Fear of Trump doesn’t justify covering up a genocide.

Do you think that Hamas would spare anyone of those lives that wave their flags for Palestinians if or when they attack Americans? Harris can care less for those people. Either side. Those foreign leaders will eat her damn lunch if she gets in office. They do not want Trump because they know exactly what would happen. You are a poor soul! They will probably kill Trump! Hate to see what would happen then! Hypocrisy will kick in! Then watch America! I have a feeling it’s not going to be pretty!
World War no doubt because of Biden and Harris! America divided! Let’s see what sude you choose! 😂😂😂 Good luck!
Hamas does not attack Americans.
Trump is a blathering weakling who cannot control his bowels or his flapping mouth.
Trump should solve the chaos and nonsense he has caused by offing himself.
A Trump-free world would be a far better place.
That’s sort of the main point of this last year. Democrats are still in this find out phase and it’s really sad to watch. The supposed party of civil rights has been hijacked by zionists and lost all of its moral high ground against Trump in the process. What are we to do? Well for starters all you democrat voters who aren’t Zionist should’ve been protesting Butcher Biden this whole time. If there had been a majority of the democrat voter base showing out in these protests then Joe Biden maybe would’ve had enough pressure to stop this madness. But no. You had to have this basic ass fear of orange man spearheaded by the DNC. So now orange man might take over you heartless pricks. And I think it’s a damn shame that all of these people had to die and perhaps democracy does end because you chose to cover for senile Joe Biden. Because you only ever cared about yourself and what’s good for your agenda. Well fuck you.
I hear you. I really do. The situation in gaza is inhumane and unbearable for those who care about human rights and humanity. i do not question your passion and the pain that you say you feel.

but even in the case of gaza i say dems have a relative, RELATIVE, highER moral ground compared to trump. they are pressuring or at least seemingly pressuring israel while trump says he will tell putin to do whatever he wants with nato members. i share your pain wrt gaza and i will add that i also feel real pain wrt ukraine.

also realize this: there is no question that netanyahoo wants trump to win and will be much more brutal if trump wins. most people think if harris wins, netanyhoo days might be numbered.
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I hear you. I really do. The situation in gaza is inhumane and unbearable for those who care about human rights and humanity. i do not question your passion and the pain that you say you feel.

but even in the case of gaza i say dems have a relative, RELATIVE, highER moral ground compared to trump. they are pressuring or at least seemingly pressuring israel while trump says he will tell putin to do whatever he wants with nato members. i share your pain wrt gaza and i will add that i also feel real pain wrt ukraine.

also realize this: there is no question that netanyahoo wants trump to win and will be much more brutal if trump wins. most people think if harris wins, netanyhoo days might be numbered.
Netanyahu is pretty much gong to lose his next election. He allowed Qatar to donate to Hamas because Hamas was against a two state solution. And they spent the money on rockets and tunnels. Netanyahu failed to make the Israel Gaza border strong enough to resist Hamas. But it is Israeli politics that will doom Netanyahu, not any American politician.
Hamas does not attack Americans.
Trump is a blathering weakling who cannot control his bowels or his flapping mouth.
Trump should solve the chaos and nonsense he has caused by offing himself.
A Trump-free world would be a far better place.
Wow that was nice. It really does not matter who is in office. They only care for themselves. Why in the hell do you think the border is wide open for people to come here. You think they care about immigration! Right! The vote! That’s it! All of them. World leaders as well! All a big game.
Oh and by the way, stay dry and safe over there. I know you could care less but anyway. Just saying.
Just repeating the commonality between the two sides and then implying “both sides” is at best misleading and at worst gaslighting and unamerican. Here are some stark differences:

- only one side salivates over dictatorship and dictators
- only one side wants to suspend the constitution
- only one side sends their goons to the capitol tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power process
- only one side would not concede defeat in election after it was obvious they lost and dozens of courts dismissed their claims
- only one side gave us the Obamacare that has insured millions and removed pre existing conditions while the other side tried dozen of times to reverse it and promised plans in two weeks many times and never made even a proposal. Then after 10 years said they have a concept of a plan.

Just repeating the commonality between the two sides and then implying “both sides” is at best misleading and at worst gaslighting and unamerican. Here are some stark differences:

- only one side salivates over dictatorship and dictators
- only one side wants to suspend the constitution
- only one side sends their goons to the capitol tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power process
- only one side would not concede defeat in election after it was obvious they lost and dozens of courts dismissed their claims
- only one side gave us the Obamacare that has insured millions and removed pre existing conditions while the other side tried dozen of times to reverse it and promised plans in two weeks many times and never made even a proposal. Then after 10 years said they have a concept of a plan.

1)Please post Trump stating about the constitution.
2) Obamacare he kept it because they did not come up with anything better so he kept it and will keep it unless a better plan is offered. Per Debate! Look it up!
3) Jan 6th.. much more to it will come out! Mark my words!
As far as for gaslighting, you got that term from them because that’s exactly how they are playing. “Gaslighting”! Others post crap here trying to set off people. You just act as though you are one that knows all. No sir! Or call one down when you do not agree.
4) Dictator? I posted that interview with Hannity. You choose to believe what CNN posted.
It’s what Harris is campaigning on! She will go to the border this evening, 7:30 pm their time! Why do you think that time? lol! She will lie about the border bill! But it’s on her!

They are liars! Is Trump perfect? Never said he was! He at least looks one in the eye and says what he will do and how. Like it or not. Not “holistic” comments. She is a decoy just like Biden. You want to play duck duck goose, we’ll vote for Harris and her puppet masters. Be ready us all I have to say. They are playing games and it’s on Americans.

Gaslighting is most offensive when there’s people dying like in Palestine. Trump did gaslight all the time about policies that were bad for the country and to cover his own racism. But the democrats have been gaslighting about a genocide. So I’m more offended by the democrats doing it. Especially since they’re the side who shouldn’t even be supporting this shit.
Gaslighting is most offensive when there’s people dying like in Palestine. Trump did gaslight all the time about policies that were bad for the country and to cover his own racism. But the democrats have been gaslighting about a genocide. So I’m more offended by the democrats doing it. Especially since they’re the side who shouldn’t even be supporting this shit.
Understand and if Harris is in, what do you feel will happen?
Understand and if Harris is in, what do you feel will happen?
One reason I might vote for her is I feel she can be pushed better than Biden who’s clearly a hardened zionist. Kamala is an opportunist. She goes wherever the wind is blowing. A quality I don’t normally respect. But perhaps a lesser evil regarding the Palestine situation. If she gets elected and we keep protesting she might at least cut off aid and money to Israel. Especially if she sees it’ll make her a one term president. If she can even get that far with this shit going on. Netanyahu wants this genocide/fake war (will be war if Iran truly gets involved) to go on forever so that he can stay out of prison. So unfortunately we have a lot of time to keep pressuring whoever is president.
I’d say we can’t pressure Trump on this issue but when Iran decides they’ve had enough and truly start a war with Israel our Troops are going to die for this shit. It’s already being set up out there. And that’s when I think you’ll see people on both sides come out against Zionist Israel.
One reason I might vote for her is I feel she can be pushed better than Biden who’s clearly a hardened zionist. Kamala is an opportunist. She goes wherever the wind is blowing. A quality I don’t normally respect. But perhaps a lesser evil regarding the Palestine situation. If she gets elected and we keep protesting she might at least cut off aid and money to Israel. Especially if she sees it’ll make her a one term president. If she can even get that far with this shit going on. Netanyahu wants this genocide/fake war (will be war if Iran truly gets involved) to go on forever so that he can stay out of prison. So unfortunately we have a lot of time to keep pressuring whoever is president.
Yes. She seems like not to take sides. Find Israel but concerned for Palestinians. If Iran gets further involved, sadly a bigger war.