Trump tweets that climate change is not real


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
Jack Holmes is the Politics Editor at, where he writes daily and edits the Politics Blog with Charles P. Pierce. There's also a dash of sports and some feature writing. His work has appeared in New York magazine and The Daily Beast.

The following are excerpts from Jack Holmes' January 29, 2019 article headlined "Look at This Embarrassing FXXXXXg *****" with the subheading "The president tweets, for the umpteenth time, that climate change is not real because it's cold outside."

(Begin excerpts)
Among the many joys of the Trump Era is the knowledge that if it is cold somewhere, odds are the President of the United States will crow that it's proof climate change is not real. Yes, the world's most powerful man has, over and over again, treated the fact that it's cold outside as evidence that the idea the planet is getting warmer is not the result of decades of work by hundreds of scientists across dozens of countries, but is in fact a hoax cooked up by the Chinese....

A dangerous cold front is sweeping the midwest this week, so it was time for another Official Message from the President uniquely calibrated to once again make the whole world dumber.

Donald Trump tweeted on January 29, 2019:

"In the beautiful Midwest, windchill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell is going on with Global Waming? Please come back fast, we need you!"

This man is allergic to books. He is so deeply incurious about the world you wonder how he's learned to navigate outside Mar-a-Lago or his golden apartment in the sky. He is, quite simply, the Dumbest Man Available, and we made him president. This is another piece of red meat for the reactionary Base, whose only goal is to maintain power with which to pXXs off liberals. His aides will pass it off as a "joke," despite the fact that this attitude is reflected in his administration's policy. It is particularly fXXXXXg infuriating because we learned just this month that the oceans are warming faster than we thought, Antarctica and Greenland's ice sheets are melting faster than we thought, and in general, the climate crisis is likely even worse than climate scientists—who are actually fairly conservative in their public messaging—were previously willing to say outright.

We can explain how climate is not the same as weather. We can run through how 2018 was hotter than any year on record, in terms of global temperatures, except for three: 2015, 2016, and 2017. We could mention how 2018 was the hottest year on record for the planet's oceans, and the previous hottest ever was 2017. The top five hottest years for ocean temperature have occurred since 2014. But what's the point? Like the phony Republican concern about the national debt Trump has opted to completely ignore, he honestly does not care because he'll be dead when the sXXt hits the fan. It's just reactionary bXXXsXXt....

Someday, we'll just have to tell our kids we didn't do a dXXn thing—and, in fact, sent a guy named Wells Griffith to an international climate conference to advocate for burning more coal—because we elected The Big Dumb President, and that's just the way it goes. (End excerpts)

Jack Holmes is the Politics Editor at, where he writes daily and edits the Politics Blog with Charles P. Pierce. There's also a dash of sports and some feature writing. His work has appeared in New York magazine and The Daily Beast.

The following are excerpts from Jack Holmes' January 29, 2019 article headlined "Look at This Embarrassing FXXXXXg *****" with the subheading "The president tweets, for the umpteenth time, that climate change is not real because it's cold outside."

(Begin excerpts)
Among the many joys of the Trump Era is the knowledge that if it is cold somewhere, odds are the President of the United States will crow that it's proof climate change is not real. Yes, the world's most powerful man has, over and over again, treated the fact that it's cold outside as evidence that the idea the planet is getting warmer is not the result of decades of work by hundreds of scientists across dozens of countries, but is in fact a hoax cooked up by the Chinese....

A dangerous cold front is sweeping the midwest this week, so it was time for another Official Message from the President uniquely calibrated to once again make the whole world dumber.

Donald Trump tweeted on January 29, 2019:

"In the beautiful Midwest, windchill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell is going on with Global Waming? Please come back fast, we need you!"^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1090074254010404864&ref_url=

This man is allergic to books. He is so deeply incurious about the world you wonder how he's learned to navigate outside Mar-a-Lago or his golden apartment in the sky. He is, quite simply, the Dumbest Man Available, and we made him president. This is another piece of red meat for the reactionary Base, whose only goal is to maintain power with which to pXXs off liberals. His aides will pass it off as a "joke," despite the fact that this attitude is reflected in his administration's policy. It is particularly fXXXXXg infuriating because we learned just this month that the oceans are warming faster than we thought, Antarctica and Greenland's ice sheets are melting faster than we thought, and in general, the climate crisis is likely even worse than climate scientists—who are actually fairly conservative in their public messaging—were previously willing to say outright.

We can explain how climate is not the same as weather. We can run through how 2018 was hotter than any year on record, in terms of global temperatures, except for three: 2015, 2016, and 2017. We could mention how 2018 was the hottest year on record for the planet's oceans, and the previous hottest ever was 2017. The top five hottest years for ocean temperature have occurred since 2014. But what's the point? Like the phony Republican concern about the national debt Trump has opted to completely ignore, he honestly does not care because he'll be dead when the sXXt hits the fan. It's just reactionary bXXXsXXt....

Someday, we'll just have to tell our kids we didn't do a dXXn thing—and, in fact, sent a guy named Wells Griffith to an international climate conference to advocate for burning more coal—because we elected The Big Dumb President, and that's just the way it goes. (End excerpts)


Here is the problem...."Climate Change" advocates have turned the whole thing into a farce. Everything is "climate change" now - regardless of any proof or scientific evidence. To hot? Global warming! To cold? Global Warming too! It is just a nonstop prediction of doom and when it turns out the computer model they used was incorrect they just change the constraints and issue a new prediction of doom.

And the solution that you guys have... It is always the same. Massive new taxes on the developed world to hand out to everyone else for doing nothing... (ie the Paris Agreement). Or you come up with this notion that we need to enact a $27,000/ton new carbon tax (Thanks IPCC :rolleyes:) which will skyrocket costs associated with just about everything. How did that work out in France? A 20% spike in the cost of diesel sparked riots and try a 2,000% spike. And you guys are so smug and out of touch about the whole thing you legitimately don't seem to fathom why this would upset anyone! An average worker making $50,000 a year just trying to feed his family and give his kids a middle class life is not going to react well to someone like Al Gore saying this $27,000/ton carbon tax which will drastically alter your quality of life and ruin your ability to provide a decent life for your family is for your own good.. so pay up! What a joke.

Essentially - the argument is that we need to immediately rush back to a 16th century style of living because our computer model (using constraints which may or may not be actually true) claims doom is coming in 15 years! And if you dare question that well you are just a backwards anti-science "denier"... since in this new era of science I apparently don't have to defend my model - I just have to attack you rather than answer any questions about it.

It is no wonder no is listening anymore.
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If the Prez is making a bad joke of it its only because those who would have you take it as being a real problem have rendered it a bad joke to begin with.
Climate change ? Yeah been doing it as long as there has been a climate and wont stop.
NASA just admitted that the lack of sunspots will make it colder. Not going out on much if a limb as its been a cyclical norm for a long time. This us why scientists not dependant on the faux crisis have been calling for a cool .ok ff (that we have seen) for some time now.
And the solution that you guys have... It is always the same. Massive new taxes


Germany as an example, the largest national economy in Europe, aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2020, by 55 percent by 2030 and up to 95 percent in 2050 (compared to 1990 levels). In doing so, these countries gain important technological advantages.

See what a brewery in Bavaria, Germany (English subtitles) does:

Germany as an example, the largest national economy in Europe, aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2020, by 55 percent by 2030 and up to 95 percent in 2050 (compared to 1990 levels). In doing so, these countries gain important technological advantages.

See what a brewery in Bavaria, Germany (English subtitles) does:

Yes...really. Germany is actually behind on their targets...but setting that aside their biggest reductions are coming from closing down the coal industry. However if you compare where they would be by just continuing business as usual (coal is phasing out anyway) to where they set their target estimates there is not much difference.

Compare that to India which claimed they needed a trillion dollars (yes trillion) to maintain business as usual to hit their targets.

The bottom line is that the big "moves" to fight climate change always involve the big movement of money from the developed world to elsewhere.