The camps did indeed have Jews, but 6 MILLION? Your entire penal industry could not handle such staggering numbers without difficulty, and we are talking about only a few camps here, so where did the number come from? EXPERTS have put the number of Jews killed in these camps at 100,000 plus. Not even quarter of a million, never million 6 million. Not only ridiculous, but IMPOSSIBLE.
A vast majority of world scholars and people who have studied the holocaust do not agree with this statement.
Why the concern for ONLY the Jew prisoners? WTF? So, the others were unimportant?
No one says that other groups did not die as well, most scholars estimate the total number between 12-16 million when they are added. However the largest group to be targeted was indeed the Jews.
Hitler attacked other countries that BELONGED TO THE GERMAN PEOPLE. territories that were taken frmo the Germany people via the Treaty of Versailles. I do recall the US not liking the idea of the Mexicans taking Texas, so they fought a war over that territory. Where's the difference? California rings a bell?
Hitler violated treaties and took aggressive action. "Other countries" do not belong to Germany.
There have been estimates by EXPERTS that between 100,000 to 500,000 Jews perished. I cannot state with complete accuracy as to how many were killed by the Nazis, but I believe the 100,000 count to be correct.
No one was 'gassed'. This theory has already been discredited by chemical experts who visited EVERY CAMP, only to find not a single shred of evidence to back this up. Not a trace of gas was found, as only such can be found in the walls of the 'gas chambers'.
So now you are a holocaust denier as well. However your claim ignores multitudes of evidence that contradicts every statement you just made.