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your telling me you can get a family of four insurance for 68 dollars... if that was the case my friend then then we would not be ina healthcare crisis.

I don't believe we are in a crisis. We have some problems, yes. But no, we are not in crisis. I had to use the health care system 6 times last year. Yes, it was expensive. Yes I had a difficult time. But I did pay for it, and it was great service.

I'm telling you, I looked it up on Anthems own web site.

Also 1800 a month equates out to be 12 to 13 dollars an hour after taxes.. most of the jobs out there for non-skilled workers is gonna start topping out at around 15 for restraunt styles..

BTW... just tossing in "the guy needs to get a new job" because he can;t cover his medical bills is not an option for most Americans who are non-skilled and without a college education.

Yeah actually it is an option. Anyone can get a part time job on the side that will more than cover a few hundred a month for health care if they need it.

We should NOT have to force our workers into the thought that ethier " you can have medical insurance... ONLY if you have two jobs or are a college educated worker." That is just luducris.. the whole reason there are rich people in America is because they had the lower classes to climb above to begin with..

No, actually it isn't ludicrous. And how and what the 'rich' people did or did not do, is completely irrelevant.

You have the right to pursue happiness. You have the freedom to choose. You can choose to work for what you get, or you have the choice to not get stuff. Health care is not a right, and trying to make it one, will only make things worse as has been prove a million times the world over.

Simply said,.. healthcare only for middle and upper class is UnAmerican,.. where EVERYONE should at least be able to get some form of affordable (( while not ideal )) healthcare to cover themselves and their children..

not to fall into Federal Farmers take and start pointing fingers about education.. Does anyone have some common sence about what typical non-skilled jobs pay now? Or are we just gonna lie to ourselves and not believe that pay as not increased with inflation.

Health care isn't for the middle class. It's for everyone that can earn it. The pursuit of happiness. That is what America stands for. The freedom to earn what we have.

The idea that we should be forced to pay for others health care, is the un-american idea.

Thomas Jefferson said it best - "To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."

How true.

A 21 year old.. who happened to get pregreant .. working a typical customer service job.. can easily afford the healthcare out there right now. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Health care is expensive. Doctors, nurses, hospital buildings, medications, equipment... cost money. It isn't free. People don't spend $100K dollars, and 10 years on medical school, just so they can work for free because some girl choose to jump in the sack when she wasn't financially able to have a child. Personal... responsibility...

It is not Donald Trumps duty, or Dave Thomas's duty, or Ross Perot's duty, or governments duty, or anyone else's duty, to provide someone the care they need because of the poor choices they made.

Personal Responsibility.

I'm living it right now.. so don't give me the B.S. that such and such needs to find a job when security during pregancy out-ways all. Some people don't get that luxury.

Where is your empathy... gezzz...

If I take a gun, and blow off my foot, I'm owed your money to pay to fix it. Does that sound logical? If a girl jumps in the sack with someone she is not married to, who has no ability to support her, she is owed my hard earned money to pay for her choice?

It's called personal responsibility. Where you are, and what situation you are in, is due the the choices you have made. Yes there are very rare exceptions, but for the most part this is true. I should not be FORCED to pay for some girl and guy being completely irresponsible. Nor should anyone else. People should deal with the choices they make!
Not true. If the person requires urgent attention, they go to an ER closest to them. If the situation is not all that urgent, they can make the appointment OR go to a walk in clinic. ..(particularly if they don't have a dr. So I don't know where you are getting this BS "info": from , but it is not even close to being factual.

You are SO full of **** Shadow. The information I posted is recent, from an associate of mine who lives in Quebec RIGHT NOW. He had to wait 6 months to even get to see a Doctor about a heart condition, another 4 months to see a specialist, another 4 months before he could get his testing, and his operation was scheduled for 5 months after that, but unfortunately he had a heart attack while here in the States on vacation. Fortunately we got him to the hospital in time, and they wound up doing the surgery while he was here.

His surgeon here wanted to know why he had waited so long to have his surgery, but when we told him that he was Canadian, he just shook his head, turned around and walked away while muttering something that sounded strangely like "fu@kin' idiot Canuks".

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