Blagojevich retrial?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Uncertainty surrounds Blagojevich retrial

With the ink barely dry on the verdict forms signed by the divided jury at Rod Blagojevich's corruption trial, prosecutors and defense lawyers began posturing for Round 2.

The government, led by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, immediately promised to try Blagojevich again after jurors Tuesday failed to reach a verdict on 23 of the 24 counts. Blagojevich blasted the prosecutors' effort as a "persecution," and his attorneys attacked the cost of the government having another jury hear the evidence.

A day later, all that was clear was that Blagojevich would have another day in court. What was less certain was what changes could be made to the prosecution case next time around, who would represent the governor at his retrial and how that defense would be paid for.

Experts differed on what the government might do as it makes another attempt at proving Blagojevich tried to leverage the powers of his office -- including the appointment of a U.S. senator to fill the seat once held by President Barack Obama -- to enrich himself and his campaign fund.

I think next trial should be held in Las Vegas. Just like O.J Simpson didnt get away with his crimes 2nd time around. Vegas is a great place to retry crime cases.Cause they dont have stupid juries like south central Los Angeles or in Chicago.
Uncertainty surrounds Blagojevich retrial

With the ink barely dry on the verdict forms signed by the divided jury at Rod Blagojevich's corruption trial, prosecutors and defense lawyers began posturing for Round 2.

The government, led by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, immediately promised to try Blagojevich again after jurors Tuesday failed to reach a verdict on 23 of the 24 counts. Blagojevich blasted the prosecutors' effort as a "persecution," and his attorneys attacked the cost of the government having another jury hear the evidence.

A day later, all that was clear was that Blagojevich would have another day in court. What was less certain was what changes could be made to the prosecution case next time around, who would represent the governor at his retrial and how that defense would be paid for.

Experts differed on what the government might do as it makes another attempt at proving Blagojevich tried to leverage the powers of his office -- including the appointment of a U.S. senator to fill the seat once held by President Barack Obama -- to enrich himself and his campaign fund.

I think next trial should be held in Las Vegas. Just like O.J Simpson didnt get away with his crimes 2nd time around. Vegas is a great place to retry crime cases.Cause they dont have stupid juries like south central Los Angeles or in Chicago.

The prosecution failed to persuade the jury that Blago was actually guilty on any except one small count. If they have a solid case, why was it not presented?
oddly the administration has pretty little say in what courts do...if that was the case , companies would not be free to spend billions drowning out the people with political money now.

Yeah :) Its just a lucky break that chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett who were both on a number of the tapes did not have to testify.

obama and his staff are so dang lucky they should buy lotto tickets
If the full case would drag in chief of staff or others who work for this administration it might not have been worth it to them?

If there is no case, why bother to try him at all then? If there is a case, why not present it?