How many times do I need to condem the SNL skit to make you happy? I have at least twice now said so. It was over the line. But I remember Hillary getting taken to task about not giving Bill what he needs in the bedroom, and maybe it was because she is a lesbian, or a prude or any number of other things.
Then there was the case of the kid on the college campus who asked Chelsea about how she felt during the whole Lewinsky thing, and while said at the time, she has the right to not answer, she shouldnt be surprised by that type of question when she chooses to make herself a public figure.
My point being is that political satire goes both ways, and in in many cases it goes to far, especially when it involves the children of the politicians. Especially when the kids have no choice in being paraded in front of the media.
Oh this is rich!

You have 4thousand something posts the majority of which are nothing but attacks on one certain person and everyone that surrounds him. There have been more than a few times when I have defended Palin even in the last week, I did so in a thread I created about the idiotic Ashley Judd commercial, and also in the thread about the severe food and fuel issues that are happening right now in Alaska. I dont have such a deep rooted ideological mindset as to disagree with everything someone does, based on principal alone.
You are so biased, it is very scary.