I wouldn't have had you as a sounding board.
You didn't need me. You listed out a string of unrelated topics you have views on. That made your own point.
I see. Then, is it enough to be in favor of fiscal responsibility and limited government, without all of the peripheral and unrelated issues, to be a conservative? Do you consider my views to be conservative?
I think the rule of law, as in murder is wrong, is a conservative issue. So a view that murder is ok, as in abortion, is not conservative.
You seem to get this idea that ideology is like a label. That you just stick the label on the person and they are that label. That is not the case. Many people hold conservative views on some issues, and liberal ones on other issues.
So, supporting the war in Iraq is as much a leftist position as it is a conservative one. Is that your position?
No. The leadership of the left, Clinton, Pelosi and Dodd, and so on, all knew the same information as everyone else. Thus they believed that going to war with Iraq was necessary. Once they realized that the war would be a useful political football to gain power, they switched to the more advantageous position.
This was a smart move on their part because they know Bush would see the war through to the end, and at the same time, they could then attack Bush over the war, without being scrutinized themselves. So they had Saddam taken care of, and scored political points at the same time.
That's why they never voted to cease funding for the war, or even tried. They all wanted Saddam removed, they just also wanted to bash Bush for 8 years, so they could seize power at the end, just like they have.
You have to remember that to the left, everything is about power. JFK and Bay of Pigs. Why didn't he support the invasion he commissioned? Political football. Once word was out, even if he did, and it was successful, it would be a political negative. So, he allowed the Cuban Exiles to be slaughtered.
No one suggested such a thing? Without taking the time to go back and sift through all of this rather lengthy thread, I can't dispute that.
So, then, climate change is real, the science behind it is sound, and both conservatives and liberals agree with it. Very good.
You are acting very very stupid. Grow up.
Everyone agrees that climate change is real. They only question AGW. What is AGW? It's man-made global warming. The left assumes this is true. It is not. Scientifically, AGW is nearly impossible, at least on a measurable basis. Man is not driving climate change. CO2 isn't driving climate change.
So no, we do not agree with man-made global warming. It's a ludicrous idea to start with, and has no basis in fact.
I have dismissed modern science? No, I don't think so. Force someone to abide by who marries whom? Hardly. That is certainly not a Libertarian view, nor is the view that I should be able to impose my values regarding abortion on the rest of society remotely Libertarian.
Sure you have. Or if you have not, it's because you don't know the modern science involved. You are either closed minded, or ignorant. I'm willing to bet on the latter. I wager you don't even know the other side of the argument, and thus assume that there is no other side, and that I must be ignoring science to not agree with it.
None of the above is impossible, quite the contrary. If the human eye can't evolve, why do we have eyes? Why did less complex creatures have rudimentary eyes?
Ah, see? That right there is my whole point. To ask the question if the eye can't evolve, then how do we have them, is to work from a presupposition, that hasn't been proven true.
We clearly do have eye's, yet it's provable they can't evolve. So how do you work that out? You are working from the presupposition, that the fact we have eyes means they must have evolved. That's circular logic!
And, you can't see the contradiction between the above statement about having been to the "left" on the issues we are discussing, and this one:
No, I guess not. Unless you read into the text things not implied. I was left of nearly every issue in the past. I guess you'll have to detail exactly which issue specifically you want to refer to.
Just so I don't have to repeat myself, if you mean evolution, I never held a real belief in evolution. It never made logical sense to me before, and all the information I've gathered thus far, shows the how un-scientific it really is.
So, which is it? Is a conservative someone who believes in limited government, or is it also necessary to:
Believe that creationism is a scientific theory,
Believe that the government gets to decide who marries who,
believe that the government gets to decide when an abortion can be performed,
believe that the invasion of Iraq was a good idea?
Well creationism is a scientific theory. That's just a fact. As for it being a conservative thing, I just don't see that as being a pre-req.
Marriage likely is a conservative view. I don't meet many conservatives who don't believe that marriage is what it is. That being a man and a women.
Abortion is murder, so yes that fits with the conservative rule of law. Namely that murder is wrong, and should be treated as such.
Everyone believed going into a Iraq was not a "good" idea, but a required thing.
If not, then you can count me as a conservative, and the Libertarians are the most conservative people in America. If so, then I am a flaming leftist, and there is no conservative party left in the United States.
LOL... if there is two conservatives in the US, there's a conservative party. I know dozens of people who support conservative ideals. You are generally not a conservative on most issues. You already know this.
That said, you seem to be asking the same question over and over, and I've answered it a dozen or more times, but you keep asking, and I'm not sure why. The question you repeat constantly is, is conservatism just limited government? (fiscal responsibility *is* a limited government)
The answer is no. Conservatism extends to a world view that applies to dozens of topics. You are more likely similar to a libertarian. They seem to have a very narrow scope of limited government, but otherwise anything goes. The two views are not the same.