This thread is for conservatives to discuss what the GOP should do in the wake of what will probably be a complete disaster on election day, not only for the GOP but the country. Liberals will please not post, and the two or so junior grade leftwing wacko cadets in residence (you know who you are) are very specifically disinvited.
The GOP has had a problem with RINO presidents - they tend to be followed by the worst of the democrat party: Nixon/Ford followed by Carter, Bush I by Bubba clinton (not anywhere near as bad as Carter, but bad enough), and now Bush II by obama. There will of course be a lot of blaming and second guessing in the wake of the calamity. One species of RINO always pops up after these defeats and tries to convince republicans that they have to be pseudo-democrats in the future to win. If there were any validity to that idea (which there isn't) - what would be the point? Rank and file republicans should support even more RINO RINOS just so the GOP can win? But who cares if it wins if it's just an alternate democrat party?
The republican party needs to return to it's roots - particularly on limiting spending. It also needs to stand fast (for the time being, only in it's pronouncements) against all the garbage of the democrat party: the race hustling, the war against free speech, the abortion holocaust, the attempts to dilute US sovereignty, the illegal alien invasion, etc etc.
If history is a guide, the people of this country will be ready as hell to hear what the GOP has to offer after four years of McCarter, and the republican party has to spend that time cleaning house, and there's a lot to clean. Never again should the party be handed over to RINOs.
I solicit ideas from other conservatives on specific policy positions the new national GOP should adopt.