High-level leftists quick to use Colorado theater shootings to demand more "gun control"

Conservative brothers and sisters should note well what pocket says here. His comments above provide enormous insight into the leftist mentality. He/she presents himself/herself as a liberal lover-of-humanity, a hater of war, a good-hearted human being with only the best intentions for all of humanity. When faced with an opposing opinion, however, the sheep's clothing disappears, and the true leftist can be clearly seen. His/her answer to an opposing point of view is to call for "invasion" and the theft of wealth! The left isn't concerned about fairness, open-mindedness, and freedom of speech. When the left doesn't get all it wants, it does anything necessary to destroy its opponent and take what it wants!

It WAS the Republicans of the 19th century who ended slavery! It's my opinion that they could have ended slavery without a murderous civil war. For that I blame 19th-century Republicans. Neverthess, they did end slavery, and with virtually NO Democrat help! And, it WAS the modern Republicans whose support led to the 1964 civil-rights law that was aimed at ending segregation! What worthless school "taught" you otherwise???

one more mindless drone who thinks that party name the same politics 100 years later...zero understanding of Political realignment...Can't figure out why the people called southern Democrats 30 years ago....are now Republicans....

But its funny when a republican talks about being against invasion and theft of wealth...while supporting a party that has no problem doing it.

And yes slavery could have been ended without a war...the south could have just said fuck it , we don't need workers who we don't have to pay anymore....I think they where asked many times to do that...They Tried to break away from the nation instead.
You want to write with a feather quill on papyrus? Fine. You want to type words on your computer and then post them on the internet? No. Guess what, you still have the right to free speech... Just not every one you want.

"Militia" and "Arms" are not synonyms.

Militia: An army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers.
Arms: Weapons and ammunition; armaments
"[T]he Right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

Tell me Pocket, the phrase "shall not be infringed", what exactly do you believe that is meant to reference?

What is it that 'shall not be infringed'?

Clearly you don't believe it's a reference to our Right to keep and bear arms, so please... enlighten us with your wisdom.

Guess what your not part of a Militia...we don't have any of those anymore...You think those words where just thrown in for fun? The reason for the 2nd was we needed a Militia at the time, and we needed them armed...and we needed them Regulated...The Intent was not so that evry man could run around with weapons far past anything they could have even imagined and said yes...evry man should be able to have them. There is no Milita...and with that comes the no more need for evryone to be armed to the teeth.

Also if I say you can't have a AR-15 with a 100 round clip but you can have a 45 with a 9 round clip...guess what you have the right to bear arms...just not evry damn arm you can think of.

No you can't have a tank, a ICBM, a nuke, maybe you think we should be able to walk around the city streets with RPG's....I want to start my own army and have us all armed to the teeth....But yea that seems fine..Do you suppose criminals being able to buy a ak-47? A mentally ill person can they buy them?How about 5 year olds can they buy guns?Can I put on a bullet proof vest, load up with some M-4s and Grenades and walk into the State Capital building? I mean you don't want to infringe on my right of course. Also of course a Business has no right to say you can't have a gun....Guns rights trump the rights of the owners of a buisness.

I assume you are for all of those...since you know...there can't be any regulations...none

And guess what...if the bloods and the Cripts did not have easy access to guns...maybe would not be so much of a issue...but you know ...we are the only nation with gangs of course..

But you guys just wait, maybe we can have some more mass shootings so you can yell...we need even more Guns! the US has more guns per capita then just about any nation but we need more thats why we are not safe!

Just ignore that we have more Gun deaths then just about any industrial nation...and more guns...and there is no link. I would hate to see you guys with out your little security blanket to make you feel safe since you must all live lives in fear that must be strapped at all times...kinda sad...
Guess what your not part of a Militia...we don't have any of those anymore...You think those words where just thrown in for fun? The reason for the 2nd was we needed a Militia at the time, and we needed them armed...and we needed them Regulated...The Intent was not so that evry man could run around with weapons far past anything they could have even imagined and said yes...evry man should be able to have them. There is no Milita...and with that comes the no more need for evryone to be armed to the teeth.

Also if I say you can't have a AR-15 with a 100 round clip but you can have a 45 with a 9 round clip...guess what you have the right to bear arms...just not evry damn arm you can think of.

No you can't have a tank, a ICBM, a nuke, maybe you think we should be able to walk around the city streets with RPG's....I want to start my own army and have us all armed to the teeth....But yea that seems fine..Do you suppose criminals being able to buy a ak-47? A mentally ill person can they buy them?How about 5 year olds can they buy guns?Can I put on a bullet proof vest, load up with some M-4s and Grenades and walk into the State Capital building? I mean you don't want to infringe on my right of course. Also of course a Business has no right to say you can't have a gun....Guns rights trump the rights of the owners of a buisness.

I assume you are for all of those...since you know...there can't be any regulations...none

And guess what...if the bloods and the Cripts did not have easy access to guns...maybe would not be so much of a issue...but you know ...we are the only nation with gangs of course..

But you guys just wait, maybe we can have some more mass shootings so you can yell...we need even more Guns! the US has more guns per capita then just about any nation but we need more thats why we are not safe!

Just ignore that we have more Gun deaths then just about any industrial nation...and more guns...and there is no link. I would hate to see you guys with out your little security blanket to make you feel safe since you must all live lives in fear that must be strapped at all times...kinda sad...

This post proves you are incapable of learning and accepting the truth. Your failure to understand the meaning of the 2nd Amendment even after it has been fully explained to you, is appalling.

Gun control will only lead to MORE gun deaths. As in all things, the solution you offer will cause MORE harm NOT less....but this is very typical of EVERYTHING Liberals have done. One would think you would have learned the error of your ways by now, but no.
one more mindless drone who thinks that party name the same politics 100 years later...zero understanding of Political realignment...Can't figure out why the people called southern Democrats 30 years ago....are now Republicans.....

This leftist calls Me a "mindless drone"? o_O Unlike him, personal attacks don't bother me, for there is ZERO truth in his accusation. Anyone with a brain can see that, so let him "attack" me all he wants. Leftists are wrong on virtually every issue, so they NEED protection when they're exposed for what they are. They have to censor the truth because the truth hurts them! Being right on the issues, we conservatives don't need to censor truth!

The Democrats used to excel at race-baiting blacks, and supporting white racism. White racism was a critical group of their voting base. Now, the Democrats excel at race-baiting whites, and supporting black racism, Hispanic racism, anti-male sexism, brainless white-race losers, and anti-Christian and anti-Jewish bigotry. Those groups are now the voting base of the Democrat party. THIS has been the "Political realignment" that's occured! Democrats remain what they've always been; i.e., race-baiting, corrupt demagogues that thirst for power, and will do anything to get and maintain their power! The ONLY thing that's changed is the groups they USE!

This lesson is concluded!
And Today the judge said No Camerias in courtroom. Can some big ass Network get a super lawyer and take the Judge to the U.S Supreme court and say this is a violation of the 1st admendment freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
Guess what your not part of a Militia...we don't have any of those anymore...
Who will defend the country when your Progressive policies bankrupt the nation and government is unable to pay for our military, national guard, and police? We The People, that's who. Ordinary citizens like me would be out there paroling our streets, protecting our borders, protecting your Rights, fighting for OUR country, protecting America from all enemies - foreign and domestic. Meanwhile, we'll find you cowering in a corner somewhere crying like a little girl, begging for government to save you, and asking why we can't all just get along.

Also if I say you can't have a AR-15 with a 100 round clip but you can have a 45 with a 9 round clip...guess what you have the right to bear arms...just not evry damn arm you can think of.
Hello foreign soldier with a full auto AK-47 and a belt full of grenades, that's a nice tank you have there, nice air force too... Sure wish I had more than this .45 to repel your invasion but alas... Pocket decided I didn't "need" to have firepower such as yours, he used the force of our now collapsed government to make sure that it was illegal for me to purchase anything capable of repelling an invading army, so welcome to America - The Progressive have ensured that you will face no resistance.
Blah...Blah...Blah... Strawman, Appeal to Ridicule, Red Herring...
Just answer the question without dancing around the issue:

Tell me Pocket, the phrase "shall not be infringed", what exactly do you believe that is meant to reference?

What is it that 'shall not be infringed'?

Clearly you don't believe it's a reference to our Right to keep and bear arms, so please... enlighten us with your wisdom.
Gun carrying man ends stabbing spree at Salt Lake grocery store


How much coverage do you think this story will receive? Also, if you read the article you will note the attacker was screaming "you killed my people"! Hmm ... wonder what that was all about? Wonder how much coverage that part of the story will receive?

Of course, none of the lib networks or news outlets will report it...this is another example of why libs are so uninformed.

And Lil' Mayor Bloomerburg wants ALL law abiding citizens to give up their firearms and the cops to go out on strike until they do. Libs have gone NUTS!

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