If you're like me and love America, then it's Trump. And only Trump. Here's one thought as to why.

Trump was the best POTUS since Reagan and Trump remains the best and the last best hope for American freedom.

He has done what he said he'd do.

He has sacrificed himself for America.

He promises to prevent WW3.

He promises to stop the wars in Ukraine and Gaza literally, overnight.

No one else can take on the corruption empire which has taken control of America, but Trump.

No one else dares risk every thing to flatten corruption.

For US.

Trump will keep America in fighting shape but use that preparedness to keep the peace.

If you love America, it's Trump.

Only Trump.
You're absolutely right, if we truly want our country back, its trump. There are some people that keep talking crap about trump when we have a frail old man right now in the white house who thumbs his nose at our constitution and laws, gas and food continue to increase because biden and his cronies are enriching themselves at our expense,
he continues to let people into the country illegally, His foreign policies are going to get us into a very dangerous situation, and talk about trump being a dictator? Trump is not the one telling us what car to drive, or what type of ovens to have, etc. Im a 63 yr old african american, i started voting for president when president reagan was running whom i voted for twice. Thats how i know about the empty track record of biden, biden has been a politician for nearly 50 yrs and has done absolutely nothing! When biden ran against trump back in 2020 i kept uttering "pls lets not put biden in there or we are going to be sorryyyy! And we as a country are paying for that decision now. Regardless to which political party each of us side with, we all have an equal obligation to put the best man possible in the white house cuz we have an obligation to take of this country if as much as we expect the country to take care of us. In other words, if i own a business, in order to have a successful biz and to get the fruits from it, i have to first take care of my business and put the best person possible in order for my business to take of me.
It works the same way with the country! Biden's job is to convince all of us to put him back in the white house for another 4 years when all he is going to do is do the same he's been doing for the last nearly 4 years. Biden is not a business man, but trump is a seasoned business man. If trump could keep gas and food prices down, then how come biden can't do it?? And if we look at 2020 election, just because no evidence of fraud was found does'nt it did'nt happen. Just look at the current behavior of the Dems in terms of election interference, so why should'nt we believe that they were not capable of election fraud. All they did was cover it up cuz they knew they beat trump then and they know they can't beat trump at the ballot box now! The New york D.A bragg is wasting millions and millions of taxpayer dollars on a case against trump that he knows he does'nt have!
Lastly, as friend said to me just the other day, "well trump calls people names, says this and says that". My reply was, "every president says things they probably should'nt say, but as a voter i don't care about some of the crazy he might say from to time, all i care about and want from any president is to provide policies that will improve my living conditions so that i can survive, thats all that matters"!
It does'nt matter whether we like the president or not, but what does matter is your survival and mine.
And just a quick note, biden has been feeding us alot of crap that he well and touts an economy that is not good for us, so if biden really really believes this, then get up on stage and debate trump in front of a live audience, whats with all these restrictions that biden is asking for??
I say to biden, don't talk crap, man-up and debate trump like the man you falsely claim to be!
You're absolutely right, if we truly want our country back, its trump. There are some people that keep talking crap about trump when we have a frail old man right now in the white house who thumbs his nose at our constitution and laws, gas and food continue to increase because biden and his cronies are enriching themselves at our expense,
he continues to let people into the country illegally, His foreign policies are going to get us into a very dangerous situation, and talk about trump being a dictator? Trump is not the one telling us what car to drive, or what type of ovens to have, etc. Im a 63 yr old african american, i started voting for president when president reagan was running whom i voted for twice. Thats how i know about the empty track record of biden, biden has been a politician for nearly 50 yrs and has done absolutely nothing! When biden ran against trump back in 2020 i kept uttering "pls lets not put biden in there or we are going to be sorryyyy! And we as a country are paying for that decision now. Regardless to which political party each of us side with, we all have an equal obligation to put the best man possible in the white house cuz we have an obligation to take of this country if as much as we expect the country to take care of us. In other words, if i own a business, in order to have a successful biz and to get the fruits from it, i have to first take care of my business and put the best person possible in order for my business to take of me.
It works the same way with the country! Biden's job is to convince all of us to put him back in the white house for another 4 years when all he is going to do is do the same he's been doing for the last nearly 4 years. Biden is not a business man, but trump is a seasoned business man. If trump could keep gas and food prices down, then how come biden can't do it?? And if we look at 2020 election, just because no evidence of fraud was found does'nt it did'nt happen. Just look at the current behavior of the Dems in terms of election interference, so why should'nt we believe that they were not capable of election fraud. All they did was cover it up cuz they knew they beat trump then and they know they can't beat trump at the ballot box now! The New york D.A bragg is wasting millions and millions of taxpayer dollars on a case against trump that he knows he does'nt have!
Lastly, as friend said to me just the other day, "well trump calls people names, says this and says that". My reply was, "every president says things they probably should'nt say, but as a voter i don't care about some of the crazy he might say from to time, all i care about and want from any president is to provide policies that will improve my living conditions so that i can survive, thats all that matters"!
It does'nt matter whether we like the president or not, but what does matter is your survival and mine.
And just a quick note, biden has been feeding us alot of crap that he well and touts an economy that is not good for us, so if biden really really believes this, then get up on stage and debate trump in front of a live audience, whats with all these restrictions that biden is asking for??
I say to biden, don't talk crap, man-up and debate trump like the man you falsely claim to be!
Biden is going to debate Trump. Let's see if Trump is man enough to, he wasn't in the primaries
Democrats have been spewing garbage about Trump they invented from their corrupt political bias. He did not try to install a dictatorship. That is one of the stupidest false claims the moronic leftists have ever invented.
Trump said in public that if he is elected he wants to be a dictator.

He attempted to LEAD an armed and riotous mob against Congress after he lost by SEVEN MILLION VOTES.

He has said he wants to suspend the Constitution.

Trump belongs in P R I S O N.

But we'd all be better off if he were extinct.

Biden is going to debate Trump. Let's see if Trump is man enough to, he wasn't in the primaries
Trump cannot actually debate. All he knows how to do is to shout lies over anyone he is debating, Like Ramaladingdong.
Trump said in public that if he is elected he wants to be a dictator.
That must be a misquote or misinterpretation, don't you agree?
He attempted to LEAD an armed and riotous mob against Congress after he lost by SEVEN MILLION VOTES.
He did not lead an armed rebellion, contrary to the seditious lies you must have been told by enemies of the truth.
He has said he wants to suspend the Constitution.
Trump has always honored the Constitution, unlike democrats.
Trump belongs in P R I S O N.

But we'd all be better off if he were extinct.
Democrats still mourn the loss of their formerly protected practice of hanging their enemies on trees without justification just for displeasing them in ways that fan the hatred they hold for those who disagree with them or don't look like them.
Trump wanted to lead the attack on Congress himnself, but his Secret Service guys refused to allow him to get out of his limo.
You obviously think you know more about what Trump wanted than he even knew about himself.
He said what he wanted to do, he told the Secret Service to drive him to Congress. They refused, and when he got back to the White House he expressed his outrage by flinging his burger at the wall.

Trump is a CRIMINAL a rapey CRIMINAL a lying CRIMINAL. a thieving CRIMINAL, a conman CRIMINAL.

Who shits himself daily.

Sumbitch belongs in PRISON
You're absolutely right, if we truly want our country back, its trump.
Back from what? Back from a dictator who tried to change to fascism? Idiot.

There are some people that keep talking crap about trump when we have a frail old man right now in the white house who thumbs his nose at our constitution and laws,
You are an idiot. Trump ignored the constitution and was impeached for it. He has openly declared he will suspend it on election.
He is currently going through courts for breaking the law 90 times. Do you want me to go on?

gas and food continue to increase because biden and his cronies are enriching themselves at our expense,
In fact the opposite is true and tell us how they are on the take directly related to gas and food prices. I know you can't you fuckwit.

he continues to let people into the country illegally, His foreign policies are going to get us into a very dangerous situation, and talk about trump being a dictator?
Trump did nothing about illegals and used it to fool idiots like you by telling you it was a threat to USA. It's not.
Trump is not the one telling us what car to drive, or what type of ovens to have, etc
Biden is not telling you that at all. That's a blatant lie.

. Im a 63 yr old african american, i started voting for president when president reagan was running whom i voted for twice. Thats how i know about the empty track record of biden, biden has been a politician for nearly 50 yrs and has done absolutely nothing!
You can't be expected to have intelligence with that history. Empty track record?prove it.

When biden ran against trump back in 2020 i kept uttering "pls lets not put biden in there or we are going to be sorryyyy! And we as a country are paying for that decision now.
And exactly what are we paying for? Prove it or shut up.

Regardless to which political party each of us side with, we all have an equal obligation to put the best man possible in the white house cuz we have an obligation to take of this country if as much as we expect the country to take care of us.
Exactly and that's why we have a democracy and not elect Trump who has stated he will take measurey to destroy it. The fact you lost is not justification for your bleating story of patriotism.

In other words, if i own a business, in order to have a successful biz and to get the fruits from it, i have to first take care of my business and put the best person possible in order for my business to take of me.
Those democrats who own businesses have a different view. You're opinion is nothing startling.
It works the same way with the country! Biden's job is to convince all of us to put him back in the white house for another 4 years when all he is going to do is do the same he's been doing for the last nearly 4 years.
That's fine by me. Reduced interest rates, reduced unemployment , reduced inflation, and more.

Biden is not a business man, but trump is a seasoned business man. If trump could keep gas and food prices down, then how come biden can't do it??
Trump was given his wealth and is a businessman's arsehole. 6 bankruptcies and one was a casino.he went broke in a casino. Some businessman. Grow up.
And if we look at 2020 election, just because no evidence of fraud was found does'nt it did'nt happen.

What it means is trump was defeated democratically and you didn't like it. There is no evidence of fraud and 60 cases brought to the courts by Trump and all failed proves it.
Why didn't you bellow about fraud when Trump won? How coincidental it only happens when you get beaten.
Just look at the current behavior of the Dems in terms of election interference, so why should'nt we believe that they were not capable of election fraud.
Exactly what election reference are you referring to? Let me guess. The fact Trump is going through court and he said so. He's as we speak going through court for hiding money to stormy so it would interfere with his chances. Is that not election interference?
Don't forget Karen McDougall's payout for the same reason.

All they did was cover it up cuz they knew they beat trump then and they know they can't beat trump at the ballot box now!
Trump is beaten now. Now rational American will return the idiot now. Republicans switched to Biden last time yet you think they will change back with all the baggage Trump has now? You're not real smart son.

The New york D.A bragg is wasting millions and millions of taxpayer dollars on a case against trump that he knows he does'nt have!
We'll see but I suspect that's typical Maga bullshyt.
Lastly, as friend said to me just the other day, "well trump calls people names, says this and says that". My reply was, "every president says things they probably should'nt say, but as a voter i don't care about some of the crazy he might say from to time,
Not even grabbing women on the pussy? Sexually assaulting E Jean Carroll?
Those instances don't matter? Ask women if it doesn't matter

all i care about and want from any president is to provide policies that will improve my living conditions so that i can survive, thats all that matters"!
It was only a few weeks ago when Obama made the claim Trump has never passed a bill which benefitted Americans one iota. That's a fact. He did nothing and only a fool would think otherwise.
It does'nt matter whether we like the president or not, but what does matter is your survival and mine.
It matters to you according to what you've revealed. You're a brain dead republican and will vote for anyone but a Democrat.
And just a quick note, biden has been feeding us alot of crap that he well and touts an economy that is not good for us,
In fact, spreading ignorant lies about the economy really shows how stupid you are. The stats are there to prove you wrong. Check it dickhead.
so if biden really really believes this, then get up on stage and debate trump in front of a live audience, whats with all these restrictions that biden is asking for??
Even if he did or didn't, what would it prove? Dont suggest Biden has no guts. He beat him last time and will do it with more ease this time.
I say to biden, don't talk crap, man-up and debate trump like the man you falsely claim to be!
If that is all you can say, you've got nothing. You're just another big mouth brain Dead republican who hates democrats.
Have another dig old man. I'll go toe to toe with you.
He said what he wanted to do, he told the Secret Service to drive him to Congress. They refused, and when he got back to the White House he expressed his outrage by flinging his burger at the wall.
You apparently missed the news accounts of the exposure of the witness who was proven to have lied about all those things you have blindly accepted as facts.
Trump kept challenging Biden to debate until finally lying Biden claimed he challenged Trump to debate and Trump accepted.
So Biden is going to debate Trump
Let's see if Trump showe up, unlike in primaries where he chickened out