Given the physics of what was alleged to have happened .... it is highly improbable that two skyscrapers
having been hit by airliners ( allegedly ) and in different locations, should experience identical "collapse" modes,
and indeed collapse into complete & total destruction. Please note that for arson investigators, the fact that there
was complete destruction of any structure, sets off alarms big-time.
Note the rapid & complete penetration of the wall by two alleged commercial airliners, when the physics of the
event give very low odds for penetration if the angle is off, however two hijacked airliners managed to pull-off the
very same sort of precision maneuver to penetrate & penetrate completely into the skyscraper.
... the anomalies are staggering! There are all sorts of events where people say, "it could happen like that"
but how many of these "it could happen like that" events have to stack up before the total picture becomes totally
improbable? .. THINK ABOUT IT!