Goin' Down

The best part was when the white house started calling the Iraq war one of it's successes..... You just can't make this stuff up.

They have no shame.

And the liberal media works hard to brain wash those who watch/read them.

1. No lib MSM outlet has yet to ask Bubba Clinton about his racist comments on BO.
2. No lib MSM outlet has bothered to mention that the Dems just passed Pay-as-You-Go and then ignored it. They now are attacking Senator Bunning for demanding the feds pay for the tiny unemployment extension.
3. Almost never does the lib MSM talk about BO's declining ratings.
4. The lib MSM never speaks of the unjust murder of the unborn, but they regularly talk about a woman's right to chose as if that is just and tolerant.

Rasmussen: 43% now strongly disapprove of Obama, same as Bush when he left office

When George Bush left office he was deeply unpopular: in Bush’s last month, according to Rasmussen 43% strongly disapproved of the job Bush was doing, while only 13% strongly approved, for a staggering negative rating of –30%. Rasmussen’s Thursday release shows that after 14 months in office President Barack Obama has achieved Bush’s 43% of the people strongly disapproving of his performance, but Obama is still 10% ahead of Bush in those who strongly approve (23% v. 13% for Bush).

I suspect that the main difference in their overall approval ratings is among African-Americans, not whites.

Imagine how unpopular Obama would be if the press and the late night comedians (who are at least as important as the press) treated Obama as they treated Bush.


I became liberal because of the Vietnam War

I used to be very liberal, you would have drove me mad :)

I think many people who hold liberal ideas do so because its all they know. Its what their parents taught them, teachers.. its what they see on TV.

That is how it was for me.

I was challenged once on something I "believed" about Reagan to prove it. I dont even remember now what it was I claimed he said or did. But I wanted to prove my point so I read every speech he gave looking for my proof... When I was done I realized he was not at all what I thought he was. He was not like the news claimed he was or my mom or SNL or my teachers. It was then I started questioning what I believed and started changing my ideas. And my 3 months in socialist Canada helped also!

Michael Medvid (spelling) helped too... He was always so nice to liberals when they called him and he would help them see the error in their thinking.

Through listening to his program and a lot of reading I changed how I thought.

So some can change but I dont think they will if they are belittled, I dont think I would have.

I was neutral or apolitical when I was young. The more I investigated it, the more obvious it became that the reason why our foreign policy was so hawkish was Right Wing thinking dominating our foreign policy. Then the Republicans began dismantling the social safety nets Roosevelt, Johnson and others had set up, when I had hoped they would expand that social safety net. Then the social wars started up. In each case, I found the liberal positions much more to my taste than the Conservative.
Re: I became liberal because of the Vietnam War

I was neutral or apolitical when I was young. The more I investigated it, the more obvious it became that the reason why our foreign policy was so hawkish was Right Wing thinking dominating our foreign policy. Then the Republicans began dismantling the social safety nets Roosevelt, Johnson and others had set up, when I had hoped they would expand that social safety net. Then the social wars started up. In each case, I found the liberal positions much more to my taste than the Conservative.

So, to summarize, you have based your political position on lies.
Re: I became liberal because of the Vietnam War

I was neutral or apolitical when I was young. The more I investigated it, the more obvious it became that the reason why our foreign policy was so hawkish was Right Wing thinking dominating our foreign policy. Then the Republicans began dismantling the social safety nets Roosevelt, Johnson and others had set up, when I had hoped they would expand that social safety net. Then the social wars started up. In each case, I found the liberal positions much more to my taste than the Conservative.

Many ideas that liberals have I would agree with if I thought they were possible. Many things communists believe in I would agree if I thought they were possible.

In a perfect world many of their ideas would be fantastic. But after years of paying attention to human nature I realized the world they are trying to work towards is impossible.

There will always be people who will do as little as possible and expect to get everything that someone who worked like a dog gets. Cry foul if they have nothing even if given the same chances as someone else.

When I was young I thought if we just gave those people opportunities and chances they would want to work hard too and everyone would have everything we wanted. But as I got older I realized that just isn’t reality.

Where I work now, we all get just about the same pay, exactly the same sick leave days and personal leave days and family leave days. If you do not use your family leave days they roll over into another place called accumulated family leave days where you can bank up to 65 hours. We all get the same vacation days. Every July 1st the new year starts and you get all new days.

Most people have long since used their vacation days for this year, personal day’s exc. and use them fast enough that none ever roll over into accumulated. There are people taking days off unpaid because they don’t even have a sick leave day left. Not because of serious illness either, we have a sick leave bank for those who have serious illness and can not work due to it. The bank won’t pay for random sick leave day’s just serious illness with notes from doctors and pays for your sick leave days after you have exhausted all of your own days. I have never used the bank.

I have 96 hours of use it or lose it vacation that I have to use before June 30th or they disappear and another 160 hours of regular vacation and will get another 160 hours on July 1st. 65 hours in accumulated family leave days and another 48 hours in my personal/family leave. I also have over 2000 hours of sick leave. And on July 1st I get more of all of it.

There are actually people at work who get everything I get but have long since spent it tell me that its not fair that I have so much. I am careful with mine incase of an accident or serious illness but if others had their way they would take mine from me since in their eyes I don’t spend it fast enough.

I would be furious if the school district took my unused days away to give to irresponsible people who used up all their days but I would love it if the district would let me give sick leave and vacation days away to other employees I felt like giving my days to. I will end up throwing away about 2 weeks vacation that I would much rather give away to people I wanted to give it away to.

Here is an example of a group of people who are given the exact same, spending it differently then still complaining it’s not fair.

I might be more cynical now, but I think it’s based in reality that there will always be those who no matter what you give them won’t (not can’t) rise up for themselves to make a better life no matter what opportunities are handed to them.

As long as there are people who refuse to work and carry their own water, the communistic or socialistic or liberal society that they dream of can never work, because people who do work hard, save and make their way will always be unwilling to carry someone else water along with their own.

I spent only a couple of years in the "neutral" category. I started out very liberal just like my teachers, parents and the media. As an adult, for a couple of years I questioned my ideas and was challenged on many of them before I realized I was more comfortable in the conservative/libertarian end of things. In some ways it would be nice to be in the mushy middle but I tend to run more hot or cold as a person I guess.
Re: I became liberal because of the Vietnam War

As long as there are people who refuse to work and carry their own water, the communistic or socialistic or liberal society that they dream of can never work, because people who do work hard, save and make their way will always be unwilling to carry someone else water along with their own.

I spent only a couple of years in the "neutral" category. I started out very liberal just like my teachers, parents and the media. As an adult, for a couple of years I questioned my ideas and was challenged on many of them before I realized I was more comfortable in the conservative/libertarian end of things. In some ways it would be nice to be in the mushy middle but I tend to run more hot or cold as a person I guess.

You are being much too nice Pandy. What you realized was liberalism is a failure. Always has been and always will be. You like most rational thinking people evaluated political ideologies and rightly concluded that conservatism is the correct ideology and political system. It works whenever it is tried. Problem is, it is not being tried.

If you give money to a homeless drunk, what does he do with the money? Of course, we all know the answer. It is commonsense. But, liberalism is all about taking from the productive and giving to the unproductive. This only results in more unproductive and fewer productive. It is commonsense. Liberals do not have commonsense. They "feel" and fail to "think."
Re: I became liberal because of the Vietnam War

You are being much too nice Pandy. What you realized was liberalism is a failure. Always has been and always will be. You like most rational thinking people evaluated political ideologies and rightly concluded that conservatism is the correct ideology and political system. It works whenever it is tried. Problem is, it is not being tried.

If you give money to a homeless drunk, what does he do with the money? Of course, we all know the answer. It is commonsense. But, liberalism is all about taking from the productive and giving to the unproductive. This only results in more unproductive and fewer productive. It is commonsense. Liberals do not have commonsense. They "feel" and fail to "think."

I would agree with you

liberalism is about feeling rather than thinking. For most people who have liberal ideas, they do it with all the best intentions.

only politicians use it in a harmful way. But it doesnt work so the good intentions mean nothing and are actually hurting the hard working person who is responsible in life :(
More good news for freedom loving Americans everywhere.

Liberalism dies in 2010!!!

Today, among whites, only 35 percent of men and 43 percent of women say they will back Democrats in the fall election. Women's preferences have remained steady since July 2009. But white men's support for a Democratic Congress has fallen eight percentage points, according to Gallup.
White men have moved away from Obama as well. The same proportion of white women approve of him -- 46 percent, according to Gallup -- as voted for him in 2008. But only 38 percent of white men approve of the President, which means that millions of white men who voted for Obama have now lost faith in him.

The migration of white men from the Democratic Party was evident in the election of Republican Scott Brown in Massachusetts. His opponent, a white woman, won 52 percent of white women. But white men favored Brown by a 60 percent to 38 percent margin, according to Fabrizio, McLaughlin & Associates polling.

Read more: http://www.timesunion.com/AspStories/story.asp?storyID=915922&category=OPINION#ixzz0jZHlwzZh
Polls vary everyday.

Gallup has him up today. These are just little snapshots. Our President is doing fine. Health Insurance Reform is a delivered done deal and as people now get into the benefits it will swing more approval. We now have all spring & summer (traditionally high buying & higher employment times) to blitz the jobs segment.

Today President Obama 48% approve to 46% disapprove.


Nearly two-thirds of Americans say the health care overhaul signed into law last week costs too much and expands the government's role in health care too far, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, underscoring an uphill selling job ahead for President Obama and congressional Democrats.

Two-thirds is 66%. I did the math for you libs incapable of doing so.

That is an overwhelming number who think Obummercare is not going to work.

And this...
Gallup: Obama disapproval hits 50 percent for the first time

By E. Thomas McClanahan, Kansas City Star Editorial Page columnist

President Obama's health-care bump wasn't much to speak of. In fact, he's upside-down in the Gallup poll. His approval-disapproval rating in this poll is 47-50.

But here's the real eyebrow-raiser: Close to two-thirds say the bill "costs too much and expands the government's role in health care too far."

Obama's Real Clear Politics average is a tad better, with a 48.2 percent approval, and a 46.7 disapproval.
Submitted by mcclanahan on March 30, 2010 - 3:59pm.

Read more: http://voices.kansascity.com/node/8401#ixzz0jhmXVW3M
Re: I became liberal because of the Vietnam War

Many ideas that liberals have I would agree with if I thought they were possible. Many things communists believe in I would agree if I thought they were possible.

In a perfect world many of their ideas would be fantastic. But after years of paying attention to human nature I realized the world they are trying to work towards is impossible.

There will always be people who will do as little as possible and expect to get everything that someone who worked like a dog gets. Cry foul if they have nothing even if given the same chances as someone else.

When I was young I thought if we just gave those people opportunities and chances they would want to work hard too and everyone would have everything we wanted. But as I got older I realized that just isn’t reality.

Where I work now, we all get just about the same pay, exactly the same sick leave days and personal leave days and family leave days. If you do not use your family leave days they roll over into another place called accumulated family leave days where you can bank up to 65 hours. We all get the same vacation days. Every July 1st the new year starts and you get all new days.

Most people have long since used their vacation days for this year, personal day’s exc. and use them fast enough that none ever roll over into accumulated. There are people taking days off unpaid because they don’t even have a sick leave day left. Not because of serious illness either, we have a sick leave bank for those who have serious illness and can not work due to it. The bank won’t pay for random sick leave day’s just serious illness with notes from doctors and pays for your sick leave days after you have exhausted all of your own days. I have never used the bank.

I have 96 hours of use it or lose it vacation that I have to use before June 30th or they disappear and another 160 hours of regular vacation and will get another 160 hours on July 1st. 65 hours in accumulated family leave days and another 48 hours in my personal/family leave. I also have over 2000 hours of sick leave. And on July 1st I get more of all of it.

There are actually people at work who get everything I get but have long since spent it tell me that its not fair that I have so much. I am careful with mine incase of an accident or serious illness but if others had their way they would take mine from me since in their eyes I don’t spend it fast enough.

I would be furious if the school district took my unused days away to give to irresponsible people who used up all their days but I would love it if the district would let me give sick leave and vacation days away to other employees I felt like giving my days to. I will end up throwing away about 2 weeks vacation that I would much rather give away to people I wanted to give it away to.

Here is an example of a group of people who are given the exact same, spending it differently then still complaining it’s not fair.

I might be more cynical now, but I think it’s based in reality that there will always be those who no matter what you give them won’t (not can’t) rise up for themselves to make a better life no matter what opportunities are handed to them.

As long as there are people who refuse to work and carry their own water, the communistic or socialistic or liberal society that they dream of can never work, because people who do work hard, save and make their way will always be unwilling to carry someone else water along with their own.

I spent only a couple of years in the "neutral" category. I started out very liberal just like my teachers, parents and the media. As an adult, for a couple of years I questioned my ideas and was challenged on many of them before I realized I was more comfortable in the conservative/libertarian end of things. In some ways it would be nice to be in the mushy middle but I tend to run more hot or cold as a person I guess.

I'm sorry that your experiences have led you to the conclusions you have posted here. It's good that you recognize that your views are based on your experiences rather than immutable facts too. It must be a pretty grim world as you see it.

My experiences have led me to a very different place. Most of the people I have known are basically good and even the bad ones were not enough to make me feel as you apparently do. I'm glad that you can see why feelings about your experiences are what inform you political positions rather than being like some of the people here and attacking others as being insane or anti-American just because they disagree.

You must have a pretty harsh assessment of the teachings of Jesus, what with all that love others, turn the other cheek, and return good for evil stuff that He said.
Re: I became liberal because of the Vietnam War

I would agree with you

liberalism is about feeling rather than thinking. For most people who have liberal ideas, they do it with all the best intentions.

only politicians use it in a harmful way. But it doesnt work so the good intentions mean nothing and are actually hurting the hard working person who is responsible in life :(

Love is about feelings too, should we condemn all feelings? We live in a system based on greed and avarice--both feelings--and the advertising industry is all about feelings of inadequacy--no logic in a long ton of it.

The fear that others will take advantage of you and get YOUR stuff is all about the feeling of FEAR. We are emotional creatures and there's rarely a Spock among us.

Where's the logic is a system that assumes that everyone can be a shark and compete in the frenzy? Where's the logic in ignoring the health of millions of people with whom you have to rub shoulders every day? You think their TB isn't contagious? Where's the logic in an economic system that needs unemployed people to keep the demands of the work force in check? Where's the logic is a system that requires money to live, but doesn't make sure that all people who want to work can find a job? Our system is quite insane, in my opinion and does a huge amount of damage to the people who suffer through their lives in it.
Re: I became liberal because of the Vietnam War

I would agree with you

liberalism is about feeling rather than thinking. For most people who have liberal ideas, they do it with all the best intentions.

only politicians use it in a harmful way. But it doesnt work so the good intentions mean nothing and are actually hurting the hard working person who is responsible in life :(

Come on Pan... you have that completely backward and deep down inside you know it.;)

Let's look at the last Republican President, Bush. He admittedly did his thinking by "gut feelings". Not by research nor by studying a particular problem. He shot from the hip with "gut instincts". Which as we now see today in his outcomes were foolhardy at best & long term destructive at worst.

And while it's true Liberals do put ALL people first when making decisions and don't just automatically drop to their knees worshiping the rich & corporately powerful.

Remove all the teabagging misinformation & lies and we all see the fact is to find lower Federal taxes in America than President Obama put forward you'd have to go all the way back to the Harry Truman administration. And passing affordable Health Insurance for all is a good thing for America as a whole.

Thank you President Obama for breaking the Bush curse and allowing all Americans to count again no matter how rich or how poor.

It's simply this...

compared to this...

This is going from bad to worse for the Communist Party of America (once referred to as Dems) and their out of the mainstream kooky liberal useful idiot followers.

Like I said...2010 The Year Liberalism Dies! Yeah Baby Yeah!!! This long Marxist nightmare is about to end and America can once again be that shining city upon a hill....

Historic low for Democrats in Gallup poll
By: Michael Barone
Senior Political Analyst
06/01/10 5:03 PM EDT

Wow! The Gallup organization reports that on the generic ballot question—which party’s candidate would you vote for in Congress—Republicans currently lead Democrats 49%-43%. That’s the biggest Republican lead since Gallup began asking the question in 1950—and in fact Republicans have seldom been ahead in those 60 years. More bad news for the Democrats: 39% of Republicans say they’re enthusiastic about voting, compared to 25% of Independents and 24% of Democrats.

There’s no way to spin this except as bad news for Democrats. Yes, Democratic candidates may be able to beat Republican challengers here and there by attacking them as wackos. But Democrats are in trouble, as I argued in my Sunday Examiner column, on both competence and ideology—a pretty lethal combination.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/o...ts-in-Gallup-poll-95354909.html#ixzz0peaHuG2c