Funny how so many of his "accomplishments end up in failure. Marriages, business, whatever.
Here's something that ((may)) be able to reduce the swelling in that huge head of yours.
1. Trump is intelligent, you're not.
2. Trump is in the White house, you're not.
3. Trump has over a billion dollars, you don't.
4. Trump has millions that listen to him, you don't.
5. Trump has a $65 million Boeing 757, you don't
6. Trump has a personality, you don't
7. Trump doesn't lie to himself, you do.
8. Trump has skyscrapers, you don't
9. Trump is better looking than you are.
10. Trump has a life, you don't
11. Trump has over 15 golf courses, you don't
12. Trump has a brain that is useful, you don't.
13. Trump doesn't envy you.
14. Trump is not in need of your vote.
15. Trump is known by billions, you're not.
16. Trump would be glad to help you, if you weren't beyond that.
17. Trump isn't full of hate, you are.
18. Trump has a $27 million mansion in Florida, you don't
19. Trump has hotels out the wazoo, you don,t
20. Trump has it ALL, you can only wish.
Careful with that ENVY, it's on the list of the 7 deadly.
Also be careful while getting a drink of water, a huge ((((RED WAVE)))) may hit you in the ass and jam that swollen head of yours into the commode, requiring a 3 alarm rescue team to pop it out.
Best of regards,
Yeh Yah