Elitist Alec Baldwin will go to trial.

i have plenty of compassion, mor.on. I just dont go around blaming people because they are famous, without cause.

what was alec's specific negligence here? is he responsible for all actions by everyone on the set, yes or not?
So you’re against a trial happening for him then? I’m saying that there is something there that a jury needs to look at and calling him out on his entitled outlook about it.
So- called "Christian patriots" are hatemongers. This is not, and never has been, Christian country. Religion does not belong in governments. Hillary got more votes that Diapered Don, they just were not living in the proper places.

She would have been a far better president than Trump.
The core of MAGA is hate against a huge number of Americans.
Maganauts feel they need a loud leader to justify their hatred of women's rights. immigrants, minorities and LBTQ people.
Marxist rebels, looters, and rioters falsely claim Christians are a threat to democracy. The Marxists lie because that is what they do.
Marxist rebels, looters, and rioters falsely claim Christians are a threat to democracy. The Marxists lie because that is what they do.
If they were really Marxists, they would be advocating nationalizing the means of production. They have not done this. You are hopelessly ignorant.

Trump is a threat to democracy. He has said he wants to be dictator. He has called everyone in the Democratic Party "vermin"He wants a war on gays.
Hillary said some of her critics were deplorable. She did not mention Christians. Hillary is a better Christian than Trump, Melania and silly silly Mark Francis.
If they were really Marxists, they would be advocating nationalizing the means of production. They have not done this. You are hopelessly ignorant.

Trump is a threat to democracy. He has said he wants to be dictator. He has called everyone in the Democratic Party "vermin"He wants a war on gays.
I believe Trump will help oppose destructive changes democrats are making to our courts, to our economy, to our businesses, to our freedom, to our national sovereignty, to our elections, and to our rights under the Constitution.
He was a producer on the set so he was responsible for safety as well. He wasn’t just an actor.
I understand that. Look I don't. like his politics at all but I could not find him guilty.
I have taught shooting to many many people from around the world and know what gun safety is .And I carried a gun for 20 years professionally