Goodbye Christopher Eric Hitchens...

Leftists generally do because they are incapable of comprehending intelligence. They are easily duped by ignorance and tyranny.

For anyone to think Socialism an effective form of human organization, is an obvious fool.

What do you want? IQ? RAF said it was very high indeed. Ph. D.? Got one. American extremists are very silly - their reactionary control of the media and so on since McCarthy gives them a false sense of security, which is why they keep invading countries and making a dog's breakfast of the business. Grow up! Clowns who have not been allowed to know what socialism means are not worth hearing on the subject, anywhere, ever.
What do you want? IQ? RAF said it was very high indeed. Ph. D.? Got one. American extremists are very silly - their reactionary control of the media and so on since McCarthy gives them a false sense of security, which is why they keep invading countries and making a dog's breakfast of the business. Grow up! Clowns who have not been allowed to know what socialism means are not worth hearing on the subject, anywhere, ever.

Please tell us oh great one.

What does Socialism mean?
Socialism is political control by the working majority, as you would know if you lived in a free country, grovellers.
as i said, impossible utopia.

lots of textbooks. we use them in our wducation system here.

onw other book i read addresses this subject in a clear and entertaining way. its called "Animal Farm" you should check it out. might gain a littlw insight as to how you are being used. you are the horse who is your pig ?

Impossible mean your pure free capitalist system with no goverment that works in perfect harmony?

He was a socialist who realized later in life how idiotic socialism is.
Rubbish. He was a Marxist in his early life but he'd that early.
He also recognized the threat radical Islam poses to freedom and the West.
May he rest in peace and may God forgive him for failing to believe.
There is no god to forgive anyone. You're delusional.

NOTE: Change thread title to 'Goodbye Christopher'​

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