Doctor Who Helped Find Bin Laden Given Jail Term

I think Paakistan has a point here. The doctor cooperated with a foreign intelligence agency to aid in the capture of a person residing in Pakistan. If someone here aided China in capturing a US citizen, or even an illegal immigrant working here, it would be clear that it was treason.

There are two take-aways: 1. Pakistan is taking the side of Bin Laden rather than the US. and 2. Pakistan took Bin Ladens side before he was captured too.
I think Pakistan has a point here. The doctor cooperated with a foreign intelligence agency to aid in the capture of a person residing in Pakistan. If someone here aided China in capturing a US citizen, or even an illegal immigrant working here, it would be clear that it was treason.

There are two take-aways: 1. Pakistan is taking the side of Bin Laden rather than the US. and 2. Pakistan took Bin Ladens side before he was captured too.

yes what he did was improper and we knew it, ergo you get him out as quickly as possible
Like Bill ORelly said,,Cut the aid from Pakistan and give it to India. Pakistans enemy.

I am not supporter of Pakistan.Good friend never leave another friend.In past done American great job.If Pakistan did not help Afghan rebel against Suvait Union,America never broke down Suvait Union.So never leave Pakistan for a stable world.
This is not a good job.Pakistan should give award to the doctor.The doctor had a good job to find most ferocious terrorist to save us.