St. George Floyd & St. Michael Brown were both bad people whose bad behaviors brought about their deaths. In both cases, indeed in almost all the cases that brought BLM et al into the streets to riot & pillage, the black criminals involved contributed substantially in the events that led to their deaths. Also and even more important, the rioting & pillaging destroyed black neighborhoods & businesses especially including black-owned small shops, eliminating opportunities for blacks to be employed & shop close to home, exacerbated white's fears of living near blacks, and pushed cities over the edge into mass exodus of whites & their money from Detroit, Newark, Watts, ad infinitum from '67 & forward to now. None of this is good for blacks. You can blame whites for everything if that makes you feel better about yourselves, but only blacks can enforce proper behaviors upon blacks when confronted by police to change their own futures.
If anyone thinks the federal or any other govt is going to Shepard blacks to prosperity, ask any Indian how well that works. Ask yourself this, too: How many similar white/Asian citizen/white/black/yellow/green cop bad interactions that have resulted in riots & pillaging in white/Asian communities? Name one.