Implementation of Obamacare

The Affordable Care Act was enacted by Congress, signed into law by President Obama, and upheld against constitutional challenge by the United States Supreme Court. Under the Constitution, it is the supreme law of the land. The efforts of radical Republicans to "defund" the law will not prevent its implementation, which will proceed by voluntary subscription, or by involuntary tax assessment. To change this, Congress would have to repeal the act; which, by counting votes, is not likely to happen any time soon. So, better get used to it.
The Affordable Care Act was enacted by Congress, signed into law by President Obama, and upheld against constitutional challenge by the United States Supreme Court. Under the Constitution, it is the supreme law of the land. The efforts of radical Republicans to "defund" the law will not prevent its implementation, which will proceed by voluntary subscription, or by involuntary tax assessment. To change this, Congress would have to repeal the act; which, by counting votes, is not likely to happen any time soon. So, better get used to it.
The Constitution gives the House the power of the purse and they are well within their rights to oppose the partisan disaster known as Obamacare on behalf of the far majority of Americans!

Despite what communist supporters such as yourself would like to believe .... we do not live under a dictatorship where the president can control all three branches of government!
The proper procedure is repeal, not by refusing to fund the government.
They are not refusing to fund the government ...... they are refusing to raise the debt ceiling preventing the government from wasting more ...

The government not being funded for it's existing debts is a lie .... a crisis made up by the regime to blame the Republicans .... a talking point for the sheeple such as yourself to parrot!
The truth is that the Congress cannot "fund" the government without raising the "debt ceiling"; in the absence of which the government will default on its obligations.
Fast-food CEO says Obama 'wrong,' health law is hurting job creation

The CEO of a major American fast-food corporation says President Obama was “wrong” when he claimed that the costs of ObamaCare are not hurting job creation in the U.S.

Andy Puzder, the CEO of CKE Restaurants Inc. which is the parent company of Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s, told Megyn Kelly on “The Kelly File,” that his company and others will choose to hire part-time employees instead of full-time employees because of increased costs from the health care law.
Reports of ObamaCare fraud emerge in Tennessee

Scam artists have seemingly found a friend in ObamaCare.

Reports are emerging that shysters are using Tennessee residents’ relative lack of knowledge about the new health care law to defraud them.

Scam artists, for example, are making calls claiming they need Social Security numbers to sign people up for a new ObamaCare insurance card, according to a statement from the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance.
The truth is that the Congress cannot "fund" the government without raising the "debt ceiling"; in the absence of which the government will default on its obligations.

That's just silly. They can cut back their spending, which the Republicans have tried to do, but Reid won't even bring those bills up for a vote.
For months, maybe even years, a lot of us here have been saying what an expensive nightmare the ACA is.

ACA's sole purpose was to force healthy people back into health insurance pools- to pick up the tab for everyone else. This law is a complete sham and it is horribly expensive. The Affordable Care Act is not affordable nor is it caring. With it's outrageous deductibles and premiums, it hardly qualifies as insurance. It is a sham- foisted upon the American middle class and given a palatable name- to provide windfall profits to healthcare companies while stealing every last dollar and tidbit of personal information it can glean.

I am not going to participate. At any level. My first act of civil disobedience will be to refuse to enroll.

You will enjoy this article. Forbes discovers that the healthcare exchange is crashing because the Obama administration desperately wanted to hide the true cost of the ACA by forcing people into giving up all of their personal data before disclosing plan prices. Deceit is no way to enroll people and then steal their money.

People cannot afford this. The middle class is tapped out. The ACA is DOA.
Very interesting.

Many states with ZERO signups.
The truth is that the Congress cannot "fund" the government without raising the "debt ceiling"; in the absence of which the government will default on its obligations.
Yes they can...Technically, there's enough tax revenue to pay the interest on the treasuries at today's rate. But not entitlements, and won't leave a lot of wiggle room for all the other crap the federal government wants to do. I guess the Fed could unleash QE-to-fucking-infinity-and-beyond where they run the presses full tilt until the dollar is debased into a pile of ashes. People hear something and repeat it as fact. I suppose this has happened throughout history although I suspect our population is probably the dumbest in the history of the world...I know we are the most selfish, to strap our Children with this kind of debt
That's just silly. They can cut back their spending, which the Republicans have tried to do, but Reid won't even bring those bills up for a vote.
You have to excuse the sheeple ... they are merely parroting what the MSM is directing them to say. All normal thinking Americans know that the government is already funded and that the raise in the debt ceiling is to add nearly a trillion dollars in ADDITIONAL debt ..... which has nothing to do with funding the government's current obligations.
You have to excuse the sheeple ... they are merely parroting what the MSM is directing them to say. All normal thinking Americans know that the government is already funded and that the raise in the debt ceiling is to add nearly a trillion dollars in ADDITIONAL debt ..... which has nothing to do with funding the government's current obligations.
I like what your saying..But the problem is most Americans are clueless when it comes to funding the Government...