Like I said, your study is a scam. The numbers were taken at the end of the summer. Of course it is going to be thinner at the end of summer. People like you are why the myth continues. You will believe anything so long as it fits your political agenda no matter how idiotic it may be.

You're hilarious! Really, your lack of seriousness on this issue is a great source of amusement to me. I look forward to your responses each time!
"The numbers were taken at the end of the summer," you note, and therefore the it's obviously thinner, because it's always thinner at the end of the summer!
Brilliant response! Hilarious! Seriously, even if I was appointed by God Above to stubbornly refuse to admit that global warming was real, no matter what the evidence, I
never would have dreamed up that one!
The ingenuity! The resourcefulness! You're a genius of obfiscation! You really should look for work with the Bush administration.
Of course the numbers are taken at the end of summer, or, more accurately, at the ice sheet's minimal level for that year. Then they're compared to the previous year's level. And then they chart the same thing over all the years for which they have data. In point of fact, the measurements are taken continually. They'd have to be, in order to create the chart I provided above, and again directly below.
But you must know this. You can't be
that stupid. So you're just pulling my leg, right? I mean, this graph alone, provided previously, torpedos your response:
Not to mention
this one:
See 2007 at the bottom right, in red?
And the best you can come up with is a dopey "they took the measurement at the end of summer." Hysterical!
I can't wait for your next response! Let me guess: "They have the charts upside down!"
By the way, I see that you didn't bother to come up with a link to your report in the
Journal of Climate. It must have been for 2000 after all, eh? Oops! It must be SO embarrassing to be you!
That is, assuming you're not just
pretending to be this obstinate and clueless.