Investigation uncovers serious impeachable offences by President Biden

Majority mobs murdered millions of Jews and lynched blacks at will, so it is no wonder that they charged and found Trump guilty of multiple crimes before they even identified the crimes.

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Hitler stupidity lol
Majority mob scotus judges overruled roe
So you don't support their decision, right? Lol
God you are stupid lol
Majority mobs murdered millions of Jews and lynched blacks at will, so it is no wonder that they charged and found Trump guilty of multiple crimes before they even identified the crimes.
Those who lynched blacks in yesteryears, were they:

- (self proclaimed) Christian or atheist?
- conservative or liberal?
- left wing or right wing?

Now start twisting and turning. It’s entertaining.
Those who lynched blacks in yesteryears, were they:

- (self proclaimed) Christian or atheist?
- conservative or liberal?
- left wing or right wing?

Now start twisting and turning. It’s entertaining.
Americans who lynched blacks in the past were disobeying God no matter what they claimed about their religion.

1 John 3:14
We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.
Americans who lynched blacks in the past were disobeying God no matter what they claimed about their religion.

1 John 3:14
We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.
Your evasion is not even clever. There is a reason you did not answer. That is because these horrible people claimed to be Christian, conservative and rightwinger.

Now maybe you learn your lesson and never again mention that log time ago it was democrats who lynched blacks. That is not just half truth but outright misleading and dishonest.
Your evasion is not even clever. There is a reason you did not answer. That is because these horrible people claimed to be Christian, conservative and rightwinger.

Now maybe you learn your lesson and never again mention that log time ago it was democrats who lynched blacks. That is not just half truth but outright misleading and dishonest.
Devils can claim to be Christian but that is no reflection on God.
Devils can claim to be Christian but that is no reflection on God.
Never the less they claimed to be Christian much like others today and people like you who claim to be Christian.

I ask you one more time: those who used to commit lynching in yesteryears, were they right wing or left wing? Liberal or conservative? Will you please answer that?

I ask you again as nicely and as politely as possible to please engage honestly. You may call us (savages and commies in nearly every post and that has its own problems) but this constant evasion on a discussion board is just not appropriate. At the very least simply do not answer (on a discussion board that has its own problems) and stop making the same claim again and again. But evading answering and then repeating the same claim is just not civilized. Where are your christian manners? I ask you again politely, please stop this. Thanks.
There was no way to impeach Biden, and the MAGA clowns gave up.
Sorrt but there was and is but the powers that be refused to charge him with stealing and improper storage of classified material because they felt he was not mentally sound enough to stand trial .
He should of been impeached for all the illegals he let in also.
Never the less they claimed to be Christian much like others today and people like you who claim to be Christian.

I ask you one more time: those who used to commit lynching in yesteryears, were they right wing or left wing? Liberal or conservative? Will you please answer that?

I ask you again as nicely and as politely as possible to please engage honestly. You may call us (savages and commies in nearly every post and that has its own problems) but this constant evasion on a discussion board is just not appropriate. At the very least simply do not answer (on a discussion board that has its own problems) and stop making the same claim again and again. But evading answering and then repeating the same claim is just not civilized. Where are your christian manners? I ask you again politely, please stop this. Thanks.
lots of people claim to be what they are not . Look at biden and harris
Never the less they claimed to be Christian much like others today and people like you who claim to be Christian.
I agree. God has no respect for hypocritical fake Christians.
I ask you one more time: those who used to commit lynching in yesteryears, were they right wing or left wing? Liberal or conservative? Will you please answer that?
Right wing and left wing are commonly used as political terms. Modern Christians are commonly referred to as right wing. I have no idea how modern people judge the disctinctions between right and left in past decades, especially since I have heard many liberals claim conservatives of today were liberals of yesterday.
I ask you again as nicely and as politely as possible to please engage honestly.
OK. I try to always do that.
You may call us (savages and commies in nearly every post and that has its own problems) but this constant evasion on a discussion board is just not appropriate. At the very least simply do not answer (on a discussion board that has its own problems) and stop making the same claim again and again. But evading answering and then repeating the same claim is just not civilized. Where are your christian manners? I ask you again politely, please stop this. Thanks.
I will stop mocking democrats for lying about voter fraud as soon as they stop lying about voter fraud. Is that the kind of thing you are talking about?
you should know. lol

the fact is that it is widely believed that kkk members were Christians and were conservative. bone appetite!
They probably were or claim to be Christians just like biden and pelosi claim but are not they were mostly southern democrats who were upset about loss of slaves and blacks getting rights . . bone appetite!
They probably were or claim to be Christians just like biden and pelosi claim but are not they were mostly southern democrats who were upset about loss of slaves and blacks getting rights . . bone appetite!
ok...... were these southern democrats conservative or liberal? the undeniable fact is that most of these "southern democrats" migrated to the GOP and that is how republicans are strong in southern states.