McCain: Wrong, Wrong, Wrong

Re: Greco: Wrong, Wrong, Wrong

Five years later, $3 trillion spent and ....

Five years later, $3 trillion spent and ...

Five years later, $3 trillion spent....

Five years later, $3 trillion spent....

Five years later, $3 trillion spent and ....

Five years later, $3 trillion spent...

If you did your own research, then you are a liar. At least if you claimed you ignorantly read someone else's blatant stupidity, you'd have that much of an excuse.

Global War on Terrorism:
The budget for next year is $189.3 Billion.
The budget last year was $145 Billion.
The budget for the year prior was $110 Billion.
And was only $72.4 Billion in 2006
The years prior were under that.

So at most... MOST... we've spent around $660. Ironically the democrat controlled Congressional Budget Office, says that as of 2008, we've only spent $600 Billion.

But that's the cost of the total war on Terror, including all operations, not just Iraq. The Congressional budget office, says only $450 Billion was spent on Iraq, as of 2008. Further, the Congressional Budget Office, claims we could top $2.4 Trillion by.... 2017! But wait... you said we already spent $3 trillion now... how could it hit $2.4 by 2017 according to the democrats, if we already spent $3? Did we "un spend" $0.6 Trillion?

Greco: Wrong wrong wrong. You are wrong, on this and all the other claims too.

I accept your surrender.

No one surrenders to a liar, liar. There's no point. An argument based in lies, is just a lie, not an argument.
Re: Greco: Wrong, Wrong, Wrong

And yet you failed to even put forth even a feeble challenge to the premise of the post that cited volumes of boneheaded claims made by John McCain.

The Washinton Post on March 9, 2008 reported...

"There is no such thing as a free lunch, and there is no such thing as a free war. The Iraq adventure has seriously weakened the U.S. economy, whose woes now go far beyond loose mortgage lending. You can't spend $3 trillion -- yes, $3 trillion -- on a failed war abroad and not feel the pain at home."
Re: Greco: Wrong, Wrong, Wrong

Greco, will you at least admit that you're a Socialist? Nothing gives it away like linking to the World Socialist Web Site.... :rolleyes:

I went through your links... all of them refer back to the same two people as the source for the 3 trillion claim... Meanwhile, the CBO puts the cost at 600-660 billion.

One of the links is a blog, another goes to a forum reply and the first link is an opinion piece where the claim originated....

I guess its back to the Hammer and Sickle for you... Eh, Comrade?
Not only did I look through the lie links, but the all cite the same lie as their source. Plus, they make further lies claiming that the economic problems are tied to Bush, when as we have prove in other threads many times, they can be tied back to Clinton and democrats in office.

So you support your original lie, but restating the lie, and then posting supporting lies to the first lie as if... lying more will make the lies all suddenly become true.

Hey, how about you ACTUALLY do some research and learn something... or at least ANYTHING... but this topic before posting. Not all of us are brain dead robots waiting for someone to spoon feed us crap to regurgitate on the forums.

I know that makes it hard to build your BS case, but such is what it is like talking to informed thinking people instead of your typical obamabot, as Libsmasher says.
Well for the benefit of the dimbulbs, ONE MORE TIME, the post was about the volume of boneheaded, wrong predictions made by John McCain. Did you catch that part? The entire topic of the most cited the volumes of wrong claims made by John McCain.

That must be a truly challenge for you to grasp intellectually.
McCain predicted “Great Joy and Pleasure in Iraq”. While appearing on NBC’s Meet The Press, McCain said, “I believe that these people have the same yearnings for freedom and democracy and independence and self-determination that every person on earth does, and once this Gestapo is off of their backs, then I think you will see great joy and pleasure that we were able to free them and that will not come until they are sure that they don’t have Saddam Hussein returning again.” (March 30, 2003)


Iraqi's after Saddam was convicted. Apparently not having 'great joy and pleasure in Iraq' after getting 'this gastapo off of their backs'. Huh... seems you are the liar.

McCain said Bush led with “clarity and did not exaggerate the case for war”. In 2003, McCain praised George W. Bush’s leadership on the Iraq war saying, “I think the president has let with great clarity and I think he’s done a great job leading the country, don’t you all?” And asked if he thought the president exaggerated the case for war, McCain said, “I don’t think so.” (MsNBC Hardball, April 4, 2003 / Fox News July 31, 2003)

Jay Rockefeller, a democrat, chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence, released this committee report on intel for the Iraq war.

  • Iraq's nuclear weapons program? The president's statements "were generally substantiated by intelligence community estimates."
  • Biological weapons, production capability and those infamous mobile laboratories? The president's statements "were substantiated by intelligence information."
  • Chemical weapons, then? "Substantiated by intelligence information."
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction overall (a separate section of the intelligence committee report)? "Generally substantiated by intelligence information."
  • Delivery vehicles such as ballistic missiles? "Generally substantiated by available intelligence."
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to deliver WMDs? "Generally substantiated by intelligence information."
  • Iraq's support for terrorist groups other than al-Qaeda "were substantiated by intelligence information."
  • Iraq provided safe haven for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and other terrorists with ties to al-Qaeda "were substantiated by the intelligence assessments,"
  • Iraq's contacts with al-Qaeda "were substantiated by intelligence information."

Oh looky, even your own democrats say you are a liar.... again.

'Bush Lied'? If Only It Were That Simple.

McCain said that disarming Iraq would, “Significantly Improve the Stability of The Region.” In a 2003 New York Times op-ed, McCain wrote, “Many critics suggest that disarming Iraq through regime change would not result in an improved peace. There are risks in this endeavor, to be sure. But no one can plausible argue that ridding the world of Saddam Hussein will not significantly improve the stability of the region and the security of American interests and values. (March 13, 2003)

There is no proof that once Iraq itself is stabilized, that it will not have a positive lasting effect in the middle east. We already have very positive feedback from Iraqis there.

McCain predicted “Jubilant Iraqis Would Diminish Anti-American Sentiment in The Middle East.” In the build up to the Iraq war, McCain stated that it is “more likely that antipathy toward the United States in the Islamic world might diminish amid the demonstrations of jubilant Iraqis celebrating the end of a regime that has fee equals in its ruthlessness. (American Conservative Magazine, February 11, 2003)


Apparently non-jubilant Iraqis, celebrating free elections in Iraq, and thanking the US for helping it to come about.

From Bet-Nahrain web site. Check it out to see how unhappy they were at us allowing them free elections.

You lied again.

Repeatedly, McCain Claimed The United States Would Win Easily in Iraq. In 2002 and 2003, before the invasion, McCain repeatedly claimed success in Iraq would be easy and minimized potential risks. According to CNN, McCain stated, “Because I know that as successful as I believe we will be, and I believe that the success will be fairly easy, we will still lose some American young men or women.” (March 17, 2003)

We did win easily. Saddam's Iraqi forces were decimated and, Bagdad fell in weeks. The Saddam government was wiped out in a month at best. We won that war easy. We didn't count on having to fight with militias backed by Iran and Al Qaeda, but we have mushed them too now with the surge, that worked perfectly.

Liar liar liar. You obamabots are all liars.
Well for the benefit of the dimbulbs, ONE MORE TIME, the post was about the volume of boneheaded, wrong predictions made by John McCain. Did you catch that part? The entire topic of the most cited the volumes of wrong claims made by John McCain.

That must be a truly challenge for you to grasp intellectually.

You are a liar. I should not have to tell a liar his lies. Apparently you are so ignorant you don't even know your own lies.
You are a liar. I should not have to tell a liar his lies. Apparently you are so ignorant you don't even know your own lies.

You know how this works Andy... its like talking to one of the 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists, thats what this dude reminds me of. No matter how wrong he is, he holds to his assertions knowing that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will think its true.
I keep thinking I shouldn't have to point out obvious stupidity to a thinking individual. Then I remember... this excludes him. He is just a cut&paste political hack. Thinking not required.
Oh sure, all of the claims of McCain, Bush and Cheney were totally accurate. Ride with that one a while buckaroos, we always enjoy the clowns at the circus.
Darn, I missed all the fun exposing geco for what he is...
The best thing here geco...i know how much you must love the socilaist obama, just remember this when you gleefully pull the lever for him...My vote is going to wad yours up and throw it in the wastebasket. That's right old buddy..i get to completely neutralize your efforts the past 18 months.
As for as your socilaist views, the others here have shown all what you are and why you hate America. One thing is evident, we can not debate or have a conversation with a liar. Go back to your moved-on and sorros websites. Seems like they are the more likely audience for your opinions.
Well for the benefit of the dimbulbs, ONE MORE TIME, the post was about the volume of boneheaded, wrong predictions made by John McCain. Did you catch that part? The entire topic of the most cited the volumes of wrong claims made by John McCain.

That must be a truly challenge for you to grasp intellectually.

<insert post citing facts and evidence disputing lame ignorant claims>

Oh sure, all of the claims of McCain, Bush and Cheney were totally accurate. Ride with that one a while buckaroos, we always enjoy the clowns at the circus.

This is your response? This is all you have to say for the facts and evidence posted? This is the brilliant answer of the left to data and substance?

You are liar, and a coward who hides behind unsupportable beliefs. Cure your ignorance and go learn something.
How very juvenile of you. I post exact quotes from McCain, sourced with dates and links, and your great respons is name calling. They weren't "beliefs" expressed by me. They were QUOTES, EXACT WORD FOR WORD QUOTES, made by John McCain. Maybe you need to cure your own ignorance.

Show us again how intellectually-challenged you are, call me some more names. I can take the heat, and always enjoy watching someone make a fool of themselves. You're really quite amusing as you twist in the wind.
How very juvenile of you. I post exact quotes from McCain, sourced with dates and links, and your great respons is name calling. They weren't "beliefs" expressed by me. They were QUOTES, EXACT WORD FOR WORD QUOTES, made by John McCain. Maybe you need to cure your own ignorance.

Show us again how intellectually-challenged you are, call me some more names. I can take the heat, and always enjoy watching someone make a fool of themselves. You're really quite amusing as you twist in the wind.

Your problem is you take them out of context. Andy showed you, and I mentioned before the actual context of the quotes. You have ignored that critical part of the entire equation.

It is akin the Army saying well gosh, we do not need to use tanks in Iraq because they did not work well in Vietnam. The context changes everything, which you continually ignore.

You are trying to compare a quote from 2003, which actually came to pass, we were greeted well before we botched the occupation. Holding up a quote that was true, until new situations that were well out of control of McCain arose, is dubious at best.