Frenemies: U.S. ally in hot seat after bin Laden found in Pakistani army town


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
U.S. officials have left little doubt that they did not sufficiently trust their counterparts in Pakistan to keep quiet on the plan to send a team of U.S. special forces and CIA operatives into the country on Sunday to kill Osama bin Laden. And now that the whole world knows U.S. forces found and killed bin Laden in a large, conspicuously fortified compound in an affluent Pakistani military town less than forty miles from the Pakistani capital of Islamabad, American officials are likewise making it clear that they don't fully buy the Pakistani government's see-no-evil line on bin Laden's whereabouts. It's hard for Pakistani military leaders in particular to make a credible case that they were shocked--shocked!--to learn bin Laden was right there under their noses; the Paksitani army, after all, has a college in Abbottabad only a few hundred feet from the compound where bin Laden was found and killed.

"It's inconceivable that Bin Laden did not have a support system inside the country," White House counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan told journalists at the White House press conference Monday.

Bin Laden's "presence outside the capital raises questions we are discussing with Pakistani officials," he said. But Pakistani officials profess themselves to be "as surprised as we were that bin Laden was holding out in that area," he added.

I Knew Pervez Musharraf was lying !! Remember back in 2004 he said Bin Laden is dead? He was protecting him. Should the U.S arrest him for giving false infomation? Well thats what the Police do when they caught you lying to them.
So why are we fighting a war in Afghanistan? All the terrorists are in Pakistan. The Taliban have never show themselves to be our enemy. They did nothing to the US until we came in and start shooting up their towns and throwing out their President.

I say, let's go in and take the nuclear weapons out of Pakistan and destroy all the equipment used to make them. Maybe we take out the scientists who know how to make the nuclear weapons too. We can give the scientists the $3 Billion we give each year to Pakistan and let Afghanistan and Pakistan, and their corrupt governments shoot it out with each. We can sell then the weapons.

Now is the time to wrap up this whole South Asia military operation. Let them fight it out alone.
I Agree hobo. We should send the troops home cause our objective was to capture or kill Bin Laden mission accomplished!!! Now if the Terrorist want to attack us again on our soil i say TRY IT! its much tougher now than 9-11. Cause now we have task force agents to track down and put a tail on terrorist suspects. Remember the Times Square bomber was caught before that truck ignited? Remember the Underwear bomber caught before he could act? And the Highjacking attempt and the Italians captured him? If we can kill bin laden we can also kill Hugo Chavez,Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,Kim Jung and kill Muammar Gaddafi. The U.S now have high intelligence and high advanced technology to track down where they are. Remember no terrorist are safe nor they can hide from the C.I.A They cant even hide from our Military.Remember what Reagan said?