Hell freezes over: Koch's scientists confirm that climate change is REAL!

Nobody believes every last scientist at the above media has fabbed data, to produce a false picture.

Is your religion distorting every thought you have and everything you write?

Every last scientist at those places was not in agreement with what those places published. You should consider balancing your news sources, you seem to be ill informed.
You might want to migrate, from US temps, to average global temperatures, for both land and sea!

You might note that the evidence of tampering that I provided included quite a few references to overseas tampering as well. Data tampering isn't just a US problem.
Well, then, are thousands of recent high temperature records all some sort of fabrication?

Are ALL of NASA, NOAA, AGU, and science sites fabricating? Did Richard Muller lie to the Koch Brothers, Charlie and David, both? I don't even think I'd lie, to Dave.

Did I miss Sunday services, or something?
Well, then, are thousands of recent high temperature records all some sort of fabrication?

Are ALL of NASA, NOAA, AGU, and science sites fabricating? Did Richard Muller lie to the Koch Brothers, Charlie and David, both? I don't even think I'd lie, to Dave.

Did I miss Sunday services, or something?

isn't the point of using an average temperature to smooth the anecdotal ?
Well, then, are thousands of recent high temperature records all some sort of fabrication?

Are ALL of NASA, NOAA, AGU, and science sites fabricating? Did Richard Muller lie to the Koch Brothers, Charlie and David, both? I don't even think I'd lie, to Dave.

Did I miss Sunday services, or something?

Interesting that you continue to believe when given evidence of world wide data tampering....and you call skeptics believers. Personally, I don't continue to believe in a thing when I see hard evidence that it just might not be what it has been cracked up to be.
sort of like a border collie with a sheep that seeks to evade ?

you tell PR to use global average then refer to regional temps. Pick one please.

Didn't you check the links, which I posted, at #403? Since you didn't respond, to any of those links, maybe if the media at this forum accomodated simple
pasting, we could see some graphics, but those didn't load. Even so, you didn't read, and you didn't respond.

Don't the thousands of recent local and monthly records tend to add up? Won't a new yearly record, during decades of mild solar cycles, add up to something? High temperature records are falling, by the thousands. Despite heat exchange phenomena, from melting ice, high temp records will increasingly outnumber low temp records. THAT is what I pick.

Please pick a new dog, for your allegory, since you aren't out-performing any border collies, but I can identify, with your doggie business. But border collie? You can't be serious.

That guy Letterman sure was funny, back in the day, huh?
Didn't you check the links, which I posted, at #403? Since you didn't respond, to any of those links, maybe if the media at this forum accomodated simple pasting, we could see some graphics, but those didn't load. Even so, you didn't read, and you didn't respond.

Don't the thousands of recent local and monthly records tend to add up? Won't a new yearly record, during decades of mild solar cycles, add up to something? High temperature records are falling, by the thousands. Despite heat exchange phenomena, from melting ice, high temp records will increasingly outnumber low temp records. THAT is what I pick.

Please pick a new dog, for your allegory, since you aren't out-performing any border collies, but I can identify, with your doggie business. But border collie? You can't be serious.

That guy Letterman sure was funny, back in the day, huh?

this board acts as all I have ever seen, if you have specific problems seek help.

I've seen your link s before, try explaining th4 SCIENCE as requested. The North Pole melts down too every so often, doesn't mean much if you look at GLOBAL mean average.

If you are not in a position to explain the science just admit it. I'm out performing you so it matters not which dog. Enough tangents, make a point or dont.
Don't the thousands of recent local and monthly records tend to add up? Won't a new yearly record, during decades of mild solar cycles, add up to something? High temperature records are falling, by the thousands. Despite heat exchange phenomena, from melting ice, high temp records will increasingly outnumber low temp records. THAT is what I pick.

Anthony Watts, your trusted source just proved that the warming claimed by those thousands of local and monthly records have overexagerated the actual warming by nearly two times. The claimed warming is down to 0.15 degrees per decade. Again, do you know the margin of error for global temperatures?
Anthony Watts, your trusted source just proved that the warming claimed by those thousands of local and monthly records have overexagerated the actual warming by nearly two times. The claimed warming is down to 0.15 degrees per decade. Again, do you know the margin of error for global temperatures?

Wasn't there also something about the Russian temperatures? They cherry picked the warmer ones, but left off all the Siberian ones, or something like that.
Wasn't there also something about the Russian temperatures? They cherry picked the warmer ones, but left off all the Siberian ones, or something like that.

yes. massaging the data was widespread and varied and they refuse to so much as explain what they did or why.
Wasn't there also something about the Russian temperatures? They cherry picked the warmer ones, but left off all the Siberian ones, or something like that.

True and where climate science claims the greatest warming is the arctic where there are practically no sensing stations.
I'd like to jump into this discussion again once our resident scientists here have determined whether or not global warming is actually happening. Wake me up after that's settled. Then, we can begin discussing whether or not the earth is in trouble, whether or not humans effect warming, whether or not there's anything that should be done, what the effects would be, and what it might cost. Leftists want to jump directly from a questionable premise to the spending of trillions of dollars...... I'd rather wait until we know what the hell we're doing and why. :rolleyes: