"I'd be dead without Obamacare."


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Man who says he 'would be dead' without Obamacare confronts Paul Ryan on the law's repeal
"Just like you, I was opposed to the Affordable Care Act," Jeans told Ryan. "When it was passed, I told my wife we would close our business before I complied with this law."

But then he said the law saved his life. Soon after it passed, he said, he learned he had cancer and was given six weeks to live. He said he was able to get insurance, which allowed him to receive treatment, through the Affordable Care Act.

and Congress is going full steam ahead on a repeal, with no replacement in sight.
So he chooses to not carry insurance thereby placing himself at risk and wants to cry at government for his choices?
This is why preexisting clauses are there and why insurance plans that lift them collapse.
So he chooses to not carry insurance thereby placing himself at risk and wants to cry at government for his choices?
This is why preexisting clauses are there and why insurance plans that lift them collapse.
He chose not to, or could not afford to, carry insurance, and paid a tax penalty for that decision. Before Obamacare, he wouldn't have had that penalty.
Ironically, part of his decision not to carry insurance was to protest Obamacare.
I can remember Shaun Hannity, when the ACA was passed, urging people to simply pay the penalty, then get insurance when they got sick. He seemed to think that was a great way to protest it.
He chose not to, or could not afford to, carry insurance, and paid a tax penalty for that decision. Before Obamacare, he wouldn't have had that penalty.
Ironically, part of his decision not to carry insurance was to protest Obamacare.
I can remember Shaun Hannity, when the ACA was passed, urging people to simply pay the penalty, then get insurance when they got sick. He seemed to think that was a great way to protest it.
His problems began before ocare. That was when he chose to roll the dice and do without.
After it he had no reason to buy as he could buy after diagnosed and push the burdon of his decision on everyone else.
This is why this model cannot work and has never worked.
His problems began before ocare. That was when he chose to roll the dice and do without.
After it he had no reason to buy as he could buy after diagnosed and push the burdon of his decision on everyone else.
This is why this model cannot work and has never worked.
He did have an incentive to buy after the ACA was passed, as he was paying a tax for not having it. Before, he had no incentive as he, like most of us, never considered the possibility of a serious illness. Anyone who admits that they might have a serious illness would want to have coverage.
He did have an incentive to buy after the ACA was passed, as he was paying a tax for not having it. Before, he had no incentive as he, like most of us, never considered the possibility of a serious illness. Anyone who admits that they might have a serious illness would want to have coverage.
Or anyone who might hit some b l ack ice or hydroplane into a wreck.
If you ignore the point of insurance you risk much.
This guy and that attitude brought him the trouble he has.
I don't see mounds of dead bodies stacked up outside of prisons, either, not even in Texas.
HEY, Watch what you say about Texas.. Great debate good points made on both sides.. As a conservative I hold to the view that any real fix of our healthcare mess is going to require everyone to take on much more of the financial responsibility for their own health, and that doing so is both morally desirable and fiscally mandatory. I also believe it is going to be extraordinarily difficult to get a substantial proportion of the American public to accept personal responsibility...
HEY, Watch what you say about Texas.. Great debate good points made on both sides.. As a conservative I hold to the view that any real fix of our healthcare mess is going to require everyone to take on much more of the financial responsibility for their own health, and that doing so is both morally desirable and fiscally mandatory. I also believe it is going to be extraordinarily difficult to get a substantial proportion of the American public to accept personal responsibility...
Yeah responsibility is not prevelant here.
I would agree with your model but AMA has been.working for quite some time to make that hard to do.
A simple thing like dialing back diagnosis training in med school has left younger docs unable to do without testing. That's a significant source of why healthcare has gotten more expensive. It's also a revenue stream for docs who own labs or the buildings that house them. And since you don't see it that often as a personal expense you don't care (the global "you").
Getting back to reason won't be easy.
Yeah responsibility is not prevelant here.
I would agree with your model but AMA has been.working for quite some time to make that hard to do.
A simple thing like dialing back diagnosis training in med school has left younger docs unable to do without testing. That's a significant source of why healthcare has gotten more expensive. It's also a revenue stream for docs who own labs or the buildings that house them. And since you don't see it that often as a personal expense you don't care (the global "you").
Getting back to reason won't be easy.
I agree totally.. People are now convinced it's a right..
So he chooses to not carry insurance thereby placing himself at risk and wants to cry at government for his choices?
This is why preexisting clauses are there and why insurance plans that lift them collapse.

They don't collapse in countries that have Universal health care! Amazing! Some people criticised ACA because it obliges people to get insurance, and the same people criticise people without insurance for getting sick without insurance!
They don't collapse in countries that have Universal health care! Amazing! Some people criticised ACA because it obliges people to get insurance, and the same people criticise people without insurance for getting sick without insurance!
I critisize those who opted to not carry insurance AND THEN EXPECT THE GOVERNMENT BAIL THEM OUT OF THEIR POOR CHOICE. Not the same as your characterization.
Moreover they need not get insurance as they can get it anytime. This is sinking Romney care in Mass and whatever they called it in Hawaii before it died.
The NHS in UK is in "humanitarian crisis" which sounds like collapse to me. And cracks are showing elsewhere as costs of care in the euro zone are rising quickly. And the tsunami of so called refu gees only exacerbates matters.