Well-Known Member
Then you really:Oh please...........and here is another difference between progressives and conservatives. Conservatives have known for decades the news media was and is terribly biased, but progressives think it was and is just right. So, when conservatives claim bias progressives are incapable of believing it.
Check out They categorize the medias bias every day.
And when progressives see Fox News they are appalled that such and organization can exist. Their brains are so wired tight lefty that they can't accept a moderate to right wing point of view.
A. don't know about what you speak
B. still haven't provided any proof for your extreme bias
c. grew up with the likes of Rush Limbaugh reverberating around your crib/high chair/play pen
d. missed out on the opportunity to here the 'REAL NEWS' from the grand old guard of Walter Cronkite and his age group and for that you'll never ever have a unbiased idea about what news is & should be...FACTUAL - NOT FICTION