Goin' Down

I went to read my email after I saw your post, dang that made me happy!
I was worried people would be easy on him because of the holidays but I am glad thats not the case.

Today some democrat in congress changed parties to become a republican because he was disgusted with his party. It looks like people are waking up, and I am glad.

Yeah the Dems are going to get killed come 2010. If the stupid Rs get their act together, they could put the Dems in the minority to decades and very possibly kill the progressive radical left that controls that party.

Yeah the Dems are going to get killed come 2010. If the stupid Rs get their act together, they could put the Dems in the minority to decades and very possibly kill the progressive radical left that controls that party.

The problem is the people who vote these jerks in.

We need a new party.....the tea party perhaps.

Far too many stupid people in the republican party voting for dems with an R behind their names for any real change.
The problem is the people who vote these jerks in.

We need a new party.....the tea party perhaps.

Far too many stupid people in the republican party voting for dems with an R behind their names for any real change.

Agreed but once the details of this horrific plan come out, the crap hits the fan for the Dems. The Rs need to pound them in the media every day about how bad this plan is and how it is detrimental for every American.

Everything Barry and friends have said about the plan is a lie. This will come out and no amount of media bias will stop it.
Agreed but once the details of this horrific plan come out, the crap hits the fan for the Dems. The Rs need to pound them in the media every day about how bad this plan is and how it is detrimental for every American.

Everything Barry and friends have said about the plan is a lie. This will come out and no amount of media bias will stop it.

They could and should be pounding them now but they are not saying much.

A small number of republicans are speaking out, heck Senator Joe Lieberman has spoken out against the health care bill more than some republicans.

Most of these republicans in congress have spines of jello
Agreed but once the details of this horrific plan come out, the crap hits the fan for the Dems. The Rs need to pound them in the media every day about how bad this plan is and how it is detrimental for every American.

Everything Barry and friends have said about the plan is a lie. This will come out and no amount of media bias will stop it.

Didn't you get the memo? Swift Boating stopped working. Americans caught on. Health Insurance Reform is happening.

Seriously call the teabaggers and tell 'em... they've been KO'd...:D

More good news...the Dems are in big trouble. Now if the Rs can get their act together, maybe the liberal wing of the Dem party will commit suicide.

If Governor Dave Heineman challenges Nelson for the Senate job, a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey shows the Republican would get 61% of the vote while Nelson would get just 30%. Nelson was reelected to a second Senate term in 2006 with 64% of the vote.

Nelson's health care vote is clearly dragging his numbers down. Just 17% of Nebraska voters approve of the deal their senator made on Medicaid in exchange for his vote in support of the plan. Overall, 64% oppose the health care legislation, including 53% who are Strongly Opposed. In Nebraska, opposition is even stronger than it is nationally.
More good news...the Dems are in big trouble. Now if the Rs can get their act together, maybe the liberal wing of the Dem party will commit suicide.

Thats great news.

How low is "Friends of Angelo" Chris Dodd doing or dirty harry reid in the polls, those are the two I want to see down and out.

well barbara boxer too but that might be wishful thinking
Thats great news.

How low is "Friends of Angelo" Chris Dodd doing or dirty harry reid in the polls, those are the two I want to see down and out.

well barbara boxer too but that might be wishful thinking

I suspect they are polling very low. But, they have a plan to keep their seats. The plan includes the following:

- legalize the illegals to buy votes
- use Chicago Machine tactics to control voter turn out
- use Acorn and SEIU to stuff the ballot boxes
- use the Black Panthers to "patrol" polling places
- use Obama tactics to discredit their opponent
- use the media to promote lies and distortions of their opponent

So you see, Dodd, Reid, and the other scumbags likely get re-elected and all reports of election fraud will be "silenced" just as is done in other socialist nations.
Thank God for that, gipper. When will you people ever realize that you are are a bunch of rightist extremists, with a warped world view, and that sort of extremism doesn't sell well with the general public?
They could and should be pounding them now but they are not saying much.

A small number of republicans are speaking out, heck Senator Joe Lieberman has spoken out against the health care bill more than some republicans.

Most of these republicans in congress have spines of jello

Zero GOP votes for. Not even form the RINOs in MAine.

They cannot stop it so they can only allow the dems to shoot their own feet off. And God are they doing it.

Sometimes all you can do is hand people intent upon hanging themselves some rope.
Thank God for that, gipper. When will you people ever realize that you are are a bunch of rightist extremists, with a warped world view, and that sort of extremism doesn't sell well with the general public?

When the facts present themselves to point otherwise ?

Just sayin...
Things just keep getting better in the year Liberalism dies... Yippee!

In December, the number of Americans identifying themselves as Democrats fell to the lowest level recorded in more than seven years of monthly tracking by Rasmussen Reports.

Currently, 35.5% of American adults view themselves as Democrats. That’s down from 36.0 a month ago and from 37.8% in October. Prior to December, the lowest total ever recorded for Democrats was 35.9%, a figure that was reached twice in 2005. See the History of Party Trends from January 2004 to the present.

Things just keep getting better in the year Liberalism dies... Yippee!
Before you start your cheering section and drag out those Pom-Pom's...it would appear the the INDEPENDENTS will be making some head way for those adults changing their minds {this doesn't count voters-just adults}
Clipped from your article: The change since Obama’s election is that the number of Democrats has fallen by six percentage points and the number of voters not affiliated with either major party has grown by six. The number of adults not affiliated with either party is currently at 30.6%, up from 24.7% in November 2008.
Clipped from your article: Between November 2004 and 2006, the Democratic advantage in partisan identification grew by 4.5 percentage points. That foreshadowed the Democrats' big gains in the 2006 midterm elections. The gap grew by another 1.5 percentage points between November 2006 and 2008 heading into the election of President Obama.
The gap between the parties is now very similar to the gap in November 2004, when George W. Bush won reelection. However, at that time, both parties had more support, and fewer were unaffiliated with either party. The number of unaffiliated typically declines as major elections draw near.
Keep in mind that figures reported in this article are for all adults, not likely voters. Republicans are a bit more likely to participate in elections than Democrats.

So if the past president election is a 'NEW GROUND BREAKING' statistic when the Republicans didn't even bother to show up to VOTE...just exactly how much weight could you desperate GOP card carrying members place on this new poll?