Science has no evidence that an intellegence (or diety exists). You are depending on negative evidence for your conclusion. In other words - because science can not YET explain everything that somenow supports a conclusion that there is a diety involved. You find holes in evolution and you use those holes as evidence for your theory. That is not science Invest.
Even if there were an intellegent designer - what scientific evidence do you have for it being a Judeo-Christian God? Maybe it's Allah? Maybe it's Zeus? Maybe it's Mannawydden, Ceres, or Kali?
What are you saying - that logic and mathematics are inventions of the mind?
And the way scientific laws ALWAYS follow mathematical and logical operations is a coincidence, eh?
That the universe is OBLIGED to follow the way humans think, hmm?
Try googling the philosophy of science. It is the subject of exactly this sort of questions.