Elitist Alec Baldwin will go to trial.

Baldwin wasn't a Boy Scout. I was and one thing I remember was that (a) assume any gun is loaded, and (b) don't point it at anyone,
But I will let the jury decide.
A actor practicing with a gun that the armorer just gave him Do you think a actor is going to practice gun safety on a movie set or even know how to tell if it was loaded.
Common sense you have not
A actor practicing with a gun that the armorer just gave him Do you think a actor is going to practice gun safety on a movie set or even know how to tell if it was loaded.
Common sense you have not
He was a producer on the set so he was responsible for safety as well. He wasn’t just an actor.
He was a producer on the set so he was responsible for safety as well. He wasn’t just an actor.

how was he negligent as a producer? are you saying producers are criminally liable for every action by every employee on the set? If someone stole something would you arrest him for that too?
So let there be a trial. Baldwin was careless. He did not deliberately kill anyone. Let the jury hear ALL the evidence and decide this.
What would I do? I don't have adequate evidence. It is not my call.
If he did not mean to kill anyone then Democrats can use that excuse to let him off without a trial like Comey forgave Hillary for her violations of federal laws, in the violation of which she meant no harm.
If he did not mean to kill anyone then Democrats can use that excuse to let him off without a trial like Comey forgave Hillary for her violations of federal laws, in the violation of which she meant no harm.
Accidents aren't criminal
Intent is important legal mor.on
Hillary would have made a fine president in my opinion. And it was a majority opinion. But Hillary is history, we might as well be calling for another JFK assassination investigation.

The future is what is important, and Trump wants to abolish democracy. He will again refuse to accept a loss and will try to seize power.
how was he negligent as a producer? are you saying producers are criminally liable for every action by every employee on the set? If someone stole something would you arrest him for that too?
Look a non celebrity died. Have some compassion for them and their family and not just side with famous guy.
Hillary would have made a fine president in my opinion. And it was a majority opinion. But Hillary is history, we might as well be calling for another JFK assassination investigation.

The future is what is important, and Trump wants to abolish democracy. He will again refuse to accept a loss and will try to seize power.
I voted for Hilary and I wish I could go back in time and take that vote back after hearing her recent comments on Gaza. People like her are a big reason people who could be democrats go and vote Republican. She’s an unlikeable elitist c*** just like Margret Thatcher.
Hillary would have made a fine president in my opinion. And it was a majority opinion. But Hillary is history, we might as well be calling for another JFK assassination investigation.

The future is what is important, and Trump wants to abolish democracy. He will again refuse to accept a loss and will try to seize power.
Hillary was open about her hatred for conservative Christian patriots.
Hillary was open about her hatred for conservative Christian patriots.
She’s open about her hate for progressives too. Especially after she lost because they didn’t turn out for her. That’s one thing that helps me get along with conservatives when I meet them in real life and they talk to me about politics is trash talking Hilary Clinton. It’s a nice common ground I guess.
Look a non celebrity died. Have some compassion for them and their family and not just side with famous guy.
i have plenty of compassion, mor.on. I just dont go around blaming people because they are famous, without cause.

what was alec's specific negligence here? is he responsible for all actions by everyone on the set, yes or not?
Hillary was open about her hatred for conservative Christian patriots.
So- called "Christian patriots" are hatemongers. This is not, and never has been, Christian country. Religion does not belong in governments. Hillary got more votes that Diapered Don, they just were not living in the proper places.

She would have been a far better president than Trump.
The core of MAGA is hate against a huge number of Americans.
Maganauts feel they need a loud leader to justify their hatred of women's rights. immigrants, minorities and LBTQ people.