Fuck Kamala Harris

As if your vote would spin the earth off it's axis.
You really are a dumbass if you think this intimidates me. I’ve already admitted countless times that one of these useless assholes is most likely going to win. But if neither deserves to win then voters have every right to “spoil” it for either side by voting third party or not voting at all. I’m not sorry this upsets you.
You really are a dumbass if you think this intimidates me. I’ve already admitted countless times that one of these useless assholes is most likely going to win. But if neither deserves to win then voters have every right to “spoil” it for either side by voting third party or not voting at all. I’m not sorry this upsets you.
But you will vote? Even if you right your name in? Now don’t write “fuck you” Micky mouse or someone like that. Or whomever you like. Deal? 👍🏻
You really are a dumbass if you think this intimidates me. I’ve already admitted countless times that one of these useless assholes is most likely going to win. But if neither deserves to win then voters have every right to “spoil” it for either side by voting third party or not voting at all. I’m not sorry this upsets you.
As I said, your opinion means nothing other than to a stray dog.

Why tell your little heart felt stories of frustrations to people? Who gives a toss about your opinion?
You're an erratic nothing.
I tried to be strategic but I just can’t stomach her. The damage is already done. The mask if off completely for me on our entire system of government. Everyone should go to the site trackaipac.com. They are such a threat to democracy. They’ve spent so much more on democrats than republicans because republicans are inherently on their side and on board with this fucked up shit. But they’re controlling the Democratic Party so much that I feel it’s become rotten to the core. They even managed to get AOC gaslighting at the DNC saying Kamala is working tirelessly to get a ceasefire deal done. AOC of all people. One of the few people who ever gave me faith in this system made me feel so betrayed.
"Since World War II, the United States economy has performed significantly better on average under the administration of Democratic presidents than Republican presidents."
I think I’ve made up my mind. I’m not voting for the heartless bitch. The republican cop candidate who once pretended to be a progressive in 2020 only for it to fall apart when exposed by horrible ass grifter Tulsi Gabbard. But that’s the thing, if Tulsi Gabbard’s sorry ass can wreck you like that then you definitely don’t have a good record. And now she’s the cop again. She’s going to be tough on immigration and even wants to build a wall like Trump. And most of all there’s the genocide, that she will continue to aid and enable. She’s steering wherever the donors want her to (which is to the right mostly). This is a horrible election.
I have decided that I do not give one single damn whom you vote for.
You know that any vote for anyone other than Harris or not voting at all helps Trump.
Democrats give free money! Stimulus checks etc. Nothing is free! Harris wins, you will see massive changes in more ways than one! I did not qualify for stimulus but I’m sure people on both sides cashed that check!
The immigrants are already receiving massive, but again, if Harris wins, money will be spent more than ever before in our government! Do you know why? I would like to see if you know why.
Democrats give free money! Stimulus checks etc. Nothing is free! Harris wins, you will see massive changes in more ways than one! I did not qualify for stimulus but I’m sure people on both sides cashed that check!
The immigrants are already receiving massive, but again, if Harris wins, money will be spent more than ever before in our government! Do you know why? I would like to see if you know why.
Immigrants are at most given a month or so room and board, not massive amounts. How much did Trump spend on maintaining the totally useless war in Afghanistan for four years? Thousands of Afghanis were killed or forced to leave their homes.

Why should the government pay for benefits to people in need? Duh.
I have decided that I do not give one single damn whom you vote for.
You know that any vote for anyone other than Harris or not voting at all helps Trump.
That’s your logic. But I’ll say back that a vote for Harris or Trump helps keep the genocide going regardless of empty words or fake sympathy from Harris. Trump will just be more honest about who he is with it.