Reagan - a RINO?

I did - it's there for everyone to read, and you're trying to imagine it away because you're too gutless to debate.

Screw off. :D If you want a forum that's just you and the other libs doing circle jerks, fine with me.

typical, think its all about you..and not the know who else has been yelled at for posts that broke rules? me..more then a few times...I never I did not cry its cuz I'm liberal wha wha wha was because I broke the rules..

but if you left, where would we get our great debate and fact based responses? wait you don't do that would not miss ya
typical, think its all about you..and not the know who else has been yelled at for posts that broke rules? me..more then a few times...I never I did not cry its cuz I'm liberal wha wha wha was because I broke the rules..

but if you left, where would we get our great debate and fact based responses? wait you don't do that would not miss ya

No, you'd stop getting b__ch-slapped by me, which I think you actually enjoy, you ask for it so often, so you'd have to settle for CJs with PLC1 :D
- When he ran for governor of california, his election slogan was 1)"send the welfare bums back to work," - a reference to hippies and hangers on at Berkeley. He also sent out 2200 national guardsmen to suppress student riots there.

Pure RINO, right?

- Reagan greatly reduced government regulation, notably in the airline and trucking industries.

A lib for sure.

- When the PATCO union tried to hold the whole airline industry hostage, he crushed them.

Leftwingism in action.

- He signed an abortion bill, but for the rest of his life said he regretted doing it.

- Reagan unsuccessfully challenged one of the worst RINOs ever, Gerald Ford, for the GOP presidential nomination in 1976. With the full backing of the GOP RINO establishment, Ford won, but was defeated by Jimmy carter.

- Reagan won the presidency in 1980, one of his lesser achievements, since by then the country would have preferred ANYONE to carter.

2)- Reagan greatly lowered income tax rates in 1981. A 1986 tax bill reduced taxes further.

Smells like RINO.

3)- Reagan signed a big tax increase, the deficit reduction act of 1987, on the promise from the democrat congress of a $3 reduction in spending for every $1 increase in taxes - of course they lied -the decreases never happened. This shows one of Reagan's faults - too much faith in the honesty of people.

- Reagan cut medicaid, foodstamps, and federal aid to education, and purged fake social security disability claimants.

Hey! RINOism!

4)- Reagan invaded Grenada to depose a small, but one of worst, gang of marxist thugs ever to seize a country.

Hmmm... sounds like obozo. :D

5)- In the wake of the collapse of US foreign policy due to Carter's appeasement policies, Reagan ordered a huge buildup in the military, funding the B1 bomber, the MX missile, and deploying the Pershing II missile in western europe.

Now, that's what you call RINO! :D

6)- Reagan launched air strikes against Libya for exporting terrorism.

Ewwwwwwwww - kum by yah ........

7)- Reagan signed the 1986 amnesty for illegal alien invaders, on the promise by the democrats that that would be a once and for all deal - of course, they lied to him.

- Reagan said no to soviet premier Gorbachev's request that he stop the strategic defense initiative.

But but but - that doesn't sound RINOish! :confused:

8)- When the democrats, all horny over marxist thugs taking over Nicargaua, refused to give aid to the democratic resistance, Reagan (apparently illegally) approved the Iran-Contra deal to get them money. Ultimate result: the end of the marxist regime, and establishment of democracy in Nicaragua.

9)- Reagan almost single-handedly overturned the soviet union. He did this with the costly technological buildup in the military they couldn't match, and also got the saudis to greatly expand oil production, devastating the soviet union's income from oil exports. These actions led to internal political instability and ultimate collapse of the communist regime. (Leftwingers like to pretend the collapse :D)

10)No ifs, ands or buts, Reagan did what no RINO or lib appeaser would ever have attempted. Now all they can do is lie about and misrepresent his record.

A RINO of course not he is just a great example of what the GOP wants to be, talk the talk but then run and hide when it comes to the point they need to take action.

1) Like I said GOP is great for slogans but their actions are laughable.

2) That only works when you cut spending he got half of it right.

3) Who has veto power again? You cant blame congress for everything.

4) Yup sounds like the republican way if they dont like us make them at the point of a sword. Only a neocon would be proud of that.

5) Which contributed to the deficit kind of fvcking the claim he is a fiscal conservative. But republicans usually aren't.

6) Yes throw stones at a beehive and look what that got us.

7) That could have been a great move if he abolished the welfare system along with it.

8) Not exactly the republican way to mind their own fvcking business.

9) Collapse of the soviet union 1991...
End of Reagan's presidency 1989...

10) So they deals he made with the libs where what exactly. Amnesty sounds like something a lib appeaser would do.
A RINO of course not he is just a great example of what the GOP wants to be, talk the talk but then run and hide when it comes to the point they need to take action.

1) Like I said GOP is great for slogans but their actions are laughable.

Again, you make yourself appear a fool by lumping all GOP together. :p

2) That only works when you cut spending he got half of it right.

No, he got it ALL right. AS I ALREADY SAID - he made a deal with the democrats who controlled congress to greatly reduce spending, and they just reneged. Want to hear it a THIRD TIME, steel trap brain?

3) Who has veto power again? You cant blame congress for everything.

And who can override vetoes? Quick - check your sixth grade government book.

4) Yup sounds like the republican way if they dont like us make them at the point of a sword. Only a neocon would be proud of that.

Make us like them?? What the devil are you talking about??? He deposed a murderous marxist regime - end of story.

5) Which contributed to the deficit kind of fvcking the claim he is a fiscal conservative. But republicans usually aren't.

Right, and who is REALLY to blame? Hint: Last name starts with "C" and ends with "r", the person whose foreign policy disasters Reagan was left to clean up. Same thing will happen in 2013 for whatever republican gets elected president.

6) Yes throw stones at a beehive and look what that got us.

Yah, I guess you're right there - when islamofascist states kill and wound 52 US soldiers in a disco, probably the best response is an apology tour.

7) That could have been a great move if he abolished the welfare system along with it.


8) Not exactly the republican way to mind their own fvcking business.

Yaaaa, south america about to be converted into a marxist continent - who cares? :D

9) Collapse of the soviet union 1991...
End of Reagan's presidency 1989...

Hey that was pretty stupid! Here, let ME try: Franklin Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945 - nazis surrendered on May 14, 1945. :D
1)Again, you make yourself appear a fool by lumping all GOP together. :p

2)No, he got it ALL right. AS I ALREADY SAID - he made a deal with the democrats who controlled congress to greatly reduce spending, and they just reneged. Want to hear it a THIRD TIME, steel trap brain?

3)And who can override vetoes? Quick - check your sixth grade government book.

4)Make us like them?? What the devil are you talking about??? He deposed a murderous marxist regime - end of story.

5)Right, and who is REALLY to blame? Hint: Last name starts with "C" and ends with "r", the person whose foreign policy disasters Reagan was left to clean up. Same thing will happen in 2013 for whatever republican gets elected president.

6)Yah, I guess you're right there - when islamofascist states kill and wound 52 US soldiers in a disco, probably the best response is an apology tour.


8)Yaaaa, south america about to be converted into a marxist continent - who cares? :D

9)Hey that was pretty stupid! Here, let ME try: Franklin Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945 - nazis surrendered on May 14, 1945. :D

1) Why? You make generalizations too and they are more or less the same.

2) Yeah he made a deal and it was a deal he shouldnt have made.

3) Only with 2/3 face it he has veto power and no ammount of your name calling will change that.

4) Your ignorance is leaking. You cant force nations to be like us.

5) Considering you are one of those whiners who b1tch when Obama points at this fvck up isnt completely his doing this is especially laughable.

6) Where will an apology get us just recognize when you occupy someone's holy land it tends to piss them off.

7) Not exactly a rebuttal.

8) Exactly who cares? Its not the USA's job to decide what is best for other nations.

9) one month vs two yrs... Hmmm
1) Why? You make generalizations too and they are more or less the same.

2) Yeah he made a deal and it was a deal he shouldnt have made.

He shouldn't have made a deal to cut spending??? Aren't you the one saying he was for big government??? You've desecended into self-contradictory babbling incoherence. :D

3) Only with 2/3 face it he has veto power and no ammount of your name calling will change that.

He was overriden nine times - kindly sprinkle a little factual history into your crackpot ideology.

4) Your ignorance is leaking. You cant force nations to be like us.

You repeat this straw man like some kind of cheap doll which can just say "mama". :D

5) Considering you are one of those whiners who b1tch when Obama points at this fvck up isnt completely his doing this is especially laughable.

Can anyone translate that garble into english? :rolleyes:

6) Where will an apology get us just recognize when you occupy someone's holy land it tends to piss them off.

So when US troops were in a disco in germany, they were occupying someone's "holy land"? :p

7) Not exactly a rebuttal.

How can anyone rebut garbled drunken-sounding incoherent blather?

8) Exactly who cares? Its not the USA's job to decide what is best for other nations.

Yaaaaaa - it's up to the sandanistas and cuban marxists.

9) one month vs two yrs... Hmmm

Yaaaaaaa - everything that brought down the soviet union magically - happened - SHAZAAM!! - in two years after Reagan. Reagan's destruction of the soviet union's cash exports, his wrecking of their economy by forcing them into an arms buildup, his stiffening of the backbone of the euroappeasers with the deployment of Pershing II missiles, his strategic defense initiative, his huge buildup of the navy, his anti-communist diplomacy, his fighting marxist propped up proxies all over the world, had nothing to do with it. Yaaaaa surrrrrrrrrre riiiiiight. You have no clue.
1)He shouldn't have made a deal to cut spending??? Aren't you the one saying he was for big government??? You've desecended into self-contradictory babbling incoherence. :D

2)He was overriden nine times - kindly sprinkle a little factual history into your crackpot ideology.

3)You repeat this straw man like some kind of cheap doll which can just say "mama". :D

4)Can anyone translate that garble into english? :rolleyes:

5)So when US troops were in a disco in germany, they were occupying someone's "holy land"? :p

6)How can anyone rebut garbled drunken-sounding incoherent blather?

7)Yaaaaaa - it's up to the sandanistas and cuban marxists.

8)Yaaaaaaa - everything that brought down the soviet union magically - happened - SHAZAAM!! - in two years after Reagan. Reagan's destruction of the soviet union's cash exports, his wrecking of their economy by forcing them into an arms buildup, his stiffening of the backbone of the euroappeasers with the deployment of Pershing II missiles, his strategic defense initiative, his huge buildup of the navy, his anti-communist diplomacy, his fighting marxist propped up proxies all over the world, had nothing to do with it. Yaaaaa surrrrrrrrrre riiiiiight. You have no clue.

1) It wasnt a deal to cut spending it was a deal that more or less stated. "If you give me x dollars (R) ill give you x dollars (D) spending." It didnt cut spending it increased it.

2) Great let them override him but the fact remains he put his signature on a lot of spending.

3) Not really a staw man.

4) Ill assume this means you have no counter argument.

5) Not those specific soldiers.

6)I dont know.. But if you could rebut my statement it would be nice.

7) Who cares what others do? We are the US and should make ourselves an example that should be followed not to follow others' examples.

8) Who said anything about magic? The breakdown of the USSR was because of internal problems.

P.S. Try to keep name calling and peronal attacks to a minimum.
1) It wasnt a deal to cut spending it was a deal that more or less stated. "If you give me x dollars (R) ill give you x dollars (D) spending." It didnt cut spending it increased it.

2) Great let them override him but the fact remains he put his signature on a lot of spending.

No, he made a lot of tax cutting, and then made a deal with the democrats to increase taxes to fund the giant welfare state they'd built up, in return for a three-for-one reduction on spending, which the libs reneged on. NOW, you repeat your idiot mantra AGAIN, and I'll stomp on it again. :D

3) Not really a staw man.

Riiiiiiiight - the murderous thugs the US has deposed have killed millions of people, but what it's really about is, garsh dang it, we want them to be like us. :D (snicker)

4) Ill assume this means you have no counter argument.

No, assume it means I can't understand garbled streams of words posing as an english sentence.

5) Not those specific soldiers.

Then what soldiers and what holy land - has the US got soldiers in Mecca? I must have missed that.

7) Who cares what others do? We are the US and should make ourselves an example that should be followed not to follow others' examples.

Why should we make an example out of ourselves as appeasers who stand by and yawn while mass murder is happening?

8) Who said anything about magic? The breakdown of the USSR was because of internal problems.

Like what? (This should be good. :D) Hint, einstein: the "internal problems" were just the end phase consequences of an eight year relentless "war" by Reagan on many fronts on the soviet establishment, not a Christmas miracle that appeared out of nowhere after 70 years of a stable soviet empire.
1)No, he made a lot of tax cutting, and then made a deal with the democrats to increase taxes to fund the giant welfare state they'd built up, in return for a three-for-one reduction on spending, which the libs reneged on. NOW, you repeat your idiot mantra AGAIN, and I'll stomp on it again. :D

2)Riiiiiiiight - the murderous thugs the US has deposed have killed millions of people, but what it's really about is, garsh dang it, we want them to be like us. :D (snicker)

3)No, assume it means I can't understand garbled streams of words posing as an english sentence.

4)Then what soldiers and what holy land - has the US got soldiers in Mecca? I must have missed that.

5)Why should we make an example out of ourselves as appeasers who stand by and yawn while mass murder is happening?

6)....Hint, einstein...

1) Yes he did make a lot of tax cut that it a fact but you claimed he cut spending. You shouldnt move the goal post you are liable to get called out on it.

2) So our response to them killing people is for us to go down there and kill more people? :confused: In what world does that make sense? Seriously they go kill people then we go down to kill those people. Then who will go down there to stop us from killing people?

3) I forgive you...

4) You either dont follow coversations very well or are being purposefully difficult. Whatever the case is figure it out Im not going to spoon feed everything to you.

5) Why should we be the superheroes and go running in guns blazing everytime something bad happens?

6) At least attempt to be civil.