Haris want to pay for sex change operations in jail

Yes that a smart plan pay for sex change operations for felons . You don't think people would get put in jail just tom get it do you like some poor people out on the streets do to get medical care? Is this a wise move to pay for felons to have sex changes ?
Is that the states responsibility or the feds ?

Also we know how Harris feels about illegals , yes she said one thing and flip flopped , do not worry she will keep the plan going.
People on the left that know they will be rid of if Trump wins, want Trump gone! It’s clear!
What is the main purpose of the justice system? It is not to lock people up forever, it is not to punish them by locking them up together.

The purpose is what most states call CORRECTIONS. That is, to dissuade the lawbreakers from returning to commit crime.
Crime normally has a motive. If the motive is that the person is imbalanced because he is dissatisfied with the gender they were born with, what makes the most sense; to lock them up for years, or to provide them with what they need to live a harmonious life within the community. A sex change operation surely costs less than providing food, board and medical care for one entire year.

Kamala is smarter than you.
You apparently want to see people suffer because they are not stupid and ignorant, like you.