socialism is as socialism does. can you not see that your textbook utopia cannot ever come to pass ?
We don't believe in Utopia, kid - just destroying the capitalist dictatorship and introducing democracy.
Got a textbook. have you?
socialism is as socialism does. can you not see that your textbook utopia cannot ever come to pass ?
We don't believe in Utopia, kid - just destroying the capitalist dictatorship and introducing democracy.
Got a textbook. have you?
as i said, impossible utopia.
lots of textbooks. we use them in our wducation system here.
onw other book i read addresses this subject in a clear and entertaining way. its called "Animal Farm" you should check it out. might gain a littlw insight as to how you are being used. you are the horse who is your pig ?
Animal Farm is about State Capitalism. As you know, Orwell was a socialist. Slaves aren't allowed to dream of freedom, as Senator McCarthy said. You don't have an education system, friend - just as sort of gsarage brainwash/
Socialist states DO indeed makes slaves of it's populace. And this is what you want ? Curious.
Good luck in your pursuit of this dream world where everyone is equal and there is no strife and the trees grow lollypops and the unicorns scratch your back with their horn.
If you've got nothing better to say, move over and let sensible people take charge.
Odd that so many dictators believed in socialism.
Socialism is the end of all government (especially the murderous capitalist variety) and its replacement with the principle, 'from each according to his/her ability, to each according to his/her need.' Barbarians find this baffling because they prefer licking arses and spiting the weak. Tell us news.
Problem is Socialism is not workable. A 12 year with average intelligence knows this, when properly instructed.
Explained for you....
I am productive and you are not. You steal my stuff, with the help of government, because you are unable to obtain stuff on your own. I stop being productive and become a taker like you. Because after all, why be productive only to have my stuff taken by the lazy and incompetent. more productive people....hence....Socialism is not workable.
Socialism is the end of all government (especially the murderous capitalist variety) and its replacement with the principle, 'from each according to his/her ability, to each according to his/her need.' Barbarians find this baffling because they prefer licking arses and spiting the weak. Tell us news.
You are nuts. What do you contribute to the human race excepts ludicrous prejudice? We do the work, kiddo, and the reward belongs to us, not the fat thieves.
its the perfect hook for gullible dreamers. well gullible dreamers who dont know nothing bout his-tor-ry...
A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods, to create an idealized, heroic, and, at times god-like public image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. Sociologist Max Weber developed a tripartite classification of authority; the cult of personality holds parallels with what Weber defined as "charismatic authority". A cult of personality is similar to hero worship, except that it is established by mass media and propaganda.
no thats communism. socialism is an intermediate step that produces the same sorry result every time its tried..
One of the other hooks is "The Cult of Personality" which all dictators used
Sound familiar?![]()