His "religious right" stance is a con game. If he even had an inkling of what it meant to be a Christian he wouldn't lie, and hate, so much. Then too, he i scompeting against another lying coward, Trump. You might want to read this about Trump, the "self made man":
"Bloomberg reported Monday that Trump Bay Street, a 50-story apartment complex being built in Jersey City by the Kushner Companies, is being partially funded through a controversial immigration program known as EB-5.
The CEO of the Kushner Companies, Bloomberg notes, is Jared Kushner, who is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka.
The completed project “will have an outdoor pool, indoor golf simulator and sweeping views of Lower Manhattan,” Bloomberg notes.
Under EB-5, foreigners receive a two-year visa in exchange for investing at least $500,000 in the U.S., with enhanced opportunities for permanent residency. Out of 10,000 visas available, Chinese citizens account for about 85% of the total awarded, the
Wall Street Journal has
The developer has allegedly used the visa program in an explicit sales pitch to Chinese investors, complete with a “a Chinese-subtitled video” that “leads viewers behind the wheel of a car into Jersey City with scenes of the tower, all to the tune of the theme song from
The Sopranos, ‘Woke Up This Morning,'” Bloomberg reports."