Obama's latest quote


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
The people's republic of Eugene
The news is reporting a new quote from Obama he made on Sunday while at a fundraiser in San Francisco. He was talking about the voters in Pennsylvania.

Here is what he said;
“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania where people have lost a lot of jobs and it’s not surprising they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

He makes these people sound so backward and worthless and racist.

If a person is falling on hard times is it wrong to “cling” to their faith or religion?

Is it wrong to feel “bitter” if your town has few jobs and the ones that are there are being done by people who are not even legally there?

Is it wrong to care about the constitution of the United States and ALL of the amendments? How can someone who “claims” they want to represent us say the things this man says?

If the people in Pennsylvania are “frustrated” I am sure it’s for the same reasons the people in the rest of the 49 states are “frustrated”

I also am frustrated that there are people who want to twist and warp the constitution. They want to make sure weirdo’s can watch kiddie porn in the public library without being reported, and keep their dope protected in the glove box of their car and make sure the terrorists don’t have their “rights” infringed upon by listening to them plan attacks. But God forbid a law biding citizen owns a hand gun or riffle. Ops you can’t bring “God”’ into it, that is against the mythical separation of church and state!

Then they say let the people come in illegally and do the jobs we claim you won’t do, and if you complain about it, we will deem you intolerant. Now we have to swallow that there is something wrong for us to lean on our faith if we are so frustrated with the above crud shoved down our throats.

I really do not like Obama

The news is reporting a new quote from Obama he made on Sunday while at a fundraiser in San Francisco. He was talking about the voters in Pennsylvania.

Here is what he said;
“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania where people have lost a lot of jobs and it’s not surprising they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

He makes these people sound so backward and worthless and racist.

If a person is falling on hard times is it wrong to “cling” to their faith or religion?

Is it wrong to feel “bitter” if your town has few jobs and the ones that are there are being done by people who are not even legally there?

Is it wrong to care about the constitution of the United States and ALL of the amendments? How can someone who “claims” they want to represent us say the things this man says?

If the people in Pennsylvania are “frustrated” I am sure it’s for the same reasons the people in the rest of the 49 states are “frustrated”

I also am frustrated that there are people who want to twist and warp the constitution. They want to make sure weirdo’s can watch kiddie porn in the public library without being reported, and keep their dope protected in the glove box of their car and make sure the terrorists don’t have their “rights” infringed upon by listening to them plan attacks. But God forbid a law biding citizen owns a hand gun or riffle. Ops you can’t bring “God”’ into it, that is against the mythical separation of church and state!

Then they say let the people come in illegally and do the jobs we claim you won’t do, and if you complain about it, we will deem you intolerant. Now we have to swallow that there is something wrong for us to lean on our faith if we are so frustrated with the above crud shoved down our throats.

I really do not like Obama

Since you don't seem to like it in Oregon, specifically Eugene, why don't you move down to a redneck paradise like Alabama or Mississippi, maybe Texas. I'm sure you'll find lots of fellow redneck right wing extremists. Think about it, you could make racist and sexist jokes all day long.
Since you don't seem to like it in Oregon, specifically Eugene, why don't you move down to a redneck paradise like Alabama or Mississippi, maybe Texas. I'm sure you'll find lots of fellow redneck right wing extremists. Think about it, you could make racist and sexist jokes all day long.

What racist or sexist jokes have I said? Why is it when someone coming from the left side of the platform disagrees, their attack seems often to be to call the other racist or sexist. Yes, and redneck, that is another one often thrown out. What exactly makes me an extremist? Is it because I want my constitutional rights? Or is it because I don’t believe in murder? Or perhaps is it because I am not an Obama bot?

I love Oregon. The state is very pretty, and there are many things to do. I don’t love the ridiculous politics here. Oregon state and the Taliban are the only two governments I know of who ban kite flying. In Oregon they tell you that you are too stupid to pump your own gas so you have to let the attendant do it. And guess what? It has made us stupid! I have no idea how to do it, and I am in a pickle when I travel to Washington State or California.
In Oregon you need permission to cut a tree on your own property, even if you, yourself planted the tree. You also need permission (in some parts of Oregon) to plant certain types of trees and shrubs. I could go on about the government run socialism here but I don’t think you really want to hear the truth, so I wont.

I have 10 years left in my job before I can retire, so I am staying in Oregon for a bit longer. I did not care for the states you named for suggestions. I rather like Montana or Nevada

Maybe next time you can tell me what you disagreed with and why, instead of calling me names?
...if you can't figure out how to pump your won gas it should probably disqualify you from voting.

anyway. obama wasn't saying "oh it's so awful that these people like guns or god." he was saying that when people are frustrated, they, it's easier to focus on another issue that's important to you, like guns or religion or trade or immigration, than to focus on the reality that you've gotten screwed over by the same old washington politics and despite the fact that every politician tells you that they'll bring those jobs back, they never do.

the problem here, as it usually is with these obama quote flaps, is that you didn't read ALL of what was said, you cherrypicked some 10 second soundbite out of context to justify your outrage. i'm new here, but how about you explain to ME: what is it that you don't like about obama's POLITICAL VIEWS? not a quote, not a pastor or a supporter or a skin color or anything else like that. or are you just a far right-wing republican? because, duh, you probably aren't going to like any democrat.
...if you can't figure out how to pump your won gas it should probably disqualify you from voting.

It is against the law for any one in Oregon to even go near the gas pump. They like it if you stay in your car. If the IDIOTS in Oregon government do not let me get any where near the gas pump I am not sure I can be blamed for not knowing how to do it.

...anyway. obama wasn't saying "oh it's so awful that these people like guns or god." he was saying that when people are frustrated, they, it's easier to focus on another issue that's important to you, like guns or religion or trade or immigration, than to focus on the reality that you've gotten screwed over by the same old washington politics and despite the fact that every politician tells you that they'll bring those jobs back, they never do..


What you said is NOT what he said. I quoted what he said. You quoted one of his 6 different explanations of what he said. You quoted his damage control, not his actual original quote.

...the problem here, as it usually is with these obama quote flaps, is that you didn't read ALL of what was said, you cherrypicked some 10 second soundbite out of context to justify your outrage. .

I did read all of what he said. The tape was scratchy but I was able to hear it all.

...i'm new here, but how about you explain to ME: what is it that you don't like about obama's POLITICAL VIEWS? not a quote, not a pastor or a supporter or a skin color or anything else like that. or are you just a far right-wing republican? because, duh, you probably aren't going to like any democrat.

Skin color? You think people that don’t like Obama feel this way because of his skin color?
I think most people who do not like Obama would vote for Condoleezza or Colin Powell in a heart beat. I would even vote for a democrat who is African American. Does this shock you? It shouldn’t. Harold Ford Jr. is someone I would seriously consider voting for even I some what disagree with him on a few issues, I really like and respect him very much. So please don’t toss out the race card.

List of what I don’t like about Obama besides the fact he has not the judgment to figure out his pastor is a racist in over 20 years? Easy…

I am pro life. He not only voted for federal funding for abortions. That means ME. That means I pay for other women to kill their children. I do not like that.

He voted YES on partial birth abortion. I think it takes a heartless person to kill a child that can live outside the womb. I really don’t like abortion period, but I won’t argue with early 1-3 month abortions, or rape or incest. But when you are 7 months pregnant and the child is viable outside the womb, and you still choose to kill rather than adopt it out it, I do take a great deal of issue with this.

He voted NO to the born alive act. When you are trying to off a child and by some miracle the child survives the abortion and is born alive. GIVE THEM A DOCTOR! But Obama said no. He said it would be too burdensome to the mother who intended an abortion. Obama says let it die. That is sick, its gross and its sub human. That is an abomination (better spelled) Obamanation.

I believe in all the amendments to the constitution. This includes the 2d amendment. Obama is very much against the second amendment. He voted in Illinois that only retired policemen should have the right to concealed carry. He has voted to restrict gun rights. I like my rights and I don’t want someone taking them away from me. Its like wag the tail. While he points at evil republicans who want to take the kiddie porn rights away from pedophiles in public libraries, he votes to take way Americans gun right.

His vote that would protect gang members from the death penalty for killing others in the name of their gangs bothers me greatly. Personally I don’t like the death penalty. I am pro life. I am pro children’s lives, gang member’s lives. Only in rare cases do I believe the death penalty should be used. But I take great offence that he would protect gang members and not all people who were facing the death penalty.

Obama voted NO to require school boards to install software on public computers accessible to minors to block sexually explicit materials.

Obama voted NO to give no offer of good time for sex offenders. He was the only senator to vote no on this. I want a president who is looking out for the kids. I find this sick, gross and disgusting.

There are a number of other votes that he has cast that bothers me greatly, but this should answer your question.

I believe my reasons for not wanting him are valid and they are based on his votes. Him having a racist pastor that he spent 20 years with but still never figured out he was racist is just an added bonus.
ok, the abortion issue is legitimate. personally, i agree with obama's votes, but it's a substantive thing to disagree with.

as far as the gun issue, well, i guess that's legit too, personally i have never understood what about anyone and everyone you pass on the street potentially carrying a lethal weapon makes people feel safer. it makes me more nervous, personally, so i agree with obama on this, too. i'm also with him on voting no for the school board internet filters. sex isn't evil, we shouldn't treat it like it is. kids aren't going to get scarred for life by seeing a vagina, accidentally or otherwise.

could you link me to that last point, about the sex offenders? i know obama passed a bill in the illinois senate to eliminate good behavior time for sex offenders, i hadn't heard about a us senate bill on the same thing.

anyway, the point is, you seem to be a reasonable person who disagrees with obama on this issues, so why all the hysterics? this is what gets me: every right winger is out there talking about how obama's success would be the end of the world... in reality, it would be no such thing, and it would be better for everyone, the electorate at large, if people would quit with the screaming and hissyfits and just discuss things reasonably. but no, it's all about "elitism" and "scary black pastor" and "lapel pin" and other non-issues-- that's why american voters are mostly apathetic and/or uneducated politically.
ok, the abortion issue is legitimate. personally, i agree with obama's votes, but it's a substantive thing to disagree with..

Thank you for respecting my right the right to life opinion.

as far as the gun issue, well, i guess that's legit too, personally i have never understood what about anyone and everyone you pass on the street potentially carrying a lethal weapon makes people feel safer. it makes me more nervous, personally, so i agree with obama on this, too. .

as far as the gun issue, well, i guess that's legit too, personally i have never understood what about anyone and everyone you pass on the street potentially carrying a lethal weapon makes people feel safer. It makes me more nervous, personally, so i agree with obama on this, too.

I don’t personally own a gun. I just adopted a little 8 year old girl and I am fostering a very difficult 12 year old boy. A gun in my house wouldn’t be safe. I don’t want to keep the amendment because I personally own a gun. I want to keep the amendment because it’s our right. It’s a constitutional right. If we let one of our fundamental rights erode, they will all follow sooner or later.

i'm also with him on voting no for the school board internet filters. sex isn't evil, we shouldn't treat it like it is. kids aren't going to get scarred for life by seeing a vagina, accidentally or otherwise..

Do you have kids? Do you want your kids educated with sex by internet porn? I have every intent on educating my children on sex but, I don’t want the internet doing it for me, and I for sure do not send my kids to school to surf the web for porn sites. The schools should be a safe haven for our kids from things like this.

could you link me to that last point, about the sex offenders? i know obama passed a bill in the illinois senate to eliminate good behavior time for sex offenders, i hadn't heard about a us senate bill on the same thing..

All you have to do is look up his voting record. Every vote I quoted was from Illinois State. I think the no good time for sex offenders law past in spite of Obama voting against it. Here is the phone number and website Voter's Research Hotline at 1-888-VOTE-SMART (1-888-868-3762) and one of our researchers can look up any vote you need. http://www.votesmart.org/

anyway, the point is, you seem to be a reasonable person who disagrees with obama on this issues, so why all the hysterics? this is what gets me: every right winger is out there talking about how obama's success would be the end of the world... in reality, it would be no such thing, and it would be better for everyone, the electorate at large, if people would quit with the screaming and hissyfits and just discuss things reasonably. but no, it's all about "elitism" and "scary black pastor" and "lapel pin" and other non-issues-- that's why american voters are mostly apathetic and/or uneducated politically.

I can not speak for all conservatives but I would guess most of them would take issue with Obama on the things I said also. They would probably take issue with the over a trillion dollars in new spending he has proposed.

You write that Obama’s success would be better for everyone. I am lost by that statement. Who exactly would it be better for? We already have a president who spends too much money, and this guy wants to spend more. Our taxes are so high people can’t afford anymore taxes but he wants to raise them any ways.

I would say this man is dangerous. He wants to talk with the leader of Iran with out any preconditions. It is impossible to reason with a man who can not even agree that an entire country of people have a right to exist. But Obama is full of hope that “yes he can”

I wouldn’t let your self get so upset about the hysterics. When Nixon was the president the left was all over him in hysterics over Watergate. Then the right was all over Jimmy Carter, then the left over Reagan, then the right over Clinton and then the left over Bush. So If Obama gets it, you can bet the right will give back to you everything the left dished out to Bush. It’s just the way it is.

In all fairness, the left upped the game with Bush. They called him Hitler, making videos of him frying in an electric chair exc. Exc. If Obama gets it, it’s going to get ugly. But if Obama doesn’t get it, it’s going to get ugly anyways.

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