There you go again with your weasel tactics . Why dont we help the entire world and just give them everything we have. When liberals think spending money on illegals and other nations who are enemies. You help your own people and nation first when they are covered you can help others with out them coming g here
Also you weasel son of a slug you dont open your borders to the world , tell me dun sun how did it help America to let in 7 million ilegals and 28,000 of them being wanted or convicted of rape and murder and another half mil or so of general criminals yea sir they need help also along with the terrorist that cam in. Joe has spent way over 600,000 billion on illegals and that is a low estimate.
I wonder how many poor America Indian's living on reservation's or disabled vets that have lost limbs etc helping us.
Or perhaps even pay on debt.
ll you want to do is argue and demine people ,You rarely start a post of any intrest Your here to be a weasel. So you object to helping people who aren't Americans
Jesus wept
, what a asshole
Now you used the Name of Jesus claiming he wept , To attack mark when you don't even believe