Right Wing Delusion


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2007
It has been quite awhile since I consumed any TV or radio political media. Meaning that I listen to music channels on the radio and watch more sports, educational, and movies.

Either way, I am still aware of what happens on them any given day through other sources. I have been watching with some amazement the build up and subsequent gleeful celebrations of these 2009 elections. It has been especially evident here on this site with at least a dozen threads about this off year election.

It makes me wonder just how low the collective political self esteem has dipped among the right wing. You of course can thank the "conservatives" who with thier loud mouthed media personalities managed in what I would see as an overall tie.

On the social issues, gay marraige measures went down. Then of course there is the apparently real nice guy Bob McConnel. I am not surprised he won in a land slide. I think he likely would have won whoever was the President. I would consider him a base Republican, not much RINO in him. Certainly I hope the right relishes in thier victory. Winning back the Governors mansion in Virginia, in a state that has a modern history of the top post switching parties.

Then, I am not sure if any of the "conservatives"--who want to run anyone that isnt as conservative as they are, out of the GOP actually looked at the info surrounding Chris Christie, those they claim are the deepest cuts at Obama. He is more of a RINO than the gal you folks ran out of the race in upstate NY. Christie supports strict enforcement of the current NJ gun laws. Christie certainly is no fan of the 2nd amendment if he supports a near prohibition for a private citizen to be able to protect himself with a handgun.
He doesnt want anyone to have an "assault rifle" including off duty cops.
He supports average law abiding citizens having to apply for, obtain, and keep current a license to not only buy a new firearm, but to have a firearm in your home, even to buy ammo! Want to bring your kids out to plink the .22s?
Apply for the license, wait a few months.

Then of course there is NY23. The "conservatives" ran the gal out of the race. She wasnt Republican enough. They didnt want to follow the normal rules of nominating a candidate, and all of the exact reasons political parties exist in the first place. So they went "rogue". The talking heads decided to turn this one national. Bring in the clowns, they didnt want another RINO, they wanted a Conservative! Instead...

They got a liberal. Yet, somehow, someway, the conservatives seem to think that because they met expectations in Virginia, and got the upset by getting a RINO past an unpoppular incumbent that all has changed and that Obama himself might get voted out of Congress in 2010!;)

Of course in this process the GOP took what would have been a cheap and easy victory in a district that has been so reliable for over a century.
Instead, one outspoken wing of the party in zealot like pursuit of thier own specific agenda ultimately hurt themselves.

It doesnt matter a whole bunch who the Govenor of any given state is because the issues are local. But a seat in Congress, well that is Gold. So the conservatives can jump for joy and flock to the states with GOP leadership, in the meantime, the left in the rest of the country is smiling because that is another vote for thier agenda.
The 'taste/sample' of overbearing/uneducated/right winged nut jobs that we hear so much of around this forum are not at all like the level headed/ honest/truthful/hardworking Republicans that I live and work with...and that is a complete & utter shame. They too are ashamed of the ILK that is being represented by the RUSH LIMBAUGH'S / GLEN BECK'S of the media world and if they weren't so adamant that the GOP will survive and turn their party around they would have bailed years ago {during G.W.B.'s tenure} and switched to INDEPENDENT...but they hold out HOPE that the GOP is going to become more main stream America and find a voice that isn't so extreme and harsh and ignorant!!!

So who's to say that the GOP base isn't HOPING FOR A CHANGE TOO!
It has been quite awhile since I consumed any TV or radio political media. Meaning that I listen to music channels on the radio and watch more sports, educational, and movies.

Either way, I am still aware of what happens on them any given day through other sources. I have been watching with some amazement the build up and subsequent gleeful celebrations of these 2009 elections. It has been especially evident here on this site with at least a dozen threads about this off year election.

It makes me wonder just how low the collective political self esteem has dipped among the right wing. You of course can thank the "conservatives" who with thier loud mouthed media personalities managed in what I would see as an overall tie.

On the social issues, gay marraige measures went down. Then of course there is the apparently real nice guy Bob McConnel. I am not surprised he won in a land slide. I think he likely would have won whoever was the President. I would consider him a base Republican, not much RINO in him. Certainly I hope the right relishes in thier victory. Winning back the Governors mansion in Virginia, in a state that has a modern history of the top post switching parties.

Then, I am not sure if any of the "conservatives"--who want to run anyone that isnt as conservative as they are, out of the GOP actually looked at the info surrounding Chris Christie, those they claim are the deepest cuts at Obama. He is more of a RINO than the gal you folks ran out of the race in upstate NY. Christie supports strict enforcement of the current NJ gun laws. Christie certainly is no fan of the 2nd amendment if he supports a near prohibition for a private citizen to be able to protect himself with a handgun.
He doesnt want anyone to have an "assault rifle" including off duty cops.
He supports average law abiding citizens having to apply for, obtain, and keep current a license to not only buy a new firearm, but to have a firearm in your home, even to buy ammo! Want to bring your kids out to plink the .22s?
Apply for the license, wait a few months.

Then of course there is NY23. The "conservatives" ran the gal out of the race. She wasnt Republican enough. They didnt want to follow the normal rules of nominating a candidate, and all of the exact reasons political parties exist in the first place. So they went "rogue". The talking heads decided to turn this one national. Bring in the clowns, they didnt want another RINO, they wanted a Conservative! Instead...

They got a liberal. Yet, somehow, someway, the conservatives seem to think that because they met expectations in Virginia, and got the upset by getting a RINO past an unpoppular incumbent that all has changed and that Obama himself might get voted out of Congress in 2010!;)

Of course in this process the GOP took what would have been a cheap and easy victory in a district that has been so reliable for over a century.
Instead, one outspoken wing of the party in zealot like pursuit of thier own specific agenda ultimately hurt themselves.

It doesnt matter a whole bunch who the Govenor of any given state is because the issues are local. But a seat in Congress, well that is Gold. So the conservatives can jump for joy and flock to the states with GOP leadership, in the meantime, the left in the rest of the country is smiling because that is another vote for thier agenda.

Please return to your radio, your out of todays "MAINSTREAM" , I know you as an "UNBIASED MODERATOR", were crushed to see radicalism go down in flames this past election, We CONSERVATIVES do not sweat our loss in district 23, It was due to a couple of things , but I need not try and explain it to you it would take you away from your radio. Hey, I know what you can do, call your messiah, ole BOR , go shoot some baskets with him, maybe play some golf and eat some "baked Alaska", just be careful it is not "half baked".
Sorry about your loss, But AMERCA must come first! After all we gave your types Ten months and you failed miserably. Want to bet on the 2010 election outcome? Say "hello" to Sarah , I know you two have a lot in common! Hey! Just a suggestion , While listening to your radio, listen to a song titled "The JERSEY BOUNCE" its is very catchy , and describes how a famous "dribbler " comes into New Jersey , and "DROPS the BALL" .
Another thought! , How can one change the color "BLUE" to "RED"? , just add a littler "barack", lol,lol, YES,,we CONSERVATIVES are gleeful as you say , very gleeful.If you are amazed at our joy now , jusy wait until 2010 elections results are in. WOW!! can you imagine AMERICA FREE and SAFE from the fear of a tyrannicial federal government, Until next NOVEMBER, take care!
The 'taste/sample' of overbearing/uneducated/right winged nut jobs that we hear so much of around this forum are not at all like the level headed/ honest/truthful/hardworking Republicans that I live and work with...and that is a complete & utter shame. They too are ashamed of the ILK that is being represented by the RUSH LIMBAUGH'S / GLEN BECK'S of the media world and if they weren't so adamant that the GOP will survive and turn their party around they would have bailed years ago {during G.W.B.'s tenure} and switched to INDEPENDENT...but they hold out HOPE that the GOP is going to become more main stream America and find a voice that isn't so extreme and harsh and ignorant!!!

So who's to say that the GOP base isn't HOPING FOR A CHANGE TOO!

Sounds like YOU work around some R.I.N.O's --- I think they are an endangered species, look at what happened to the R.I.N.O. in district 23. Actually ,she was a radical liberal disguised as a R.I.N.O. political future for radical liberals running in G.O.P. is not to bright! CONSERVATISM will make that call.We will regain that seat in next election, no problem! PLUS, this election results will cause BLUE DOG democrats to oppose the insane obama policies and fight pelosi!! It just looks GREAT for AMERICA!
Please return to your radio, your out of todays "MAINSTREAM" , I know you as an "UNBIASED MODERATOR", were crushed to see radicalism go down in flames this past election, We CONSERVATIVES do not sweat our loss in district 23, It was due to a couple of things , but I need not try and explain it to you it would take you away from your radio.
....Not to mention your re-living the embarrassment of such a serious butt-whuppin'!!!!!!!!!!!!

"The night's biggest loser was the national conservative political machine -- the wealthy tax-cutters at the Club for Growth and the Palin-Limbaugh-Beck complex. The Beltway Right shoved aside local Republicans in an Upstate New York congressional race, imposed their own candidate who didn't even live in the district, and went down in a heap."

It has been quite awhile since I consumed any TV or radio political media. Meaning that I listen to music channels on the radio and watch more sports, educational, and movies.

Either way, I am still aware of what happens on them any given day through other sources. I have been watching with some amazement the build up and subsequent gleeful celebrations of these 2009 elections. It has been especially evident here on this site with at least a dozen threads about this off year election.

It makes me wonder just how low the collective political self esteem has dipped among the right wing. You of course can thank the "conservatives" who with thier loud mouthed media personalities managed in what I would see as an overall tie.

On the social issues, gay marraige measures went down. Then of course there is the apparently real nice guy Bob McConnel. I am not surprised he won in a land slide. I think he likely would have won whoever was the President. I would consider him a base Republican, not much RINO in him. Certainly I hope the right relishes in thier victory. Winning back the Governors mansion in Virginia, in a state that has a modern history of the top post switching parties.

Then, I am not sure if any of the "conservatives"--who want to run anyone that isnt as conservative as they are, out of the GOP actually looked at the info surrounding Chris Christie, those they claim are the deepest cuts at Obama. He is more of a RINO than the gal you folks ran out of the race in upstate NY. Christie supports strict enforcement of the current NJ gun laws. Christie certainly is no fan of the 2nd amendment if he supports a near prohibition for a private citizen to be able to protect himself with a handgun.
He doesnt want anyone to have an "assault rifle" including off duty cops.
He supports average law abiding citizens having to apply for, obtain, and keep current a license to not only buy a new firearm, but to have a firearm in your home, even to buy ammo! Want to bring your kids out to plink the .22s?
Apply for the license, wait a few months.

Then of course there is NY23. The "conservatives" ran the gal out of the race. She wasnt Republican enough. They didnt want to follow the normal rules of nominating a candidate, and all of the exact reasons political parties exist in the first place. So they went "rogue". The talking heads decided to turn this one national. Bring in the clowns, they didnt want another RINO, they wanted a Conservative! Instead...

They got a liberal. Yet, somehow, someway, the conservatives seem to think that because they met expectations in Virginia, and got the upset by getting a RINO past an unpoppular incumbent that all has changed and that Obama himself might get voted out of Congress in 2010!;)

Of course in this process the GOP took what would have been a cheap and easy victory in a district that has been so reliable for over a century.
Instead, one outspoken wing of the party in zealot like pursuit of thier own specific agenda ultimately hurt themselves.

It doesnt matter a whole bunch who the Govenor of any given state is because the issues are local. But a seat in Congress, well that is Gold. So the conservatives can jump for joy and flock to the states with GOP leadership, in the meantime, the left in the rest of the country is smiling because that is another vote for thier agenda.

All of the races matter. The reason is that is changes momentum. President Obama visited New Jersey something like five times, and the Democrats outspent the Republicans 3:1 in the state, and still lost. Clearly there are limits to the President's popularity.

Additionally, in the NY-23, if not for a splitting of the vote, the Democrats would not have taken the seat.

Traditionally, in midterms the out of power party picks up seats. Coming on the heels of this shift in momentum, there is no indication this trend will not continue in 2010.