I think what he meant, and what I would have said, or agreed with is...
I hear left wing drivel on CNN, NBC, CBS, PBS, and numerous other channels, plus news papers like the Washington Post (Republicans vote against Mothersday), the New York Times, and literally hundreds of other locations. It seems to sell quite well.
It is a real stretch to call CNN, for example, an outlet for left wing drivel. Do you consider my avatar as a left winger? They may lean towards the Democratic Party, but left wing drivel? That would be hard to support.
There is only two spots that it does not sell (as far as I can tell), in Books, and Talk Radio.
Actually there is yet another reason why Radio and Books are dominated by conservatives, and News Papers and TV are dominated by Liberals.
News Papers and TV are one way communication which there is no direct feedback. In Radio, callers call in and debate hosts, which Liberals when debated always lose. TV on the other hand, normally no one can directly contest the crap spewed.
Sometimes, I wonder whether the idiots who call talk radio and try to debate the host are really what they claim to be, or whether they are just plants. Actually, it's more likely that the screeners will allow the real wingnuts through, just so the host can look good, but screen out people with a legitimate argument.
But, maybe that's just my cynicism talking again.
In books, people directly respond by not purchasing books by liberal authors, and do purchase books by conservative ones. In news papers, more often people are buying them for general headlines, stock market information, classifieds, comics, weather, business news and so on. The liberalism gets a free ride.
What person doesn't like to have their own opinions reinforced?
We all do, of course, but then a well rounded person will listen to opposing positions as well.
Again, in either case, Radio programs make or break in listenership. So profit based or not, it would still have to sell ad space.
That's so, still, I wonder whether Genseca's idea that it is the business model that is to blame for the decline in left wing radio is correct. There must be as many gullible people who consider themselves to be liberals as those who consider themselves to be conservative. Maybe left wing drivel would sell on the radio if the purveyors were more business savvy, but, of course, left wingers don't tend to be too business savvy.
It's possible some might view it that way, but most claim that "man-made global warming" is based on junk science, because it is in fact based on junk science.
I take it you have not specifically examined or heard the other side to the theory?
My view is it's politics. There is a faction in our government that believes in near universal control of government is all that matters. To that end, the 'man-made global warming' scare, is a useful tactic to gain more governmental control.
Now, don't me wrong, I know good and well there are many decent people who are convinced these environmental issues. But if you look at their sources for believing it, nearly all are either government controlled, or government funded.
Few if any of the global warming motivated polices even help reduce the supposed sources of global warming. Ethanol for example, actually produces more supposed 'green house gases' than does regular oil based gasoline. Wind mills for example, can not, nor ever have, replaced anything, let alone shut down, or negated the need for new power plants, coal fired or otherwise.
So what's the purpose? The purpose is of course to gain more and more control over everything. More regulations, more Kyoto, more cap and trade. In short... more socialism.
I've engaged in pages long debates on the subject of global climate change. The science, as reported in apolitical journals such as Discover or National Geographic is pretty solid.
You do make a good point that many of the ideas promulgated as "combating global warming" are pure nonsense. The example of ethanol is a good one. The reason that the government promotes the use of ethanol is more likely based on campaign contributions from agribusiness than on a real conspiracy to promote socialism.