
Patriot? My ass!
Most of you would rather see the whole country fail than to see Obama succeed as a second term President!
Dumb is as dumb does!
Thanks, this thread is one of the reasons I registered after long time lurking![]()
Its not totaly on Obama on these gas prices. Its the EPA and the Democrats.
Well, I wish you good luck, and I do welcome you!
But, based on my experience, if you make any sense, offer factual data and disagree with the extreme Right, they will either brow beat you, insult you, or arrange to get you banned (even if only temporarely. . . ) which will then make you want to leave and find more "reasonable" forums where the debates are not skewed by an overwhelming majority of Fox News addicts!
Good luck. I hope you have the stamina and the strength to express yourself in spite of the put down and insults that will come your way. I, for one, don't care enough to continue this on a daily basis. It's not so much the insults and the stupidity of some posters here. . . it is more about the way some moderators react to comments: If it an insult comes from the Right. . .it is okay. If a comment that may be perceived as an insult (even if it is not intended as an insult) comes from the Left. . .it is cause for a warning or temporary banning. . .even if it was in answer to a direct insult from a con!
I'll be watching from afar!![]()